Posted on: 02/04/03 11:16pm
By: alinford
I have everything worrking, however, in the External Plugin admin area, there is a spot that gets filled in with a link. This link is showing up like this:
It should be like this:
This is what is automatically filling in the first time I go to a page.
How do I fix this?
External page plugin prob
Posted on: 02/05/03 08:50am
By: tomw
The default templates take the file name from the variable $SCRIPT_NAME. As I said in the documentation, its best to fill this in with the actual name url of the page because the $SCRIPT_NAME variable sometimes does not get set correctly. I do not know whos problem this is PHPs or Apaches.
The simple answer to your question is to fill in the correct url in place of substr($SCRIPT_NAME,1) in the file. You can then either edit the url so that is correct in the admin area or delete the entry and let it get created automagically.
External page plugin prob
Posted on: 02/09/03 03:10pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
that did not fix the prblem as it is still generating the same bad url.
Where in the script is this url being generated? I am assuming that it is adding multiple variables together to create it. So I am wondering what the variables are and where they are stored.
External page plugin prob
Posted on: 02/10/03 08:03am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
The url is generated from whatever you put in place of the variable. All the magic is done in the simple routine SEC_externalAccess in And that just takes the url that is passed to it.
What does not work? Does it record hits and limit access? Where is the doubled url? You should not even have a complete url unless you are evaluating php pages for search.
In other words, I am stumped, because urls are never created by the external access plugin.
External page plugin prob
Posted on: 02/10/03 09:11am
By: alinford
Sorry for the confusion.
When I click on the External Pages link in the Admin Only block, it show a list of the external pages. An example URL from there is:
This link, when clicked, goes here:
For some reason there is one gl too many.
Since no one ever uses these links, who cares that they are a little screwed up.
The problem is that, although hits are counted correctly, I can't limit access to the pages.
The problems may be unrelated, but I was hooping that if I could fix the URL/Link issue, the acces issue would be solved as well.
I have tried putting the file names into the variable area, but this has not helped so far.