Posted on: 07/15/03 11:09am
By: sakata
I have opened Geeklog Japanese site.
The url is
This site is an information site for Geeklog in Japanese.
I also have an envrironmental news site in Japanese at
In the first site, I have written some issue about Japanization of Geeklog.
Anyway, is it possible to make my site an official Japanese page like Deutsch and Polsku?
Re:Geeklog Japanese
Posted on: 07/16/03 01:48pm
By: Dirk
[QUOTE BY= sakata]Anyway, is it possible to make my site an official Japanese page like Deutsch and Polsku?[/QUOTE]
Sure - see front page

I\'m afraid we won\'t be able to display it in Kanji. But if you\'d like to see anything else changed (the text, the flag icon) just say so.
Good luck with the site and thanks for supporting our (growing, I hope) Japanese user base.
bye, Dirk