Nothing brings me more joy than being able to use SourceForge's servers to flame them! No, seriously, we have gotten to the point with SourceForge.net that it is time to part ways. There are a million reasons why (server performance, unanswered support requests, inflexibility, etc) but when you get down to it we need to be able to do our own thing without having to wait forever (which we currenlty do).
With that said, news will be coming forth before the 1st of the year on our changes. We will first move this website and our mailing lists and then we will move over everything else at Sf.net (cvs, bugs, docs, etc). Additionally, this move will better support the GL2 development efforts
Stay Tuned!
UPDATED:As you may have noticed, we have moved the www.geeklog.net website finally. This is the only changes. We are sill using sf.net for everything else until we post further updates.