Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 05:34 pm EST
RSS, RDF, XML Feeds Page II
Weblogs 0-F
:: c h r o n o p o l i s | NEW YORK ::
description = art, architecture, design, technology, & life. in manhattan.
home = http://www.chronopolisnewyork.com/
name = :: c h r o n o p o l i s | NEW YORK ::
rss = http://www.chronopolisnewyork.com/index.rdf
ABC Electric Journal
description = Official mouthpiece of the American Book Congress.
home = http://www.americanbookcongress.org/
name = ABC Electric Journal
rss = http://www.americanbookcongress.org/weblog.xml
description = John Abbe's personal wiki-weblog, often writing on Lanka, wikis, MacOS, nonviolence, and whatever else i feel like
home = http://www.ourpla.net/cgi-bin/pikie.cgi?AbbeNormal
name = AbbeNormal;
rss = http://www.ourpla.net/cgi-bin/pikie.cgi?rss=AbbeNormal
Abner Stories
description = Abner Germanow's musings on security, wireless, and more.
home = http://www.securitystory.com/
name = Abner Stories
rss = http://www.securitystory.com/index.rdf
Adam Curry's Weblog
description = News and Views from Adam Curry
home = http://live.curry.com/
name = Adam Curry's Weblog
rss = http://cloud.datashed.net/users/adam@curry.com/curryCom.xml
description = News for grown-ups.
home = http://www.adequacy.org/
name = Adequacy.org
rss = http://www.adequacy.org/backend.rdf
Andrea's Weblog
description = My personal weblog. Interests include science (physics, mathematics), teaching, traveling, the web and lots of other stuff. The site is mostly in English but includes parts in German, too.
home = http://andrea.editthispage.com/
name = Andrea's Weblog
rss = http://andrea.editthispage.com/xml/rss.xml
description = Look at me when I'm talking to you...
home = http://www.antipixel.com/blog/
name = Antipixel;
rss = http://www.antipixel.com/blog/index.xml
description = Any sea or broad sheet of water interspersed with many islands -- and cool software.
home = http://archipelago.phrasewise.com/
name = Archipelago;
rss = http://archipelago.phrasewise.com/xml/rss.xml
Backup Brain
home = http://www.backupbrain.com/
name = Backup Brain
rss = http://www.backupbrain.com/index.xml
Banners And Us
description = An open channel with Greenpeace folks.
home = http://weblog.greenpeace.org/
name = Banners And Us
rss = http://weblog.greenpeace.org/index.xml
Better Living Through Software
description = Life at Microsoft, the software industry from a rational perspective
home = http://www.netcrucible.com/blog/index.html
name = Better Living Through Software
rss = http://www.netcrucible.com/blog/rss.xml
Bifurcated Rivets
description = Eclectica for Epopts - Lindsay Marshall's weblog
home = http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/weblog/latest
name = Bifurcated Rivets
rss = http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/rivets.rdf
Blog Free or Die!
description = Who says I can't?
home = http://www.dartmouth.edu/~asg/blog/
name = Blog Free or Die!
rss = http://www.dartmouth.edu/~asg/blog/rss.xml
Boing Boing
home = http://boingboing.net/
description = The Blog of Wonderful things
home = http://www.boingboing.net/
name = Boing Boing
rss = http://boingboing.net/rss.xml
description = Your daily slice of gray matter. A weblog about Software Development tools and methodology.
home = http://www.brainloaf.com/
name = BrainLoaf;
rss = http://www.brainloaf.com/rss.xml
Brent Sleeper's Web Journal
description = This is Brent Sleeper's web site. Social architecture, appreciation for the moment, and system design. It's a cute and fluffy blog.
home = http://www.flightpath.com/
name = Brent Sleeper's Web Journal
rss = http://www.flightpath.com/rss.xml
Capn Design
description =
home = http://www.capndesign.com/
name = Capn Design
rss = http://www.capndesign.com/index.xml
Chuck Shotton's Logic Faults
description = Things that make sense to me (and maybe only me).
