Posted on: 02/07/03 11:00am
By: nurseryboy
Alright guys,
Blaine and I just finished putting the finishing touches on the forum project and have deemed it ready for release. I know a lot of you have been waiting for a while for this, so I won?t take too much time explaining it. Here is just a list of some of the newest features for v2.0:
- Custom themes!
- User tracking.
- Improved notification.
- More ways to view topics.
- More moderator functions.
- Easy upgrade from v1.0
These are just a few out of a whole bunch of new features. More details can be found in the install document included in the archive. The install document also includes instructions for upgrading from v1.0 as well as instructions for a new install, tips creating custom themes, and contact info for any help needed. If you want to see v2.0 of the forum before you download, check out:
Country Web[*1] and/or
Blaine's Site[*2] .
Ok, for the download. You can get it from
here[*3] . Just unzip the archive, open the install document and follow the directions.
We would like to thank everyone who assisted in helping us throughout the creation of this project, especially Simon Lord (aka knuckles) who provided the custom theme to go along with this release.
Also, there will be a need for new forum themes to be created for existing Geeklog themes and we encourage users to upload those themes on the main geeklog site or make them generally available.
So there you go guys. We hope you like it!
Matthew & Blaine
Posted on: 02/07/03 11:56am
By: alinford
Wow, this is great. I look forward to moving a site from phpbb2 (I do not need to move past posts).
Now that this is released, is there any way that you would break out the extended memberlist into it's own plugin? It would be great if it were also simple to add a couple of fields or hide unwanted fields (like pgp key) for those of us that do not need that.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/07/03 12:05pm
By: DTrumbower
Posted on: 02/07/03 12:10pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
Sounds like a good project for you to do.
Posted on: 02/07/03 12:21pm
By: alinford
I would also like to play in the NBA, but since I do not have the skills for that either, I watch the games and cheer.
Posted on: 02/07/03 01:46pm
By: nurseryboy
Sorry, but I won't be able to do that plugin. If someone else can, then by all means, please do.
I am getting very busy and don't have huge amounts of time to work on such things at the moment.
Good idea though alinford.
Missing function in Admin File
Posted on: 02/07/03 02:50pm
By: Blaine
Don't quite know how but a function called "statusMessage" is missing in the gf_functions.php under the admin directory.
So until we get the archives that have been distributed updated. You can get the single replacement file here[*5]
Missing function in Admin File
Posted on: 02/07/03 05:36pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
Hmm, I'm getting:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare statusmessage() (previously declared in /home/username/www/admin/plugins/forum/gf_functions.php:79) in /home/ysername/www/forum/include/gf_format.php on line 245
when I try to access the "Board Admin".
Missing function in Admin File
Posted on: 02/07/03 05:42pm
By: Blaine
Please download again - the archive was updated within the past hour. In my haste to correct the first report of this problem - it was not tested in all functions.
You will need to replace all files to be save including:
- plugins/forum/
- files under public_html/forum
- files under admin/plugins/forum
I hope I got this issue resolved now.
Missing function in Admin File
Posted on: 02/07/03 05:54pm
By: Skinner
Hi Blaine,
You might want to check the SQL insert functions as well, it seem as though single quotes might not be escaped properly and cause an error.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/07/03 06:36pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
The upgrade didnt work so i manully exported the categories / forums and data. Everything seems to be working very well with administrative functions. Users who are NOT logged in can also view the forum. The problem comes when users who ARE logged in try to access the forum. I get THIS error:
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'WHERE uid='4'' at line 1
A noted fix : (I had to remove a simicolon on line 162 of user settings to allow profiles to work properly - thats the fix for that)
any advice (should work unless u are logged in)
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/07/03 07:01pm
By: Blaine
I don't understand - you did not note the program you changed.
What problems did you have upgrading - it was tested several times on several sites without issue.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/07/03 07:09pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
ok.. my bad
Problem 1)
any users who are logged into my site get the following error whent hey try to view the forums:
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'WHERE uid='4'' at line 1
I can access all of the admin functions though.
