Posted on: 02/01/03 04:00pm
By: Dirk
For those who want to use Geeklog's "daily digest" feature (i.e. an email summarizing the new stories that have been posted on a site) but can not use cronjobs, I wrote a little plugin that lets you send out the digest email manually. Hence the name: Manual Digest Plugin[*1] .
bye, Dirk
Manual Digest Plugin
Posted on: 02/01/03 06:49pm
By: alinford
Rock on! Mr. Diggler, you rule.
Manual Digest Plugin
Posted on: 02/01/03 07:24pm
By: keystone
I like it! I don't have enough activity to warrant a daily digest. Is there a parameter to change or a hack for a "weekly" digest? Thanks, Dirk, your efforts on GL are greatly appreciated. Best Regards, Bob.
Manual Digest Plugin
Posted on: 02/02/03 03:47am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
It's a "Manual" Digest which means you or someone with "user.mail" permission will execute it physically. It is not done automatically like a cron. There are no parameter settings to make it execute daily as opposed to weekly. You just physically run the code whenever you want.
Manual Digest Plugin
Posted on: 02/02/03 07:35am
By: keystone
Thanks. I now understand that ALL new stories are sent, not just stories for the day. Here's a great description from Dirk on how this gets set-up.
Thanks, Bob
Manual Digest Plugin
Posted on: 02/02/03 09:32am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
A couple of small items on your plugin:
-- The mdigest icon doesn't display in the Plugin Editor. The editor's code looks for the image at:
$_CONF['site_url'] . "/" . $pi_name . "/images/" . $pi_name . ".gif"
If you have a plugin which is for Admin use only, the editor still requires you to have a public_html directory just for that icon image. I recommend you consider altering this code so the editor first looks in admin/plugins/ and then over in public_html for the icon. That way someone doing an Admin only plugin doesn't have to create an extra directory just to hold an image.
-- In the English language file, "not_enabled1" is missing an open bracket in front of the tag "strong"
-- Inside install.php you say: "If you want to remove this plugin you would set the value in that record to 0 and then this script will uninstall the plugin. All this is outlined in the INSTALL and UNINSTALL documents." This part is missing in the readme file.
-- In the readme instructions, you give two ways of installing the plugin. I'm running 1.3.7sr1, and I don't see any install link in the lower half of the screen.
Other than those minor things, very nice plugin.
Manual Digest Plugin
Posted on: 02/02/03 12:32pm
By: Dirk
Thanks for your comments.
I'm aware of the problem with the icon but found it silly to include a directory for public_html (and thus making the install more complicated) just to have an icon. Instead, I modified my local copy of admin/plugins.php to ask the plugin where the icon resides - and then forgot all about it. Expect this feature to be a part of the next release of Geeklog ...
You can safely ignore the comment in install.php (about zeros and the INSTALL and UNINSTALL documents) - I derived the install.php from the static pages plugin and forgot to remove that comment. To uninstall the Manual Digest plugin, you can use the "Delete" button from the plugin editor.
Not sure why the install from the list of plugins does not work for you. After you copied all the files to their correct places, you should see two lists (two blocks) in the Admin's plugin menu: A list of the installed plugins (in the top block) and a list of the plugins not installed yet (in the other block). The latter should have an "Install" link next to them.
bye, Dirk