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Geekbook 1.2 Stable released!

  • Tuesday, June 04 2002 @ 04:18 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 7,095
Announcements This version improves significantly over the previous versions. If upgrading, view upgrade.txt and follow the instructions carefully. This is the last release of geekbook 1.x with geekbook 2 coming out sometime late July. I'm working on two new plugins set to release soon so look out! New features include...
  • Ability to lock geekbook(only visible to admin(s) )
  • Improved archiving. Pages are only linked if user is not already on the page. Prev and Next links stay on and are improved as well.
  • You will be able to change GeekBook directory to say something like 'Guestbook' and all of the scripts associated with geekbook will recognize that directory.
  • Oh yeah, also a new smiley. (use :love: for heart) and two secret smilies.

Download it here.