Problem 2)
I was getting a pharse error from line 162 of the usersettings.php. I notced that line 165 had a semicolon that should not be there...erased it, and the error went away. I got that error when trying to open the moderator box in admin. The most important error to me is the error I get in problem 1
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/07/03 07:17pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
I also get the error when I click on "messages" from within the settings.php file.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/07/03 07:23pm
By: Blaine
There is no usersettings.php file in the forum.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/07/03 07:42pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
there is an updated one for geeklog 1.3.6 users
Im sorry for not being clear. I updated those files....and the pharse error exists in the file provided (line 156
The most important error is the:
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'WHERE uid='4'' at line 1
The error is displayed whenever a logged in user tried to view the index, messages, or gf_prefs files. The erros shows up and nothing else.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/07/03 08:00pm
By: Blaine
Anyone else experiencing this issue?
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/07/03 08:20pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
I just uninstalled the forum (made sure all forum tables were gone)
and I installed it from scratch. No luck

Posted on: 02/07/03 10:51pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
Woo-hoo! Yeah!!
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/08/03 12:05am
By: DTrumbower
Testing on XP, Apache and I have now problems.
Great work.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/08/03 05:21am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
Hey I replaced only two gf_functions files... I could not find any gf_functions in the directories you've said to look into...
1. plugins/forum/ ( Found this one)
2. files under public_html/forum (none)
3. files under admin/plugins/forum (none)
and I am still getting this error...
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare statusmessage() (previously declared in C

rogram FilesServerhtdocscommunityportaladminpluginsforumgf_functions.php:79) in C

rogram FilesServerhtdocscommunityportalforumincludegf_format.php on line 245
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/08/03 12:22pm
By: Skinner
The .tgz file seems to be corrupt or wrong on the Sourcforge site. The filesize is 1.1 meg, and when trying to extract it:
[]$ tar zxvf forum_2.0_1.3.7.tgz
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/08/03 03:08pm
By: Blaine
The archives on
geeklogplugins.sourceforge have been updated and I've tested both archives again. If anyone is having problems upgrading, or installing to a database that is not using the default gl_ prefix. The table prefix was an issue created when I made a last minute change to remove the install SQL to an external file.
The unix tar file was tested with tar -zxvf
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/09/03 12:57am
By: Skinner
First let me say this is pretty cool, and I've already manages to change the theme fairly easily. That said, I ran across a few oddities:
Using the Login link in forum top menu:
Logs the user in, but asks of they forgot their password and displays login screen again (over and over)
Documentation section 6 says to append forum_style.css to your style.css file, However, the filename is forumstyles.css. Also, several files in the templates add new tags in the middle of the page and reference the /layout/theme/forum/forumstyle.css file. Is this legal css?
If there are no public forums and if an anymous user tries a search, produces syntax error on line 1 near ''
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/09/03 01:08am
By: Nuke
I'm getting the issue. It appears that single quotes are not being properly escaped.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/09/03 01:37am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
So how can I fix the forum?
I get that error every time a user who is logged in tries to access. Its sucky and I'm stuck.

*geeklog 1.36*
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/09/03 05:48pm
By: geKow
Great looking, great working, great... well... chance to translate everything. But...
I have a problem:
When I go to the Setup/Moderators tab I get an
"1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1"
on top of the list. It seems, that I can set only certain members as moderators, even if they all have the same user level. I can't even set me as the superuser as moderator!
It may be a coincedence... I can set a member whos name starts wit B as mod, one who starts with F, but none from G on... weird.
But even a moderator with del allowed on a forum can't delete a topic. After hitting the confirmation button, he gets:
"No function selected, choose a post and then a moderator function. Note: You must be a moderator to perform these functions."
any idea?
But besides that, great thing :-)
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/09/03 10:34pm
By: Blaine
I don't know - was this a fresh install?
I just did yet another clean install to test this. I can't duplicate with a fresh install or on my other setups - need more information or if anyone else can duplicate it.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/09/03 10:47pm
By: Blaine
Thanks skinner - let me address a couple of those items.
