Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 05:15 pm EST

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Hello - I am having a really difficult time installing GL 1.3.5. I have read everything I can find and followed it to the letter. I have read the FAQ and searched for help but nothing seems to solve my problem... The install proceedure went fine but none of the pages will display. I just get this message ------------------------ Parse error: parse error in /home/ultramon/public_html/lib-common.php on line 2621 Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: template in /home/ultramon/public_html/lib-common.php on line 335 ------------------------ I am pretty sure all the paths are correct (I have checked and checked them). I just don't know what to do now. The URL of the site is http://www.bargainhosts.co.uk/~ultramon/ Please help, Steve

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I could be wrong, but I thought this was because of whitespace at the end of the file.


yes - I read what you wrote about that (I have done my homework Smile ) but it does not seem to make any difference. So frustrating.

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you could try emailing the list, or just wait a little while, and I'm sure Tony or Dirk will come to the rescue

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Seems like he gave up and installed something else instead (at least nothing *Nuke-based, AFAICT ;-)

bye, Dirk



Sorry - I did give in, just got frustrated. If you have any ideas what the problem may have been I am definately up for giving it another shot. At the moment I am just experimenting with other stuff, all is not lost.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany

That error you got, parse error in line so-and-so, might have come from a corrupted file. Usually, if the paths are not correct, you get errors much earlier in lib-common.php (i.e. lower line numbers). That is my best guess, given the information from your post.

Next time you run into this sort of trouble, you might want to come into IRC (channel #geeklog on host irc.openprojects.net) and someone there will be able to help you.

bye, Dirk



Well - thanks to the IRC channel and an nice Australian called MLimburg I have got my install working. It seems that by unpacking the .tar with Winzip is a no-no. Use WinRar if you are on and Windows platform uploading to Unix. All my parse problems are a thing of the past. I also recommend taking your time - if it fails first time, do it again, carefully. Thanks for your help guys Smile

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