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0108814/
name = Chuck Shotton's Logic Faults
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0108814/rss.xml
Confessions of a Mozillian
description = David Hyatt's Weblog.
home = http://www.mozillazine.org/weblogs/hyatt/
name = Confessions of a Mozillian
rss = http://www.mozillazine.org/weblogs/hyatt/blogger_rss.xml
Daring Fireball
description = Macintosh punditry and curmudgeonry.
home = http://daringfireball.net/
name = Daring Fireball
rss = http://daringfireball.net/index.xml
David Davies @ Work
description = Just making it up as I go along!
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0001161/
name = David Davies @ Work
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0001161/rss.xml
description = A one sentence description!? Bah! Impossible!
home = http://www.disobey.com/dnn/
name = Disobey;
rss = http://www.disobey.com/dnn/index.xml
description = DiveNews.Com - R.E.N.
home = http://www.divenews.com/
name = DiveNews.Com
rss = http://www.divenews.com/backend.php
Doc Searls
description = Linux Journal senior editor and Cluetrain Manifesto co-author holds forth on whatever fancies his suit.
home = http://doc.weblogs.com/
name = Doc Searls
rss = http://doc.weblogs.com/xml/rss.xml
Donovan's Coral Reef Weblog
description = Daily Rantings of CORAL Webweaver.
home = http://dwatts.coral.org/
name = Donovan's Coral Reef Weblog
rss = http://dwatts.coral.org/rss.xml
Doug's Austin Radio Weblog
description = Comments, observations, and delights of life in Austin Texas
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0111108/
name = Doug's Austin Radio Weblog
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0111108/rss.xml
Doug's Dynamic Drivel
description = Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech. Benjamin Franklin
home = http://www.thealders.net/blogs/
name = Doug's Dynamic Drivel
rss = http://www.thealders.net/blogs/index.xml
East West
description = The urban American online magazine for lifestylers.
home = http://www.eastwest.nu/
name = East West
rss = http://www.eastwest.nu/index.xml
description = Featuring photography, a daily journal, the Captions Game, and more.
home = http://www.edgecurve.com/
name = EdgeCurve;
rss = http://www.edgecurve.com/rss.php
Edith Frost
description = indie recording artist, geek
home = http://www.edithfrost.com/
name = Edith Frost
rss = http://www.edithfrost.com/index.rdf
Egg Blog
description = stuff;
home = http://www.stelo.uklinux.net/egg/index.php
name = Egg Blog
rss = http://www.stelo.uklinux.net/egg/b2rss.xml
Erehwon Notebook
description = The personal weblog of Doug Miller, covering topics from technology to politics and management to strategy.
home = http://www.deosil.com/doug/
name = Erehwon Notebook
rss = http://www.deosil.com/doug/rss.php3
Erik's Weblog
description = The Truth is Out There!
home = http://www.thauvin.net/blog/
name = Erik's Weblog
rss = http://www.thauvin.net/blog/xml.jsp
description =
home = http://www.flutterby.com/
name = Flutterby!
rss = http://www.flutterby.com/main.rdf
description = Fresh Hypertext
home = http://www.frownland.com/
name = Frownland;
rss = http://www.frownland.com/rss.php
description = Ftrain is the personal web site of writer Paul Ford.
home = http://ftrain.com/
name = Ftrain.com
rss = http://www.ftrain.com/ftrain.rdf
atmaspheric | endeavors
description = multi-tasked stream of consciousness
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0110997/
name = atmaspheric | endeavors
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0110997/rss.xml
bbum's rants, code & references
description = Laziness, Impatience, Hubris...
