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blue_moo theme

  • Sunday, March 09 2003 @ 02:49 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 4,833
Announcements I've been asked to release my work on the blue_moo theme which I use for http://www.fragglerock.org. It is based on the original monkey_business theme, but corrected for geeklog 1.3.7sr1 (the original did not work, no idea which version it was intended for), and modified quite a bit.

You can get the theme HERE

The bottom bar in the footer.thtml *must* be edited manually since plg_menu_elements is not defined for the footer.thtml and requires editing of the lib-common file. I hope dirk can add plg_menu_elements in the lib-common in the next release which would help with future use of the footer.thtml

Hope you like it, let me know of any suggestions/comments.