Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 12:51 pm EST

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error.log produced by menu plugin


Hi, I've just installed menu plugin 1.61 to test. The installation was sucessful, the menus and the links with these menus run smooth. But I notice that every click produce error.log as follows: Mon Dec 16 21:24:24 2002 - SELECT * FROM mnu_index WHERE ((perm_anon >= 3) OR (perm_members >= 2) OR ((group_id = 2) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 4) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 7) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 11) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 5) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 13) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 12) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 15) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 10) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 8) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 1) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 14) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 3) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 6) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 9) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 16) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((owner_id = 2) AND (perm_owner >= 2))) AND (lang = '') ORDER BY m_pos ASC Mon Dec 16 21:24:24 2002 - nrows = 2 <> language = My question: Is this harmful? what mistakes would this be? TIA! ...XX

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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 405
Location:Urbandale, Iowa
Probably not. This looks like debug code to me. Your logs may fill up quick though so you may want to find where that specifc instance of COM_errorLog() is and comment it out.---The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.

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Registered: 08/12/02
Posts: 300
Tony is right it is just debug code that I forgot to take out. You can get a new functions.inc with the debug removed from CVS here.


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Thnaks Tony & tomw, I'll get it from CVS. ...XX

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