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I can't send mail to Logget_In_User


I can't send mail to Logget_In_User

It's form errol.log

Fri Oct 15 19:18:13 2004 - [pear_error: message="unable to add recipient [mgodzinaATpoczta.onet.pl]: Invalid response code received from server" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]


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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
First of all, it's not nice to post other people's email addresses here. I've edited your post somewhat ...

Second, please give us more information. What are your email settings in config.php? Do the other email functions work (sending passwords for new users, emailing stories, etc.)?

bye, Dirk


Only one e-mail to Me as a Korneusz is work, but the second to me as a Admin is not working. The registrations is good, but sending passwords for new users is not work because they don't get mail. I check up it.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Start with the FAQ.

bye, Dirk


When I set Email it's work but by smtp it's not work ...hmmm


K. B. Zod

I'm also experiencing email problems with a similar error message (email modified for privacy):

Text Formatted Code
[pear_error: message="unable to add recipient [x@y.com]: Invalid response code received from server" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]

This seems to happen across all email functions in Geeklog. I'm running 1.3.9sr1, and I have it set to use SMTP for outgoing email (again, username/password altered):

Text Formatted Code

    // SMTP parameters (for 'backend' => 'smtp')
    'host'     => 'outgoing.verizon.net',
    'port'     => '25',
    'auth'     => true,
    'username' => 'myaccount',
    'password' => 'mypassword'


I did some troubleshooting, and it appears that I cannot send email outside the verizon.net domain. This is kind of strange as Mozilla can do it just fine. It could be some SMTP nuance causing the failure, but I don't know how to check for that (turn on a log, whatever). Any ideas?

Thanks in advance (and thanks for Geeklog!),

K. B. Zod


Try setting 'auth' to false, usually smpt-servers don't require authentication. It helped me!

K. B. Zod

Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, I'm still getting the same error. That probably does mean, though, that the Verizon SMTP server I use doesn't require authentication.

K. B. Zod

Quote by K. B. Zod: Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, I'm still getting the same error. That probably does mean, though, that the Verizon SMTP server I use doesn't require authentication.

Actually, let me amend that. The SMTP server does require authentication. I checked that with Mozilla and by double-checking Geeklog with auth=false (maybe I didn't restart Apache? ). So that does need to be on, it appears.

K.B. Zod

I figured out how to turn on debugging in the Net_SMTP class. The error I am getting for addresses outside Verizon is:

Text Formatted Code
550 relaying mail to (domain) is not allowed

where (domain) is the email domain of the recipient. Any magic way to avoid this?

K. B. Zod

OK, I figured it out. The problem was twofold.

First, I had $_CONF['site_mail'] set to a non-Verizon email address. This would prevent their SMTP host from relaying.

Second, $_CONF['site-name'] for me has a period in it (it's my domain name). This caused problems with PEAR's parsing of the from address that Geeklog was constructing from it and causing it to show up as just the @ sign. So, since this wasn't a Verizon email address either, it wouldn't relay. I changed COM_mail in lib-common.php to put double quotes around that and it worked.

This seems related to an older Geeklog bug #182...


Maybe if I had upgraded my installation this would be avoided. Oh well, it works now.


Was this problem ever resolved? I have the email problem where new users who sign up don't recieve emails. I have the backend on 'smtp' and i already tried 'mail' and 'sendmail' but nothing worked.

with 'smtp' on authentication 'true' port 25, i get the following error:

[pear_error: message=" authentication failure [SMTP: SMTP server does no support authentication (code: 250, response: mail6.infinology.net PIPELINING 8BITMIME SIZE 52428800)]" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]

I understand that
$_CONF['site_mail'] and $_CONF['site-name']
are both in lib-common.php. What I want to know is if changing those things will help me resolve my problem. I have already tried contacting my web host provider but they usually don't respond quickly. This problem is driving me crazy. PLEASE PLEASE any suggestions?


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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The bit about $_CONF['site_name'] has long been fixed.

And if none of the available email options work for you, you will have to take it up with your hosting service.

bye, Dirk

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