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100490/
name = bbum's rants, code & references
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100490/rss.xml
description = scot hacker's foobar blog
home = http://www.birdhouse.org/blog/
name = birdhouse.org
rss = http://www.birdhouse.org/blog/index.rdf
description = A collection of the best bytes filtered for your consumption.
home = http://www.blogsplitter.com/
name = blogsplitter;
rss = http://www.blogsplitter.com/rss.xml
description = What Nat Irons learned today, plus considerable topic drift
home = http://bumppo.net/
name = bumppo.net
rss = http://bumppo.net/index.xml
chaotic intransient prose bursts
home = http://www.kung-foo.tv/blog/
name = chaotic intransient prose bursts
rss = http://www.kung-foo.tv/blog/index.rdf
description = occasionally cranky in manila
home = http://cheesedip.com/
name = cheesedip.com
rss = http://cheesedip.com/index.xml
description = Rants, raves, pointless mumbling and other important things.
home = http://codepoetry.net/
name = codepoetry;
rss = http://codepoetry.net/index.rdf
description = self therapy
home = http://cou.ch/
name = couch;
rss = http://cou.ch/index.rdf
description = A thorn in the side of the A-List
home = http://www.davezilla.com/
name = davezilla.com
rss = http://coolstop.com/radio/RssDistillerChannels/davezilla.xml
dive into mark
description = A lot of effort went into making this effortless.
home = http://diveintomark.org/
name = dive into mark
rss = http://diveintomark.org/xml/rss.php
description = knowledge = power, so share and it multiplies ~ Verna Allee
home = http://www.dws.us/weblog/
name = dws.
rss = http://www.dws.us/weblog/rss.xml
e-mike's Radio Weblog
description =
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0110236/
name = e-mike's Radio Weblog
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0110236/rss.xml
description = The personal blog of Evan Williams, co-founder and CEO of Pyra, the company behind Blogger. Here, I write about the web, business, technology, random other things, and my life in general.
home = http://www.evhead.com/
name = evhead;
rss = http://evhead.com/rss.xml
Weblogs G-N
description = Game Green? Games Phobia? Gamegrene.com!
home = http://www.gamegrene.com/
name = Gamegrene.com
rss = http://www.gamegrene.com/index.xml
home = http://blog.glennf.com/
description = The fortuitous juxtaposition of an umbrella, a fish stick, and a ham
home = http://blog.glennf.com/gmblog/
name = GlennLog;
rss = http://blog.glennf.com/rss.xml
Harvey Kirkpatrick: townblogger @ itown.com
description = we're connecting the world
home = http://www.itown.com/hkblog/
name = Harvey Kirkpatrick: townblogger @ itown.com
rss = http://www.itown.com/hkblog/rss.xml
description = The weblog of Brian Poulsen
home = http://www.hipoxia.com/
name = Hipoxia.com
rss = http://hipoxia.com/rss/
description = A chronicle of the Narrator's life and times in Squaresville, USA.
home = http://www.hivelogic.com/
name = Hivelogic;
rss = http://www.hivelogic.com/index.xml
description = The 10 latest Holovaty.com blog entries. Holovaty.com is a weblog examining the good and bad of news Web sites.
home = http://www.holovaty.com/
name = Holovaty.com
rss = http://www.holovaty.com/rss/
description =
home = http://www.instapundit.com/
name = Instapundit.com
rss = http://www.instapundit.com/index.xml
description = Interconnected WELCOME TO THE HOLOCENE
home = http://interconnected.org/home/
name = Interconnected;
rss = http://www.interconnected.org/home/rss/latest.xml
JD's New Media Musings
description = New Media Musings
home = http://jd.manilasites.com/
name = JD's New Media Musings
rss = http://jd.manilasites.com/xml/rss.xml
Jake's Brainpan
description = Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. --Benjamin Franklin.
home = http://jake.editthispage.com/
name = Jake's Brainpan
rss = http://jake.editthispage.com/xml/rss.xml
Java To Go
description = Java To Go
home = http://roller.anthonyeden.com/page/gklebus
name = Java To Go
rss = http://roller.anthonyeden.com/rss/gklebus
Jeff's Radio Weblog
description = Tuned in and turned on!
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0001018/
name = Jeff's Radio Weblog
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0001018/rss.xml
Jeremy Allaire's Radio
description = An exploration of media, communications and applications over the Internet.
