Posted on: 08/17/03 09:37am
By: konsument

Does anybody know a trick, how I can make a Group of Users Administrators of only a single Topic?

EG. The User Mike is only allowed to write Articles into the topic News but not into any others.
Thanks in advance
Re:Single Topic Administrator
Posted on: 01/09/04 01:23pm
By: noke
this would be very handy for me aswell..
anyone know anything on how to do it, thats if it can be done at all?
Re:Single Topic Administrator
Posted on: 01/09/04 05:12pm
By: samstone
I think it is a built in feature of GL. Try this example:
- Create a group called 'Reporters' and give them 'Story Admin' rights.
- Create a topic 'News' and allow giving permission to the group 'Reporters' to read and edit by checking the boxes.
- Move Mike into the group 'Reporters'
That's it. Mike will be able to see the 'edit' link on other stories, but when he click to edit them he will be refused. He can only write or edit stories in the 'News' topic.
Hope this is what you are looking for.