Posted on: 05/31/02 08:20am
By: Anonymous (sigit_a)
Fatal error: Failed opening required 'path/system/classes/template.class.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php/PEAR') in /path/portal/public_html/admin/install/install.php on line 289
What's up with that?
Path to Geeklog
Posted on: 05/31/02 11:00am
By: Dirk
You get that error when the path you entered in the install script was wrong. You need to enter the complete path to your Geeklog directory (i.e. where your config.php file resides), and it should not end in a / (but it should start with one).
bye, Dirk
Path to Geeklog
Posted on: 06/01/02 01:43am
By: Anonymous (sigit_a)
What's the difference between the path in config.php and the one in install.php? Is it the same?
Posted on: 06/01/02 01:46am
By: Anonymous (sigit_a)
What's the difference between the path in config.php and the one in install.php? Is it the same?
Posted on: 06/01/02 05:25am
By: Dirk
If you are talking about $_CONF['path'] (from config.php), then yes, this is the same path you should be typing into the install script (but without the trailing slash, of course).
bye, Dirk
Path to Geeklog
Posted on: 06/01/02 05:26am
By: Anonymous (ElFa)
If there no path? What to do? i don't understand this. I can't install geeklog. is URL and there is my config.php
where is path and where is no path, not underdtand...
there is big proglem with this.
Path to Geeklog
Posted on: 06/14/02 06:25am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
Do I include the http:// for the path??
Posted on: 06/15/02 12:44am
By: Dirk
Anything that starts with http:// is a URL. The only URL you need to set is $_CONF['site_url'] in your config.php.
Anything else is a path on your web server. It should start with a slash '/'. The paths in config.php also need to end in a slash, but the path you enter when you call install.php should not end in a slash.
bye, Dirk
Driving us mad!
Posted on: 06/25/02 03:11am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
You guys can drive a new user mad! Why don't you give us an example of what needs to be inserted into the variables?
Could look like:
$_DB_dbms = 'mysql'; // Currently only MySQL is support, do not change
$_DB_host = 'localhost';
$_DB_name = 'gl'; // Yes, your DB must exists before running installer!
$_DB_user = '';
$_DB_pass = '';
$_DB_table_prefix = 'gl_'; // e.g. 'gl_'
$_DB_mysqldump_path = '/usr/bin/mysqldump'; // path to mysqldump binary e.g. /usr/bin/mysqldump
$_CONF['allow_mysqldump'] = 1; // 1 = on, 0 = off
$_CONF['path'] = 'http://localhost/gl/';
$_CONF['path_system'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'system/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'public_html/';
$_CONF['path_log'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'logs/';
$_CONF['path_language'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'language/';
$_CONF['rdf_file'] = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'backend/geeklog.rdf';
$_CONF['backup_path'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'backups/';
Geeklog Installation (Step 1 of 2)
Path to Geeklog: /geeklog
And so on... well.. I copied this now from my own settings and they _DO NOT_ work, but that could do it for many newbies. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
Driving us mad!
Posted on: 06/26/02 12:58am
By: Dirk
Well, the problem is that there are so many different possibilities, that listing examples wouldn't really help you much (or, worse, confuse you even more).
While I agree that the instructions could be more detailed, I think we should at least expect that users know the difference between a path and a URL. As in your example:
$_CONF['path'] = 'http://localhost/gl/';
This is a URL, not a path, so it won't work. A path is a series of directory names, connected by slashes, which describe the place on your (or your web hoster's) hard drive where geeklog resides.
Also note that you need to enter absolute path names, i.e.they need to start with a slash (on Unix/Linux) or a drive letter (c:/ or similar) on Windows ...
Hope that helps.
bye, Dirk