Posted on: 04/05/03 09:31pm
By: alinford
This seems like it would be a very useful plugin. It would allow users to setup alerts for new stories or comments in different topics, new comments in specific stories, or any new content in general. Here is a url explaining what I am talking about:
Alerts for CMS[*1]
Alert Plugin
Posted on: 04/06/03 07:48pm
By: Anonymous (Anonymous)
Atomz Alert is available on an annual subscription basis, with a first-year fee of $25,000 including setup of the service on the customer's site. Subscriptions for subsequent years run $15,000.
I don't think most here can afford their fees.
Alert Plugin
Posted on: 04/06/03 10:47pm
By: alinford
The reason I posted this was not to say that a plugin could be made for Atomz software, it was to say that a plugin like that software would be nice (created from scratch).
Alert Plugin
Posted on: 05/01/03 07:01pm
By: muntada
Well, I already run the cronjob that sends out an e-mail for all new articles written based upon a subscription made. This is already part of Geeklog. Have you used this?-----------------------
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