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0113297/
name = Jeremy Allaire's Radio
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0113297/rss.xml
Jeremy Zawodny's blog
description = Linux, Perl, MySQL, Open Source, and whatever other random stuff catches my interest...
home = http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/
name = Jeremy Zawodny's blog
rss = http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/index.rdf
Joel on Software
description = Painless Software Management
home = http://www.joelonsoftware.com/
name = Joel on Software
rss = http://www.joelonsoftware.com/rss.xml
John Robb's Radio Weblog
description = No sense being pessimistic. It wouldn't work anyway.
home = http://jrobb.userland.com/
name = John Robb's Radio Weblog
rss = http://jrobb.userland.com/rss.xml
Joi Ito's Web
description = A weblog by some guy in Tokyo, covering technology, policy, culture and business.
home = http://joi.ito.com/
name = Joi Ito's Web
rss = http://joi.ito.com/index.xml
Jon's Radio
description = Jon Udell's Radio Blog
home = http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/
name = Jon's Radio
rss = http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/rss.xml
Jonathon Delacour
description = the heart of things
home = http://weblog.delacour.net/
name = Jonathon Delacour
rss = http://weblog.delacour.net/index.xml
Juri Pakaste - The Blog
description = hacking, life and hacking life
home = http://www.iki.fi/juri/blog/
name = Juri Pakaste - The Blog
rss = http://www.helsinki.fi/~pakaste/blog/flav_rss/index.html
Ken Bereskin
description =
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100676/
name = Ken Bereskin
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100676/rss.xml
description = Kerusan's weblog
home = http://kerusan.org/
name = Kerusan.org
rss = http://kerusan.org/index.xml
Lanette's Weblog
description =
home = http://www.lanettemiller.com/
name = Lanette's Weblog
rss = http://www.lanettemiller.com/index.rdf
Latest Grobots
description = Latest Grobots
home = http://civilbiodefence.com/
name = Latest Grobots
rss = http://civilbiodefence.com/rss.php
Life and Deatherage
description = It's a big world out there, and I'm part of it
home = http://friends.macjournals.com/mattd/
name = Life and Deatherage
rss = http://friends.macjournals.com/mattd/xml/rss.xml
Loosely Coupled weblog
description = Assembling on-demand web services to automate business
home = http://www.looselycoupled.com/blog/
name = Loosely Coupled weblog
rss = http://www.looselycoupled.com/blog/lc.xml
Marc's Voice
description = Home LANs + Broadband + Devices
home = http://blogs.it/0100198/
name = Marc's Voice
rss = http://blogs.it/0100198/rss.xml
Mark Bernstein
description = Mark Bernstein: hypertext research
home = http://markBernstein.org/
name = Mark Bernstein
rss = http://markbernstein.org/news.rss
description = Understanding (Internet) Media
home = http://mediasavvy.com/
name = MediaSavvy;
rss = http://mediasavvy.com/index.xml
home = http://uncorked.org/medley/
name = Medley;
rss = http://www.uncorked.org/medley/index.xml
home = http://www.megnut.com/
name = Megnut;
rss = http://www.megnut.com/index.xml
description = make links, not war
home = http://memepool.com/
name = Memepool;
rss = http://memepool.com/memepool.rss
Mike Cohen's Radio Weblog
description = Life, Macs, geeky stuff & anything else I feel like writing about.
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100097/
name = Mike Cohen's Radio Weblog
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100097/rss.xml
description = one part desktop distribution system: one part personal wblog.
home = http://www.mintchaos.com/
name = MintChaos;
rss = http://www.mintchaos.com/index.xml
Morons Dot Org
description = Exposing the insanity and stupidity in the world. Headlines and summaries may be censored here, but note that morons.org contains some strong language and controversial opinions. Please exercise discretion if you are easily offended.
home = http://www.morons.org/
name = Morons Dot Org
rss = http://www.morons.org/morons.rss
description = You like cars? Ya us too.
home = http://www.motoblog.com/
name = MotoBlog;
rss = http://www.motoblog.com/index.rdf
Nicholas Riley
description = Thoughts from a computer science graduate student, medical student and Cocoa programmer (this week).
