Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, February 06 2025 @ 09:53 am EST

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hi dirk,
what does this mean?

while taking back up....There was an error.
incorrect path or mysqldump utility not executable.
Check $_DB_mysqldump_path definition in config.php.
Variable currently defined as: /usr/bin/mysqldump

how do i rectify this error?



I am working on a linux server

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Quote by santosh: hi dirk,
what does this mean?

while taking back up....There was an error.
incorrect path or mysqldump utility not executable.
Check $_DB_mysqldump_path definition in config.php.
Variable currently defined as: /usr/bin/mysqldump

how do i rectify this error?


I wonder if Dirk ever gets tired of people requesting his direct support. God knows I would.

Anyways, the issue is exactly what the error says, your path to mysqldump is incorrect or the utility is not an executable. If you have SSH access to the server, login and try running "which mysqldump", without quotes. It should give you the proper location to that file. Alternatively, if you have root access and the "which" command doesn't work, try running "updatedb" followed by "locate mysqldump". Correct the path with the returned value in your config.php.

If it still doesn't work, you may want to check that you have access to run the command as the c urrent user (the permissions of the file should be 755 AFAIK).

If the file is not located located anywhere, make sure you have the proper MySQL packages installed. I believe on an RPM based system (fedora, redhat, centos, etc.) the package is MySQL-client.
-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams


what does any of that mean?



basically it means that something isn't setup quite as expected with your webhosting environment. If you have no idea what the previous answer is talking about - then you need to forward your problem and / or this thread to your web hosting company or IT support dept

getting better at this

Could someone tell me where mysqldump is supposed to be located by default? I don't have SSH access and i don't really have anywhere i can put commands in such as "which mysqldump"

I'm getting the error stated above and I just want to find the correct path to the file.


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Quote by: getting better at this

Could someone tell me where mysqldump is supposed to be located by default?

/usr/bin/mysqldump is pretty popular (which is why it's the default), but it's also often in /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump

If neither works, ask your hosting service ...

bye, Dirk

getting better at this

The only way I can contact my hosting service is by putting a trouble ticket in. I put one in about 5 months ago and they still haven't responded. Yeah, my hosting service sucks.

PLEASE oh please do you have any other path suggestions?


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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The two I mentioned are the most popular, but in theory, it could be anywhere. That really depends on the server setup and is something only your hosting service would know ...

bye, Dirk

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