Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, March 14 2025 @ 02:30 am EDT
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Changes don\'t happen
hi all....
I saw this website through an end-user and thought it was great but I have some problems.
I got this beat installed on Windows 2003 Server running Geeklog 1.3.8, MySql 4.0.14a, PHP and IIS 6.0
The site comes up fine and I can surf around but when I try to edit (logged in as admin) a Story, add an event, etc and hit submit all that happens is the same page is loaded.
Take the Welcome to Geeklog Story. I click Edit and then click 1 to edit the story and I get the same page that lists all the stories.
No errors at all, none during install either
I was able to change Admin preferences.
Address: www.staniks.com
What gives?
Thank you!
thank you very much!
I glanced at the other FAQs questions but didn\'t notice where the email server setup is at. Where would one specify an smtp server to send out emails.
thanks again
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Quote by tidal:Where would one specify an smtp server to send out emails.
Not in Geeklog, since that only uses PHP\'s mail() function. You can specify the mail server in the php.ini. See the PHP manual for details.
bye, Dirk
thanks for helping the noob again Dirk

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Dirk<where in the FAQ is this issue addressed? I am having the same issue as the above user.
"The site comes up fine and I can surf around but when I try to edit (logged in as admin) a Story, add an event, etc and hit submit all that happens is the same page is loaded.
Take the Welcome to Geeklog Story. I click Edit and then click 1 to edit the story and I get the same page that lists all the stories."
"The site comes up fine and I can surf around but when I try to edit (logged in as admin) a Story, add an event, etc and hit submit all that happens is the same page is loaded.
Take the Welcome to Geeklog Story. I click Edit and then click 1 to edit the story and I get the same page that lists all the stories."
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Please note that the message that started this thread is over 5 years old ...
Assuming you're talking about Geeklog 1.5.1 now, you are probably having an issue with our CSRF protection. Make sure the theme you're using is compatible with your Geeklog version (try with the Professional theme for comparison). Also, your browser / proxy will have to have referrers enabled.
Let me know if that helped.
bye, Dirk
Assuming you're talking about Geeklog 1.5.1 now, you are probably having an issue with our CSRF protection. Make sure the theme you're using is compatible with your Geeklog version (try with the Professional theme for comparison). Also, your browser / proxy will have to have referrers enabled.
Let me know if that helped.
bye, Dirk
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Thanks for the feedback Yes I am using Geeklog 1.51 and the site is http://www.nationaldemocraticcongress.com
I have not modified the theme. the theme I am using is the one that ships with your program. what do i do? and how do you get browser/proxy referrer enabled.
Sholud i just follow the instructions oulined in the CSRF Protection?
I have not modified the theme. the theme I am using is the one that ships with your program. what do i do? and how do you get browser/proxy referrer enabled.
Sholud i just follow the instructions oulined in the CSRF Protection?
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Quote by: 1PLM
what do i do? and how do you get browser/proxy referrer enabled.
Okay, first let's see if it is even a problem with the referrer. Here's a little script to test that:
Text Formatted Code
<?phpecho '<html><body>';
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
echo '<p>Referrer: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '</p>';
echo '<p><a href="ref.php">Click me!</a></p>';
echo '</html></body>';
Save that as "ref.php", upload it to your site (into the public_html directory) and call it up in your browser. When you click on the "Click me!", what does it display?
bye, Dirk
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I just saw the above reply to my post. where Is the Public_html located? Is it in the main(root folder) directory of the site? How do I call it in my browser?(Ex. http://www.nationaldemocraticcongress.com/ref.php)
I just saw the above reply to my post. where Is the Public_html located? Is it in the main(root folder) directory of the site? How do I call it in my browser?(Ex. http://www.nationaldemocraticcongress.com/ref.php)
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Before I try the last part of this instruction (The only known workaround at this point is to remove the enctype="multipart/form-data" from the template file for the Admin story editor (layout/YourTheme/admin/story/storeditor.thtml) I need to Know why my Changes are not happening???
What am I missing?
Q: I can't edit or create stories Or Add Topics Or Anything.
A: First of all, make sure you have register_globals=on in your php.ini file (if not: change it to on, restart your webserver and try again).
The next thing to check is that you have file_uploads=on in your php.ini (again: if it isn't, change it to on, restart your webserver and try again).
And if that didn't fix it, then you're experiencing a still unresolved problem in your server configuration (there is some indication that this might even be a bug in PHP itself). The only known workaround at this point is to remove the enctype="multipart/form-data" from the template file for the Admin story editor (layout/YourTheme/admin/story/storeditor.thtml). You will lose the ability to upload images in stories after that change, but you should then be able to create and edit stories.

What am I missing?

Q: I can't edit or create stories Or Add Topics Or Anything.
A: First of all, make sure you have register_globals=on in your php.ini file (if not: change it to on, restart your webserver and try again).
The next thing to check is that you have file_uploads=on in your php.ini (again: if it isn't, change it to on, restart your webserver and try again).
And if that didn't fix it, then you're experiencing a still unresolved problem in your server configuration (there is some indication that this might even be a bug in PHP itself). The only known workaround at this point is to remove the enctype="multipart/form-data" from the template file for the Admin story editor (layout/YourTheme/admin/story/storeditor.thtml). You will lose the ability to upload images in stories after that change, but you should then be able to create and edit stories.
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Quote by: Dirk
Okay, first let's see if it is even a problem with the referrer.
For future reference and since it just cost me half an hour or so to figure it out myself:
If it's your own server, check that the ServerName directive in Apache is set correctly. In my case, it was set to "localhost" which didn't match the name I was using to access the machine with - and thus the referrer didn't match and changes wouldn't stick.
bye, Dirk
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