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100148/
name = Nicholas Riley
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100148/rss.xml
Niel Eyde's Weblog
description = Devoted to Java, J2EE, open source, the Buccaneers, and life in Tampa Bay.....and the home of PersonalBlog.
home = http://www.eyde.net/
name = Niel Eyde's Weblog
rss = http://www.eyde.net/rss.jsp
iWalt.com: Weblog
description =
home = http://www.iwalt.com/weblog/
name = iWalt.com: Weblog
rss = http://www.iwalt.com/weblog/rss/index.php
description = Don't worry, we'll fix it in the mix.
home = http://www.jumpserve.com/blanco/
name = icblog;
rss = http://www.jumpserve.com/blanco/rss.xml
iceplant radio
description = revolution: human
home = http://www.iceplant.org/
name = iceplant radio
rss = http://www.iceplant.org/rss.xml
home = http://www.inessential.com/
description = Brent Simmons' weblog.
home = http://inessential.com/
name = inessential.com
rss = http://inessential.com/xml/rss.xml
description = inluminent: from Latin - to shed light. -- shedding light on small business, marketing, and other web based developments.
home = http://www.inluminent.com/weblog/
name = inluminent/weblog
rss = http://www.inluminent.com/weblog/index.rdf
josh lucas' Radio Weblog
description = Patches are always accepted...
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0111200/
name = josh lucas' Radio Weblog
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0111200/rss.xml
description =
home = http://www.kottke.org/
name = kottke.org
rss = http://www.kottke.org/index.xml
lawrence's notebook
description = (None.)
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0001013/
name = lawrence's notebook
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0001013/rss.xml
description = It's all margins
home = http://www.marginalia.org/log/
name = marginalia.org
rss = http://www.marginalia.org/log/index.rdf
description = the politics of new and old media, foreign policy, tech, culture, philosophy, and photography
home = http://misnomer.dru.ca/
name = misnomer;
rss = http://misnomer.dru.ca/index.xml
Weblogs O-Z
description = Our Collected Weblogs
home = http://www.wwpp.org/users/0000007/categories/p2Aggregate/
name = P2-Aggregate
rss = http://www.wwpp.org/users/0000007/categories/p2Aggregate/rss.xml
description = Paul Robichaux's weblog: packed as full as practical by modern packaging equipment
home = http://www.papascott.de/
name = PapaScott;
rss = http://www.papascott.de/index.rdf
Patrick and Such
description = The ramblings and such of Patrick.
home = http://patrickgibson.com/news/
name = Patrick and Such
rss = http://patrickgibson.com/news/index.rdf
Phil Ringnalda
description = Research Professor of Markup Cryptography, University of Blogaria
home = http://philringnalda.com/
name = Phil Ringnalda
rss = http://www.philringnalda.com/index.rdf
Prolific.org (ATF)
description = the wagon continues
home = http://prolific.org/
name = Prolific.org (ATF)
rss = http://prolific.org/resources/floods_rss.xml
Pudding Time!
description = a Web Journal by Michael Hall
home = http://www.puddingbowl.org/mph/
name = Pudding Time!
rss = http://www.puddingbowl.org/mph/index.rdf
Q Daily News
home = http://q.queso.com/
name = Q Daily News
rss = http://q.queso.com/index.rdf
QA Guy's Radio Weblog, A
description = Thoughts from Dave Liebreich
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100102/
name = QA Guy's Radio Weblog, A
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100102/rss.xml
Radio Bump
description = Reply Hazy, try again.
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100237/
name = Radio Bump
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100237/rss.xml
Radio Free Blogistan
description = now! with sodium pentathol
home = http://blogs.salon.com/0001111/
name = Radio Free Blogistan
rss = http://blogs.salon.com/0001111/rss.xml
description = What has Scott Girard been tinkering with today?