1) The login issue is the link in the template file navbar_nonmember.thtml. remove the $mode=login
2) Fixed the note in the documentation. I'm not a CSS guru but did not see any problems in my testing.
3) Can't duplicate. Tried with no forums and categories, also with one forum that had restricted access.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 02/10/03 10:45am
By: Skinner
Hi Blaine,
The login fix works, I appreciate the response.
Regarding the SQL error, I'll elaborate a little maybe it'll help:
I have created 1 Category (General) that has 1 forum (Announcements). The forum is restricted to Story Admins. As the root user, I created 1 announcement that is a locked topic.
Now, if an anonymous user searches the forums (which of course thay can't even see) the error in the error log is:
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1 SQL in question: SELECT MAX(time) FROM gl_forum_log WHERE uid=
If a logged in user who has no access to the forums does a search, the error doesn't happen. It's only when an anonymous user searches.
Also, if I may make a suggestion, it would be to incorporate release numbers into the released files:
etc. It would help us know if we have the current version or not.
Thanks again.
Forum 2.0 Authoring rights
Posted on: 02/10/03 11:38am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
ok, it wasn't a clean install. I tried an upgrade as it was explained, but that seemed not to work. I had an sql error about a missing table "sticky" or something like that and the plugin was still named 1.0 in the Plugins section.
Than I deleted the plugin (or whatever happens when you click delete in the Plugin Editor) and run the install.php. And than I enabled the Forum plugin (now called 2.0) and it looks fine, exept that author and that delete problem. (And the SQL error mentioned before)
As my Forum is not yet "on air" it would be no big problem for me to start over again, do a clean install if you could tell me, wich steps would be necessery, to make it clean.
Thanks, geKow
Forum 2.0 Authoring rights
Posted on: 02/10/03 11:49am
By: geKow
right now I had this error:
"1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1"
on a non forum related point, so it could be a conicedence. Or one big error, causing some troubles :-|
BTW, the error happend after storing new menu pluging entries, and the first time at this point.
Greetings, geKow
Forum 2.0 Authoring rights
Posted on: 02/10/03 01:04pm
By: Blaine
forum table problem
Posted on: 02/12/03 12:45am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
1146: Table 'macweb.gl_forum_settings' doesn't exist SQL in question: SELECT registrationrequired FROM gl_forum_settings
(that's in the file)
that's the error I get when I try to do an upgrade on the forums. I just downloaded the new forums tonight. can't get it to work at all. any suggestions on how to get it to work?
I copied all the files where they needed to be copied. I need some help.
SQL Error 1064, Apostrophes in Forum Posts - With error.log SQL
Posted on: 02/12/03 11:11am
By: Anonymous (manonthespoon)
Whenever I try to post to my forum using apostrophes in the post itself, I get the following errors:
Wed Feb 12 11:02:29 2003 - SELECT * FROM mnu_index WHERE ((perm_anon >= 3) OR (perm_members >= 2) OR ((group_id = 2) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 4) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 7) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 11) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 66) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 5) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 13) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 12) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 53) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 10) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 8) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 1) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 14) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 65) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 3) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 6) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 9) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 50) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 15) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 51) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 68) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((owner_id = 5) AND (perm_owner >= 2))) AND (lang = 'english') ORDER BY m_pos ASC
Wed Feb 12 11:02:29 2003 - nrows = 9 <> language = english
Wed Feb 12 11:02:29 2003 - Found 0 in the forum watch table
Wed Feb 12 11:02:29 2003 - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 's test by using words like Let's, and I'm and' at line 2 SQL in question: INSERT INTO gl_forum_topic (name,date,email,website,subject,comment,postmode,ip,mood,uid,pid,forum)
Any suggestions as to what to change to fix this would be appreciated.
