Posted on: 11/30/02 10:10pm
By: FlightSimGuy
I'm working on a rating/karma system for GeekLog, and I thought I'd show you guys what I have so far and ask for any thoughts, suggestions, etc. Basically it lets people evaluate ('moderate,' as the slashdot fanbase would put it) comments and stories, and uses a karma system to keep track of who's participating, posting highly-rated comments and stories, etc.
I've installed it on
my GeekLog site[*1] , for anyone to play with. Keep in mind that you do have to be registered to evaluate anything. Oh, and for a more complete feature list see
this page[*2] .
Rating/Karma Addon: Request for Comments
Posted on: 12/01/02 08:09am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
tried it on your site. Right now it's a bit confusing. When I rate one story it disappears and the ability to rate the other stories on the page disappears.
After rating a story it goes to a page that doesnt have that story on it.
Really confusing as to what is going on.
You say"People can check moderation totals. Admins (or everyone, if the admin so chooses) can also tie this in with usernames, to see which user is rating you down, etc. "
Where, how?
Rating/Karma Addon: Request for Comments
Posted on: 12/01/02 08:19am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
Tried it again. I see rating box changes to "current score" link once voted. But why for all stories on page.
try to vote on story after clicking on current score, can't, even if you havent voted for it before.
Where does a user see his karma points? It is not in account information.
Should change word rating to score or score to rating. One or the other so as not to confuse what is going on.
Great, would love to see this completed and working.
Rating/Karma Addon: Request for Comments
Posted on: 12/01/02 10:26am
By: FlightSimGuy
When you rate stories on the front page, you can rate as many (or as few) stories as you want to rate at once. If you want to rate them one at a time, it lets you do that, too. Just select a rating for the story you want, and click 'rate all.' It'll bounce you back to the front page, and the drop-down box for that particular story will disappear (you can't rate the same story twice). The drop-down boxes for the others (which you left untouched at "------------"

will still be there. You're right, there is a glitch here: it's impossible to rate stories from anywhere other than the front page. The rating box only disappears when you've already rated that story; keep in mind that you can rate more than one story at a time. I checked, and saw that you rated several of the stories. Is it possible that you chose ratings for many of them, but then clicked on one of the 'Rate All' boxes, thinking only the rating you gave that particular story will take hold?
The reason I made this so, is so one could rate all of the stories in one swoop and not have to bother clicking the button dozens of times. If you think this just makes it more confusing for the user, please let me know.
To see the moderation totals, click the words "current score" which are hyperlinked. You'll see how many people have chosen what rating. An admin, at that screen, will also see the usernames of users, and what they rated.
And as for the connection between word ratings and number ratings..a story starts at 0 when it's posted. Every positive word rating it gets (Interesting, Helpful, etc.) increases its number rating by 1 point. On the same token, every negative word rating it gets (Pointless, Uncool, etc.) decreases its number rating by 1. The Current Score thingy shows you its current number rating, and the most common word rating that people have been giving it. I didn't realize this was unclear.. If you have any suggestions for how I can make this obvious to the users (other than directing them to read this post), plz let me know.
Rating/Karma Addon: Request for Comments
Posted on: 12/01/02 10:35am
By: FlightSimGuy
Oh, and karma points..the site has a 'highest karma' block. My goal here is to NOT have to request that people modify their theme to install it. So at the moment, the karma is indeed on the profile page, squeezed between the username and realname as seen here:
User Name: FlightSimGuy --
135 (Sergey)
I'll try to find a way to cram in an extra field without modifying the theme. If not, maybe a seperate 'karma info' page would work.
Rating/Karma Addon: Request for Comments
Posted on: 12/01/02 06:09pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
>>you chose ratings for many of them, but then clicked on one of the 'Rate All' boxes, thinking only the rating you gave that particular story will take hold?>>>
Ahhh... didn't understand why it said "Rate All", now I see why I was so confused.
I don't think many will understand this without explanation.
I prefer to be able to rate each one individually as I may not be interested in, not read, not get to the other stories.
I think a "Rate All" is NOT needed at all, it just confuses everything. A simple rate this story, and this story only, on a one by one basis.
" Rate All" would be fine if you had a list of stories with checkboxes next to each of them and one rate all button at the end, but that would not fit into the way geeklog normally works.
Rating/Karma Addon: Request for Comments
Posted on: 12/01/02 06:16pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
No, this is not clear. Probably best to put two lines on top of each story page explaining this.
i.e. "Your rating will either increase or decrease this stories score by one (as noted in the parentheses next to the rating)"
What if I wanted to assign higher or lower numbers to different ratings (i.e. +2,+3... or -2, -3...)
>>>And as for the connection between word ratings and number ratings..a story starts at 0 when it's posted. Every positive word rating it gets (Interesting, Helpful, etc.) increases its number rating by 1 point. On the same token, every negative word rating it gets (Pointless, Uncool, etc.) decreases its number rating by 1. The Current Score thingy shows you its current number rating, and the most common word rating that people have been giving it. I didn't realize this was unclear.. If you have any suggestions for how I can make this obvious to the users (other than directing them to read this post), plz let me know.>>
Rating/Karma Addon: Request for Comments
Posted on: 12/01/02 06:20pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
>>>Oh, and karma points..the site has a 'highest karma' block.>>>
I would modify my theme or put in a block to display karma points for users... Makes for a nice contest...
Oh, and I guess I don't quite understand karma points either.
Why did I get karma points for rating a story, not posting one?
What does a user get karma points for, and how many?
Is the score on the story assigned as karma points to the person that wrote the story?
Rating/Karma Addon: Request for Comments
Posted on: 12/01/02 07:12pm
By: FlightSimGuy
You got karma points for neither. Actually, users on my site start out with 10 karma points when they register (also configurable) and go from there (up or down). As it stands, the following things can influence your karma. Keep in mind that the number of points of influence is just my opinion on what it should be, and will be configure by the site's admin. Any of the following can either add or subtract any number (your choice) of karma points:
- Post A Comment (+1)
- Submit A Story (+2)
- Get Your Story Posted (+4)
- Story Rejected (+0)
- Your Comment Modded Up (+2)
- Your Comment Modded Down (-3)
- Your Story Modded Up (+3)
- Your Story Modded Down (-3)
No, the score isn't assigned as karma points. Instead, karma is added or subtracted every time someone rates your comment up or down. Oh, and a contest for the users is precisely what this is.

Rating/Karma Addon: Request for Comments
Posted on: 12/01/02 07:59pm
By: FlightSimGuy
This shouldn't have been an issue to begin with. The page selects the "---------" as the default setting on the rating drop-down box. If you just rate one story and leave the others at "---------", they will be ignored by the script and your rating will only be recorded for that one. You won't have voted on the others (as "----------" isn't a valid rating) so they'll still be there for you to vote on later.
Re:Rating/Karma Addon: Request for Comments
Posted on: 10/31/03 08:18am
By: gape
i'm wondering ... what hapen with this plugin ... is there a code somewhere?
above links do not hold geeklog ...
am i missing something ...
is there another scritp - addon - hack - plugin - for that job
does anyone has the code, that was written so far?
in fact i need a script that would enable readers to karma vote on articles, and maybe to events in calendar too ...