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Site now has Private Message Facility installed

  • Saturday, March 27 2004 @ 12:58 am EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 17,222
Announcements The geeklog plugin glMessenger has been installed now on geeklog.net. This plugin provides members with a private message service. This allows members to communicate without exchanging email addresses offering a convenient and integrated solution.

It's accessible from your UserFunctions Block. You also have new account preferences added.

This plugin was released on www.portalparts.com several months ago and has been popular with members that have downloaded it. In addition to offering private messaging it includes an admin interface to add/edit custom smilies. The forum (version 2.3) will recognize glMessenger and use the smilie functions. The PM link for the forum poster will link to glMessenger. glMessenger includes a buddy admin feature and the user profiles have been customized to included an [Add Buddy] link so you can quickly add a member to your buddy list. There is also a Buddy Admin tool to quickly add/removed buddies from your list.

The full feature list is described in this datasheet