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phpBBBridge 1.0 released!

  • Thursday, May 19 2005 @ 04:09 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 20,018
Plugins Today marks a major milestone in the release of the phpBBBridge plugin. I am proud to announce that the phpBB--Geeklog integration has reached version 1.0!

At its core, phpBBBridge is a standard Geeklog plugin that integrates the phpBB forum with Geeklog. It provides a single sign-on solution, allowing your users to get everything out of both Geeklog and phpBB using a single account on your site. It also transparently and seamlessly merges the interfaces of these two applications.

Its list of features includes:
  • Integrates the login, profile, and site statistics systems between the phpBB and Geeklog applications.
  • A centerblock and sideblock that display the latest phpBB posts made on your site.
  • A slightly modified theme that matches the Geeklog Professional theme.
  • The ability to import your forums and posts from existing installs of the Geeklog Forum plugin.
  • An easy-to-configure set of smilies for use on your forums.
  • The ability for users to send private messages to anyone on the site.
  • A huge, established phpBB community, where you can receive phpBB support and an extensive list of phpBB "mods" that can enable you to change your forum and install any number of new features, including the extremely popular Attachment Mod, which allows your users to attach images and files to their forum posts. If there is a feature you wish you had on your forums, then there's a good chance that someone else has already created a mod to do what you need.
  • All of the other features listed on the phpBB features page.
After almost nine months of alpha and beta testing, the plugin has finally become mature enough that I am comfortable putting it up as a real, 1.0 release. I think everyone who has been using the plugin throughout the alpha and beta phases will agree that the plugin has become much easier to install and that it has become very stable. Many thanks go out to everyone who has helped me make the plugin what it is today! Thank you for the bug reports, the suggestions, and the overall encouragement. It has all been very much appreciated.

The phpBBBridge plugin can be downloaded here, from my demo site. You may also download it here, at Geeklog.net. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, or just want to see the phpBBBridge in action, please visit my forums.