A flaming post today gave me the idea to create a hate mail section. I felt this was a good idea for two reasons. 1) we realize that despite our best efforts, Geeklog is not for everyone. It is not the silver bullet and there are areas where we can improve. This will provide a place where people can post reasons why they don't like Geeklog so that others making a decision can see the 'cons' that others see. It will also allow us a good place to put rebuttals or admit guilt. 2) Some hate mail we get is completely unconstructive or off-base. In those cases I wanted a place others could go to get a good chuckle.
All this may seem counter-intuititve in any marketing efforts but I feel that by allowing people to expose problems with Geeklog it shows that we understand it isn't perfect and that we do care about the opinions of nay-sayers as much as we do Geeklog advocates.