Posted on: 09/19/03 08:56am
By: os
This is my very simple registration hack for 1.3.8-1 but I think it works.
The point is to disallow people to sign up on the page, even if they know they can just go to /user.php if the links are removed.
Also you need to modify the user.php core file, which is a baad thing, but if you still want to have a look at it..
If you can help me improve it, please do
Re:Registration Hack for GL 1.3.8-1
Posted on: 09/24/03 09:05pm
By: wmopnc
I was wondering if it could be a feature you could just turn on and off. User creation by administrator or user creation by registration.
Make sense?
Would this be too hard to add, or does it not follow the basic geeklog architeture?
Re:Registration Hack for GL 1.3.8-1
Posted on: 09/26/03 08:08am
By: os
Hehe, can\'t see why that would be impossible, but I have no clue how to do something like that

Think you want a person that know what hes doing

Why do you want to turn it on and off anyway?
No reason why admins should not be able to \"create\" new users .. or?
Re:Registration Hack for GL 1.3.8-1
Posted on: 09/26/03 09:15am
By: wmopnc
I need a closed site. I only want the admin to be able to create accounts. I don\'t even want guests being able to request accounts.
I was assuming admins would always have that right to create a user. I guess the option would be allow guest registration or something of that nature.
Re:Registration Hack for GL 1.3.8-1
Posted on: 09/26/03 01:16pm
By: Dirk
[QUOTE BY= wmopnc] I need a closed site. I only want the admin to be able to create accounts. I don\'t even want guests being able to request accounts.[/QUOTE]
I\'m running a closed site. There\'s an option in config.php that lets you switch on the user submission queue, so that new registration requests need to be approved by the Admin. It\'s not the same thing as what you\'re looking for, but it works for me.
To implement an option that actually disables any means to register with the site is already on the list of requested features but nobody has implemented it yet ...
bye, Dirk
Re:Registration Hack for GL 1.3.8-1
Posted on: 09/26/03 01:22pm
By: wmopnc
Well I\'ve already done what you\'ve suggested. At least I know not to look into this any more, thanks. Is there a list of enhancement you have one line and or a place one can request enhancements?
Thanks again.
Re:Registration Hack for GL 1.3.8-1
Posted on: 09/26/03 01:37pm
By: Dirk
Or, more specifically, the
Feature Tracker.
There are also quite a few feature requests over at our old
Sourceforge site that we haven\'t managed to port over yet (but they\'re not forgotten). Please don\'t use that site for new requests, use
bye, Dirk
Re:Registration Hack for GL 1.3.8-1
Posted on: 09/26/03 01:57pm
By: wmopnc
Did you need any help porting those requests over. I seem to remember something about exporting that stuff from sourceforge in XML. Does that sound familiar?
Re:Registration Hack for GL 1.3.8-1
Posted on: 09/26/03 02:05pm
By: Dirk
Do you mean
this story?
Dwight is still working on this, AFAIK. If you think you can help, please contact him.
bye, Dirk
Re:Registration Hack for GL 1.3.8-1
Posted on: 09/26/03 02:20pm
By: wmopnc
Didn\'t see that. Well I\'ll hit him up. I\'ve got some kungfu with XML. Thanks again.
Re:Registration Hack for GL 1.3.8-1
Posted on: 09/26/03 05:13pm
By: Anonymous (Alain)
I also use GL for a close site. Here\'s what I did to disable users registrations.
1 - I modified the language file, deleting the option to register
2 - In users.php (around line 810) I made just this modification:
case \'new\':
$display .= COM_siteHeader(\'menu\');
// Call custom registration and account record create function
// if enabled and exists
if ($_CONF[\'custom_registration\'] AND (function_exists(custom_userform))) {
$display .= custom_userform(\'new\');
} else {
// $display .= newuserform($msg); <== COMMENTED OUT
$display .= COM_refresh ($_CONF[\'site_url\'] . \'/index.php\'); <= ADDED
$display .= COM_siteFooter();
This way if a user enter ...users.php?mode=new
The page just reloads index.php
An \" if \" clause using a var in config.php would take 2 minutes to add, and you could toggle registration on and off
Re:Registration Hack for GL 1.3.8-1
Posted on: 09/28/03 02:16pm
By: Anonymous (Paulo Lopes)
Good hacks, both of them.
As a complement, so that the user is not even prompted to request a username, you can change lib-common.php at line 2197:
// $login->set_var( \'lang_signup\', $LANG01[59] );
$login->set_var( \'lang_signup\', \'\' );
With this small hack, the User Functions block only asks for a login.
Re:Registration Hack for GL 1.3.8-1
Posted on: 09/29/03 10:01am
By: os
[QUOTE BY= Paulo Lopes] Good hacks, both of them.
With this small hack, the User Functions block only asks for a login.[/QUOTE]
I just remove read permission for anonymous on the user block, and log in using users.php.