Posted on: 03/15/03 09:17pm
By: Anonymous (novelle)
I got this far:
Geeklog Database Settings (Step 2 of 2)
Now we are ready to add the necessary data structures to your Geeklog database. If you are upgrading, please be sure to select the current version of your Geeklog database below. If this is a new installation, just hit the 'Next' button. We hope that at this point you have already backed-up your existing database (if you have one). If you haven't then do so before clicking the 'Next' button below. You've been warned.
I got four boxes starting from left:
2" then this 3rd box to my geeklog path
then below: "<< then a box: "Next and outside beside it:>">
And of course, there's NO NEXT Button to click.
WHAT went wrong? WHAT do I have to do to proceed?
Thanks for your help!
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/16/03 04:27am
By: Dirk
Hmm, do you have magic_quotes_runtime set to "on" in your php.ini? Try setting it to "off" if you have (and don't forget to restart your webserver).
bye, Dirk
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/16/03 05:20pm
By: Anonymous (novelle)
I've up-loaded the hole works of Geeklog to my website;
it got and entered all the data in 'config.php'
Is some stuff in there I should NOT have uploaded?
the sql directory? or put some stuff in the cgi-bin?
hoping to get it working...
because when before I kept it separate (as per instructions)
it couldn't find the files and entering them in 'install. php' wouldn't do the trick.
I want to get it running first and then separate it (public/secure) step by step..
Any suggestions?
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/16/03 08:42pm
By: Anonymous (novelle)
It seems I'm making some progress:
After I entered in file: lib-common.php line 65
Template Error: set_root: /export/web/omega/novelle/www/geeklog//export/
web/omega/novelle/www/geeklog/public_html/layout/XSilver/ is not a
What does this error indicate?
The path to my config.php is:
The path to my html directory is:
What did I do wrong? What needs to be changed
Thank you very much for your replies!
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/16/03 11:54pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
At least one of your paths is still messed up. Based on your error, it's probably the one to the layout. If you can't figure it out, then post the actual section of your config file where you set the paths. It's easier to pinpoint where you went off.
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/17/03 07:19pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
I've thrown it all out and will start fresh. downloaded Greymatter and pMachine and got them going in less than ten minutes...
I. -got my mysql data from my provider:
a) - my HOSTNAME: ""
b) - my mysql username, which is the same as my ftp username:"novelist"
c) - my mysql password, which is the same as my ftp password: "b1o2o3k4s"
d) - and the Database name was given (same as username): "novelist"
II. -Then I opened config.php with Notepad) and entered a, b, c, d,
into the config.php file:
III. -Next I ftp'd to my server and
1) -made a directory: /blog
2) -made another within /blog: /pm
-so, now I have: /www/blog/pm
3) Now I uploaded at first only the pMaschine's "pm" file itself:
-now I have: /www/blog/pm/pm
then the rest of all the files of pMachine:/www/blog/pm/pm/and/all/the/rest
4) Then I went to my browser:
IV. -This tookless than 10 minutes and the default weblog page was up and ready to go.
Now, why wouldn't the same with a different directory work for Geeklog?
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/17/03 08:36pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
If you just posted real names and password on your database, then you better go change it NOW because you just invited troublemakers to walk right in the front door of your site.
Regarding Geeklog, you never said what problems you encountered. All you did here was list the steps you took to install another blog. So what. Geeklog is relatively easy to install too. There's only two files you have to edit one of which is one line. Without you specifically posting the error messages or what problems you encountered, no one here can help. If you happen to be novelle, you were already told your paths were off and to post your config info.
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/18/03 01:16pm
By: Anonymous (novelle)
I have now re-installed Geeklog- at least I'm trying to:
all files are in
with this:
I get as before to the blue page: Geeklog Database Settings (Step 2 of 2)
and like before it doesn't have a next button.
with this I get to:
I get to this: "1146: Table 'myusername.gl_blocks' doesn't exist"
My config.php settings are as follows:
the MYSQL data are all provided by my provider:
my hostname:, -myusername, -mypassword, -DB username =myusername-
and I have entered them as follows:
$_DB_dbms = 'mysql';
$_DB_host = '';
$_DB_name = 'myusername';
$_DB_user = 'myusername';
$_DB_pass = 'mypassword';
$_DB_table_prefix = 'gl_';
I have no value for the last one. What would go into there?
the other config.php settings:
$_CONF['path'] = '/export/web21/omega/myname/www/geeklog/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . '/public_html/';
and (as per instructions) I entered into lib-common.php :
require_once( '/export/web21/omega/myname/www/geeklog/config.php' );
Now what in the above is wrong or missing?
Thank you very much for your patience!!!
P.S. when I use "novelle", "book" or "poet" etc
these are ficticious and never identical with my website data.
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/18/03 02:44pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
This one here shouldn't have a slash in front of public:
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . '/public_html/';
It should read:
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'public_html/';
Did you put all the files under '/export/web21/omega/myname/www/geeklog/' or separate any of them out to another location? Do you have the $_CONF['path'] starting at the root? If you changed any other path lines, please post them too.
