Geeklog Plugins that Support v2.2.1
- Saturday, April 18 2020 @ 09:49 am EDT
- Contributed by: Laugh
- Views: 16,674

Here is a list of the latest plugins to receive updates since the release of Geeklog v2.2.1sr1. Some of these plugins will require this version.
Please note, we will continue to add to this list as plugins are released.
- Autotags Plugin v1.1.3 (Released 2020-04-18)
- Nettools Plugin v2.1.3 (Released 2020-04-19)
- Open Graph Protocol [OGP] Plugin v1.2.1 (Released 2020-04-21)
- Downloads Plugin v1.2.3 (Released 2020-04-21)
- Media Gallery v1.7.2.3 (Released 2020-06-08)
- vThemes Plugin v1.6.1 (Released 2020-04-23)
- FAQ Plugin v1.2.0.1 (Released 2020-04-26)
- Geeklog Usage Stats [GUS] Plugin v1.7.6.1 (Released 2020-04-28)
- Messenger Plugin v1.9.5 (Released 2020-06-08)
- Forum Plugin v2.9.4 (Released 2020-05-12)
Here is a list of updated plugins expected to be release in the next few months:
- Ban Plugin v2.0.3
These updated plugins support PHP 7.0+ and also contain new features and bug fixes as well. Please visit the download page of the specific plugin to find out more information. The plugins above can also be found on Github in our Geeklog Plugins Repository.
Updated: 2020-04-22 - Please note, that the new reCaptcha Plugin included with Geeklog v2.2.1 is not compatible with how the old reCaptcha plugin determines whether to display the reCaptcha or not on a page. This means older versions of plugins like the Forum that uses reCaptcha will either have to be updated to version 2.9.4 or the older plugin's code will have to have a small manual update (only if you want the reCaptcha to be used). See this Forum post for more information on the code you need to add to your older plugins if you want it to continue to use reCaptcha with it.
For a list of plugins that where updated after Geeklog 2.2.0 was released back in June of 2018, please see the article titled: Geeklog Plugins that Support v2.2.0.
All of these older plugins will work with Geeklog v2.2.1 as well.
- Ban Plugin v2.0.2
- FAQ Manager Plugin v0.9.1
- Menu Plugin v1.2.7
- Search Word Ranking Plugin v1.2.1
- Tag Plugin v0.6.2
- Language Selection [Langsel] Plugin v1.0.1
Developers if you have a plugin which supports Geeklog v2.2.1 which has not been included in the list above please comment on this article to give us more information, and we will add it in. Remember you can also submit an article (and upload the file) about your plugin and after review (and editing if required) we will post it on