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Resetting database like the Geeklog Demo

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I'd like to set up a demo site like the one used by the Geeklog Demo to show prospective clients. Is there a script that I can download that will reset the database? Or would I have to write my own?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
There's nothing special about that script. It's a cronjob that drops the database, creates a new one, imports the backup of the original state, and deletes a few files (uploaded userphotos, etc.). That's all.

bye, Dirk

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Ok, I guess that sounds simple enough, I'll work on it to see what I can do.

Thanks Dirk

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A file example would be cool to see Dirk.

If your willing.
Mr. Green

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Text Formatted Code

cd /path/to/geeklog/restore

/usr/local/bin/mysql -ugeeklog-user -ppasswd -e 'DROP DATABASE geeklog_demo;'
/usr/local/bin/mysql -ugeeklog-user -ppasswd -e 'CREATE DATABASE geeklog_demo;'
/usr/local/bin/mysql -ugeeklog-user -ppasswd -D geeklog_demo < backup.sql

cd ..

rm -f backups/*.sql

cd /path/to/geeklog/public_html

rm -f images/articles/*
rm -f images/userphotos/*

rm -f backend/*

touch backend/geeklog.rdf
chmod 666 backend/geeklog.rdf

As I said, nothing sophisticated in that script ...

Two important notes:
  1. Don't install the File Management plugin on a demo site - it could be used to upload, approve, and execute scripts

  2. Disable PHP in Static Pages in the plugin's config.php file. Otherwise, anyone could just enter and execute arbitrary PHP scripts

bye, Dirk


Hi, Dirk.

I tried the script you provided, and I get the following output:

Text Formatted Code

/path/to/geeklog/restore/cronjob.txt: line 5: /usr/local/bin/mysql: is a directory
/path/to/geeklog/restore/cronjob.txt: line 6: /usr/local/bin/mysql: is a directory
/path/to/geeklog/restore/cronjob.txt: line 7: /usr/local/bin/mysql: is a directory


The database continues to be intact (I created an extra story which is not in the backup.sql file so I could see the difference).

Is there any reason why the cronjob would simply validate the existance of the directory rather than perform the task at hand? Is this something I need to address with my host?

This is my first time working with a cronjob.


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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
As the error message says: /usr/local/bin/mysql appears to be a directory instead of the mysql executable. While that's a bit odd, you'll have to find out where the executable resides (ask your hosting service if you can't figure it out).

bye, Dirk


Oops. That's my mistake. When I read the script I thought I was supposed to point to the mysql directory. I'll ask them for the path to the mysql executable.



It turns out my host doesn't allow access to the mysql executable for security reasons. Is there any other way I can automate the dropping, creating and populating of the database?



After much more trial and error and some work with PHP, it turns out it was not working because of the "/usr/local/bin/". Once I got rid of that (I also didn't need the first two lines), everything worked perfectly!


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