Also, you have the database name and user name as the same here. Usually, people pick different ones.
$_DB_name = 'myusername';
$_DB_user = 'myusername';
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/18/03 05:15pm
By: Anonymous (novelle)
Thank you very much for your reply:
I have removed the slash / re public_html,
but the result is the same as mentioned in previous #6
on the previous trial last week I had the full path, without it
I get to > "1146: Table 'myname.gl_blocks' doesn't exist"
Did you put all the files under '/export/web21/omega/myname/www/geeklog/'
ALL files are in geeklog, at least until I get it working.
separate any of them out to another location?
NO; on my first unsuccessful trial they were separate, but not now.
3) Do you have the $_CONF['path'] starting at the root?
Full Path is:
Full Path may be needed for programming files in PERL, PHP, ASP, etc.
If you changed any other path lines, please post them too.
everything is posted in previous comment #6:
(as per instructions) I entered into lib-common.php :
require_once( '/export/web21/omega/myname/www/geeklog/config.php' );
4.) Also, you have the database name and user name as the same here. Usually,
people pick different ones.
$_DB_name = 'myusername';
$_DB_user = 'myusername';
I went and copied on my website as follows:
UserName: myusername
Password: (hidden) Same as your FTP password
Database Name: myusername
Version: 3.23.46
(these settings work with pMachine)
I just tried $_DB_name = 'myusername'; and instead entered 'geeklog' with this result:
>"error selecting database"
The answer must be somewhre else, but where?
Thank you again!
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/19/03 01:06am
By: rawdata
I just tried $_DB_name = 'myusername'; and instead entered 'geeklog' with this result:
>"error selecting database"
You can't put geeklog in there unless you previously set up your database with that name.
When you run the install script, at the bottom of page 1 it asks for a path to Geeklog so it can find config.php. What are you putting in that field? When you hit Step 2 of 2, does it say this or something else:
Geeklog Database Settings (Step 2 of 2)
Now we are ready to add the necessary data structures to your Geeklog database. If you are upgrading, please be sure to select the current version of your Geeklog database below. If this is a new installation, just hit the 'Next' button. We hope that at this point you have already backed-up your existing database (if you have one). If you haven't then do so before clicking the 'Next' button below. You've been warned.
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/19/03 02:35am
By: Anonymous (novelle)
that was exactly the point I started with here: [Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)]
and am still stuck:
with this:
result is as before, the blue page: Geeklog Database Settings (Step 2 of 2)
and like before it does NOT have a 'NEXT' button.
with this I get to:
results in: "1146: Table 'myusername.gl_blocks' doesn't exist"
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/19/03 03:10am
By: Anonymous (novelle)
here is install page (page 2 of 2); it's a NEW install; it has NO Next Button;
what's wrong with it?
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<head><title>Geeklog Installation: Database Setup</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<h2>Geeklog Database Settings (Step 2 of 2)</h2>
<P>Now we are ready to add the necessary data structures to your Geeklog database. If you are upgrading, please be sure to select the current version of your Geeklog database below. If this is a new installation, just hit the 'Next' button. We hope that at this point you have already backed-up your existing database (if you have one). If you haven't then <b>do so <i>before</i> clicking the 'Next' button below</b>. You've been warned.
<form action="install.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="upgrade" value="0">
<center><table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="geeklog_path" value="/export/web21/omega/myusername/www/geeklog">
<center><input type="submit" name="action" value="<< Previous"> <input type="submit" name="action" value="Next >>"></center>
Thanks for your knowledge!
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/19/03 03:52am
By: Dirk
Hmm, looks fine to me. This is the exact same HTML source that you will find in /path/to/geeklog/system/install_templates/databasesettings.tpl (with your paths and setup info filled in).
Could this be a browser issue? Which browser are you using and did you try another one?
The above is not exactly valid HTML (I'm going to fix that ...), but I would be surprised if it would confuse any browser such that it failed to display the Next button ...
bye, Dirk
Can't install geeklog stuck at (Step 2 of 2)
Posted on: 03/19/03 07:45am
By: Anonymous (novelle)
same results with explorer, netscape, and opera.
this gives me the source page in netscape,
404 in explorer,
and in opera:
Geeklog Database Settings (Step 2 of 2) with 'previous' and 'next' clickable buttons to 404
1146: Table 'myusername.gl_blocks' doesn't exist
Like I said previously, I have pMachine and under 'myusername' all 25 table entries are pm_
and it did this by itself.
Can't geeklog set this up by itself? Am not sure how this works;
I could open another table in MySql manager: gl_ or gl_blocks
but I don't know what further values to enter...
I'm assuming that pm_ and gl_ can live together without trouble?
This would be really the next step! maybe that's the last hurdle before install?
am learning this stuff step by step...
Thanks for your patience and answers!