Posted on: 04/30/03 04:51pm
By: Anonymous (smartin)
Well, i have been for a week to solve mail problems.
- php with mail() function
- qmail working, of course!
- all what you want: I have squirrelmail, imapssl, snmp tsl, snmp auth-req, popssl, virtual domains support............
- I run with my love FreeBSD(stable, very stable), but you can run other systems, no problem
Typical problem: mail donĀ“t work
Solution: php.ini
be aware, if you have the path: /var/qmail/bin/sendmail (or your path .../sendmail), qmail has problems to know where the mail must be send
Path to solve this: /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
I hope you don't waste time like me.
See you!