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100077/
name = Radio-Dadio
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0100077/rss.xml
Random Hacks
description = Technology, politics, miscellaneous fun stuff.
home = http://www.randomhacks.net/
name = Random Hacks
rss = http://www.randomhacks.net/backend/rss.xml
description = Various commentary on whatever...
home = http://zymm.com/raster/
name = RasterWeb!
rss = http://zymm.com/raster/rasterweb.rss
Ray Ozzie's Weblog
description =
home = http://www.ozzie.net/blog/
name = Ray Ozzie's Weblog
rss = http://www.ozzie.net/blog/rss.xml
description = Misc. Computing and Personal Glimpses
home = http://www.redmonk.net/
name = Redmonk.net
rss = http://www.redmonk.net/redmonk.rss
description = News and information on search engines, databases, and other Internet research resources
home = http://www.researchbuzz.com/
name = ResearchBuzz;
rss = http://www.researchbuzz.com/researchbuzz.rss
description = It's all about the technology baby (well, and a few other things).
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0001011/
name = Scobleizer;
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0001011/rss.xml
Simon Fell
description = Its just code
home = http://www.pocketsoap.com/weblog/
name = Simon Fell
rss = http://www.pocketsoap.com/weblog/rss.xml
Simone Bettini
description = Yet Another Engineer Blog
home = http://blogs.it/0100138/
name = Simone Bettini
rss = http://blogs.it/0100138/rss.xml
Sjoerd Visscher's weblog
description = My ideas about new web technology that can change the future of the world wide web.
home = http://w3future.com/weblog/
name = Sjoerd Visscher's weblog
rss = http://w3future.com/weblog/rss.xml
Snappy the Clam
description = The bivalve unhinged
home = http://www.panix.com/~jbm/snappy/
name = Snappy the Clam
rss = http://www.panix.com/~jbm/snappy/index.xml
Stating the Obvious
description =
home = http://www.theobvious.com/
name = Stating the Obvious
rss = http://www.theobvious.com/obvious_rss.xml
Status-Q: Quentin Stafford-Fraser's notepad
description = Miscellaneous ramblings which may, or may not, be of any interest to anybody else.
home = http://www.statusq.org/
name = Status-Q: Quentin Stafford-Fraser's notepad
rss = http://www.statusq.org/rss.xml
Surgical Diversions
description = my time out of the operating room
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0001017/
name = Surgical Diversions
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0001017/rss.xml
description = The weblog of Cardigan Industries
home = http://www.textism.com/
name = Textism;
rss = http://www.textism.com/rss.php
The Morning News - Features
description = The Morning News is a Web-based broadsheet, published weekdays.
home = http://www.themorningnews.org/
name = The Morning News - Features
rss = http://www.themorningnews.org/index.xml
description = Living on a thin line between sanity and insanity: diaries of the unsane ones.
home = http://www.unsanity.org/
name = Unsanity.org
rss = http://www.unsanity.org/index.rdf
description = Pointless commentary and incoherant masses of links generated by a critical care nurse, slightly crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside.
home = http://www.vfth.com/
name = ViewFromTheHeart;
rss = http://www.vfth.com/xml/rss.xml
Vision? Nary! - Media Hostages
description = Posts from Vision? Nary! a humor / satire magazine. Also book and DVD reviews.
home = http://vision-nary.com/mediahostages/weblog.php
name = Vision? Nary! - Media Hostages
rss = http://vision-nary.com/mediahostages/index.xml
home = http://webword.com/
name = WebWord;
rss = http://webword.com/index.xml
Witold Riedel :: NYC
description = subjective thoughts and observations by Witold Riedel, a New Yorker photographer and draftsman by choice.
home = http://www.witoldriedel.com/MT/
name = Witold Riedel :: NYC
rss = http://www.witoldriedel.com/MT/index.xml
description = Programming and publishing news and commentary by Rogers Cadenhead.
home = http://www.pycs.net/workbench/
name = Workbench;
rss = http://www.pycs.net/workbench/rss.xml
description = Logging anything that comes its way.
home = http://radio.weblogs.com/0001134/
name = X-log
rss = http://radio.weblogs.com/0001134/rss.xml
ZOPEN-X: Web Dev and OS X
description = Web Development using Mac OS X
home = http://www.zopenx.net/
name = ZOPEN-X: Web Dev and OS X
rss = http://www.zopenx.net/index.rdf
ology dot org
description = Eric Tilton's weblog and photo journal
home = http://www.ology.org/
name = ology dot org
rss = http://www.ology.org/rss.xml
description = Weblog Free to the Public
home = http://www.onfocus.com/
name = onfocus.com
rss = http://www.onfocus.com/index_rss91.asp
description = having fun with SVG, Flash and HTML
home = http://www.protocol7.com/
name = protocol7;
rss = http://www.protocol7.com/default.asp?a=rss
raelity bytes
description = the raelity bytes weblog.
home = http://www.oreillynet.com/~rael/
name = raelity bytes
rss = http://www.oreillynet.com/~rael/index.rss
description = a mass of potential consciousness
home = http://randomwalks.com/
name = randomWalks;
rss = http://www.randomwalks.com/rw_rss.xml
rc3.org Daily
description = Rafe Colburn's weblog.
home = http://rc3.org/
name = rc3.org Daily
rss = http://rc3.org/rss/
reverse cowgirl's blog
description = wherein a writer attempts to justify the enormity of her porn collection
home = http://blogs.salon.com/0001437/
name = reverse cowgirl's blog
rss = http://blogs.salon.com/0001437/rss.xml
description = rottina.com
home = http://www.rottina.com/
name = rottina.com
rss = http://www.rottina.com/index.rdf
description = Author and media theorist Douglas Rushkoff's personal weblog.
home = http://www.rushkoff.com/blog.html
name = rushkoff.blog
rss = http://www.rushkoff.com/rssfeed.xml
description = the fusion of law, economics, and technology
home = http://www.statonlaw.net/weblog/
name = statonBlog;
rss = http://www.statonlaw.net/weblog/index.rdf
takete: ask the Mountie
description = The trusty Mountie is well known for his wisdom and wit - just ask him a question. He always replies with the profound wisdom one can only truly expect from a Mountie.
home = http://www.takete.com/askthemountie/question.asp?id=
name = takete: ask the Mountie
rss = http://www.takete.com/askthemountie/askthemountie.xml
description = Where Ideas Come To Die
home = http://www.them.ws/
name = them.ws
rss = http://www.them.ws/backend.php
description = a weblog about journalism and computer-assisted reporting
home = http://thescoop.org.hg.sabren.com/
name = thescoop.org
rss = http://thescoop.org/index.xml
this is aaronland | weblog | rss
home = http://aaronland.info/weblog/
description =
home = http://aaronland.info/weblog/archive
name = this is aaronland | weblog | rss
rss = http://aaronland.info/weblog/rss
vanderwal.net Off the Top
description = Tail -f of thoughts from Thomas Vander Wal
home = http://www.vanderwal.net/random/index.php
name = vanderwal.net Off the Top
rss = http://www.vanderwal.net/random/vanderwal.xml
description = WebGraphics is a daily compilation of hypertext design resources, links, commentary and notes.
home = http://www.web-graphics.com/
name = webgraphics;
rss = http://web-graphics.com/mtweblog/index.xml
description = random musings and explorations from the mind of masukomi
home = http://weblog.masukomi.org/
name = weblog.masukomi.org
rss = http://weblog.masukomi.org/rss.xml
webraw/blog :: uncooked web goodness
description = Web Cult(ure) commentary, news, links and nuggets of joy provided by a Massive Super Computer in Memphis, TN.
home = http://www.webraw.com/blog/index.php
name = webraw/blog :: uncooked web goodness
rss = http://www.webraw.com/blog/blogger_rss.xml
description = widepipe.org is sunil doshi's weblog.
home = http://widepipe.org/
name = widepipe.org
rss = http://widepipe.org/index_full.xml
description = Thoughts on human interaction over the next 25 years
home = http://www.winterspeak.com/
name = winterspeak.com
rss = http://www.winterspeak.com/blogger_rss.xml
xlab : a mac os x weblog
description = A weblog about Apple and Mac OS X
home = http://www.xlab.co.uk/macosx/
name = xlab : a mac os x weblog
rss = http://www.xlab.co.uk/macosx/rss.php
Last Updated: Thursday, February 06 2003 @ 10:56 am EST| Hits: 14,250