Posted on: 02/22/03 10:40pm
By: Anonymous (eggic)
Everything was going fine until I tried running step two of install.php.
I received
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /var/www/geeklog/system/databases/mysql.class.php on line 104.
This error puzzled me since I had just used phpMyAdmin to setup a database for GeekLog. So I looked at the info.php and sure enough, it didn't have a table for MySQL. However, when I looked at phpinfo.php in the phpMyAdmin dir it had the MySQL table.
I feel it is something simple, but I don't see it right now.
Thanks for any help!
mysql_connect() error while running install.php
Posted on: 02/23/03 10:12am
By: ndarlow
phpMyAdmin intelligently (?) loads the server extension if it isn't already loaded.
It sounds like your php.ini configuration doesn't load at startup and, i'm guessing, MySQL support isn't built into your PHP.
Neil Darlow M.Sc.
mysql_connect() error while running install.php
Posted on: 02/23/03 04:54pm
By: Anonymous (eggic)
I would have to agree with you. It turned out now that I am awake, ran php at the command line and got the error message that I had named the .so wrong. Corrected the name and everything works.
mysql_connect() error while running install.php
Posted on: 02/27/03 09:22pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
I have a posting regarding the same problem (mysql_connect()) on another thread.
My symptoms are the same and you folks seem to have found the solution. Is there a step by step to do what you folks did to fix the problem. I am still new at this and don't know where to find the files that you fixed. Any assistance you could offer would be most appreciated.