Geeklog/phplinks Integratoin
- Friday, July 12 2002 @ 02:18 pm EDT
- Contributed by: squatty
- Views: 17,730
I've made significant progress on the Geeklog/phplinks integration! In fact, my site is now using phplinks! At a glance, the features of the integration include the following:Replaced existing links.php page (both display and submit) with a fully wrapped (right/left blocks) phplinks page
Incorporated GL user attributes for link submission and admin features
Updated What’s New block to account for new links added via phplinks
Updated search logic to query phplinks
Updated stats page to include phplinks (counts & hits)
Updated stats page to include top 10 phplinks (counts & hits)
Updated GL admin block to account for new links
Update GL admin submissions page to account for new links (yes…the existing edit, approval, and delete process still works!!)
Secured phpliks admin pages via the GL admin security system
The only open item is the integration of the phplinks admin interface. I plan on wrapping up the admin interface and documentation over the weekend with the intent of releasing the “official” package by 7/19. If you’re interested in beta testing contact me via email and I will forward you the initial pre-release.