Posted on: 02/18/03 01:42am
By: Anonymous (minsukim)
This is an extended question from my
previous posting[*1] .
Please see what I have just found.[*2]
In the image, everything except the top one had posted in IE.
Somehow, Mozilla is able to handle both Korean title and content, but IE(6.0) can not.
How can I possibly explain this thing and fix it?
Thank you in advance,
Korean title is broken - revisited.
Posted on: 02/18/03 12:03pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
The page looks the same to me in Netscape 6 and IE 6. Perhaps the reason some of these characters are not displaying in Korean is because they aren't defined in the euc-kr character set or the browsers have not yet fully implemented it. Have you tried using ISO-2022-KR to see if that gives better results?
Korean title is broken - revisited.
Posted on: 02/18/03 12:49pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
Try setting the default_charset as below:
$_CONF['default_charset'] = 'ks_c_5601-1987';
To fully implement Korean language in your website you need to create korean.php under geek/language by translating the "language" file from any language file under the directory. You also need to specify the 'default_charset' in the korean.php file the same as above. See a GeekLog site running in Korean as an exmple at: