Posted on: 01/12/03 05:30pm
By: acpaulley
Is there a simple way to have events that are from a certain time to "whenever", instead of a fixed time?
Events with no ending time?
Posted on: 01/13/03 11:13am
By: isol8
don't think thats possible without changing some code.
add to that wish, a recurring event like a birthday. users shouldn't have to add it every year.
Events with no ending time?
Posted on: 01/13/03 01:20pm
By: Tony
Add this to the feature tracker. I don't really consider this a bug as it is more of an enhancement.---The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.
Events with no ending time?
Posted on: 01/13/03 03:47pm
By: acpaulley
Where is the feature tracker?