SQL Error 1064, Apostrophes in Forum Posts - With error.log SQL
Posted on: 02/12/03 12:38pm
By: Blaine
Try disabling Magic_quotes_gpc on your server - a php.ini setting. I have logic in the code to detect the setting and then use addslashes() if required but there appears be some environments that are not being handled correctly. My testing and others have not been able to duplicate this.
forum table problem
Posted on: 02/12/03 12:43pm
By: Blaine
The forum_settings table would have been installed as part of the original release. So assuming you had that version installed and working - verify if the table really does exist. Is the 1.0 release of the forum still functional?
What other messages are in the error.log file - I output a lot of messages during the upgrade, install or un-install operations.
forum table problem
Posted on: 02/12/03 10:19pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
The forums (1.0) worked before and I haven't tried to put them back. I tried to do a fresh install of the forums, moved all the forums files to a different directory on my server and uploaded the directories/files from 2.0, but I still get the same error.
here's what it says in the logs
Wed Feb 12 22:13:39 2003 - Geeklog Forum Project Plugin Upgrade initiated
Wed Feb 12 22:13:39 2003 - Begin processing {pathtogeeklog}/geeklog/plugins/forum/sql/updates/mysql_1.0_to_2.0.php
Record Count is:25
Wed Feb 12 22:13:39 2003 - executing Delete from gl_forum_log
Wed Feb 12 22:13:39 2003 - 1146: Table 'macweb.gl_forum_log' doesn't exist SQL in question: Delete from gl_forum_log
and when I tried to do a fresh install after moving files and installing new ones, I get this
Wed Feb 12 22:14:30 2003 - 1146: Table 'macweb.gl_forum_settings' doesn't exist SQL in question: SELECT registrationrequired FROM gl_forum_settings
looking at the mysql tables, those tables don't exist.
any ideas?
forum table problem
Posted on: 02/13/03 09:13am
By: Blaine
Sorry to hear you are having troubles. But you noted that the tables do not exist hense the error message. If the forum tables are really not there and the plugin still thinks it is installed then you should try to delete the plugin and re-install. I don't know if that will work either as you somehow may have it partially installed now.
I'm assuming you are using the default table prefix is gl_
Posted on: 02/15/03 12:49am
By: Anonymous (eccc)
I did a lot of reading on some other PHP sites and this is very easy to fix. So easy, I fixed it myself. I simply dropped an .htaccess file in the directories that the forum scripts are located in "/forum" and "/admin/plugins/forum".
In the .htaccess is this line:
php_value magic_quotes_gpc off
All problems went away. Spread the word!
Posted on: 02/15/03 12:54am
By: Anonymous (eccc)
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 03/04/03 07:31am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
Hi all,
i am useing Forum v2 and i am trying to delete ports msg made by the users and i have admin control on the system..
i dont see and delete botton, i just dont whant to have to delete them by mysql cmd's...
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 03/04/03 08:42am
By: Blaine
There was a bug if you are using a language file other then the one provided.
Or you have not assigned yourself as a moderator. Admin's are not by default moderators.
Posted on: 03/12/03 12:44pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
Didn't work for me using a .htaccess file, but it did work by putting that setting in my php.ini
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 04/13/03 11:15am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
I am also getting the error
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1
when i try to add a moderator no matter who i am logged in as(admin) now i did see posted that admin is not automatically a moderator where do you add admin in to be a moderator?
Mainly i am having a problem with the main forumposts box, when i try click on either new, views,or posts it just refreshs the page, you are not brought to the forums section... did i forget to point some file in the right direction.?? i have searched the posts for the answer but have not found any comments on it.. any help would be much appreciated. thanks in advance.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 04/13/03 01:21pm
By: Blaine
There was an old bug with the moderator code so maybe you have an old archive.. The one on this site should be the last released version.
By Default admin is not a moderator on all forums - is correct.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 04/14/03 09:28am
By: Blaine
As a forum moderator, you will have a dropdown listbox in each topic post that appears. Select Delete from the moderator options.
Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 04/14/03 10:29am
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
Thanks for the prompt reply.
I downloaded the version of forum2 about 2 weeks ago, but i will download again it again in case. The forum looks great otherwise. Thanks
SQL Error 1064, Apostrophes in Forum Posts - With error.log SQL
Posted on: 04/23/03 06:54pm
By: Anonymous (ginadapooh)
I am having a proablem with the Apostrophes also, except it is a bit diffrent.
I can post a topic with an apostrophe with no problem. The problem comes in to play only when someone makes a reply to the post with the apostrophe. Is there any reason it would affect one and not the other?
Right now I am just telling everyone not to use apostrophes LOL
Re:Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 07/06/03 01:41am
By: Ectropian
For everyone\'s benefit, I would like to bring to light one thing. The Forum 2.0 requires that Magic_quotes be turned OFF in the php.ini file. This will fix 95% of the problems.
However, my system admin informs me that he cannot change magic_quotes for me due to other users requireing it to be ON, and that I should use an .htaccess file.
New Problem:
1. No matter what I put in the .htaccess file, I break access to whatever directory up from /root of .htaccess file location.
I have put the following:
php_value magic_quotes_gpc off
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc 0
and many other variations...
2. In Apache httpd.conf file AllowOverride ALL must be set in order for the .htaccess file to work.
Does anyone have any other suggestions?
btw.. eccc, does not work for me

Re:Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 07/06/03 01:55am
By: Anonymous (Dave)
Blaine has posted a fix for this
I took the file above and replaced my \'public/forum/include/gf_format.php\' file with it. Now the forum is humming nicely.
Re:Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 07/10/03 07:26pm
By: Ectropian
sweet, Thanks for the link. It\'s so hard to find good query info now days

Now to a more important question: Blaine mentioned in a prior post that the Forum Centerblock wouldn\'t work in 1.3.8 untill he updated. Does anyone know if this is fixed yet?
Re:Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 07/10/03 08:08pm
By: Blaine
There is nothing to fix as this is a new feature with 1.3.8 that was initiated with my Forum Centerblock work and the Plugin evolved thru Dirks work on the Staticpage plugin. I will release the new forum once the final release of 1.3.8 is out
Re:Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 07/17/03 01:30pm
By: Ectropian
Sorry Blaine, by \"fixed\" I meant does it work out-of-the-box yet? or should I wait for final 1.3.8 before implimenting any code changes?

Re:Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 07/21/03 02:34pm
By: sbj
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near \'WHERE uid=\'4\'\' at line 1
[QUOTE BY= Blaine] Anyone else experiencing this issue?
Yes, I am experiencing it too. I just installed the forum plugin. The log says that the install was successful. But now it will not let me create categories & forums. I get the following error:
\"1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near \'\' at line 1 SQL in question: SELECT forum_name FROM gl_forum_forums WHERE forum_id=
I have done some searching, but have not come across a solution for this problem yet.
Re:Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 07/21/03 03:21pm
By: sbj
Correction. Now I can create categories & forums. But that 1064: SQL error message still appears for forum admin/moderator function as stated in an earlier message.
Re:Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 08/15/03 03:51pm
By: Anonymous (JoeA)
Hi guys,
Forgive my naive question: The forum they\'re using here at looks just like phpBB, which is what I\'m currently running on my website. If I wanted to migrate my existing usernames/topics etc over to a geeklog block (type of thing), is Forum 2.0 the plugin I\'m looking for?
If not, do you know if it\'s possible to integrate phpBB?
Re:Forum 2.0 Release!
Posted on: 08/17/03 04:17pm
By: Dirk
[QUOTE BY= JoeA]The forum they\'re using here at looks just like phpBB[/QUOTE]
It may look like it, but it\'s really the Forum plugin for Geeklog which is not compatible with phpBB.
[QUOTE BY= JoeA]If I wanted to migrate my existing usernames/topics etc over to a geeklog block (type of thing), is Forum 2.0 the plugin I\'m looking for?[/QUOTE]
I\'m not sure if there\'s a converter from phpBB. There has been talk about creating one, but I don\'t think it has happened yet.
[QUOTE BY= JoeA]If not, do you know if it\'s possible to integrate phpBB?[/QUOTE]
There are two separate integration hacks for phpBB 1.x and 2.x, but they\'re both old and unsupported now ...
bye, Dirk