Posted on: 09/29/03 11:48pm
By: Blaine
I've just installed my latest forum code on this site for testing. This release includes a lot of changes. The last release just over a month ago was ver 2.2RC1. I've made too many changes so this will have to ver 2.3.
Major changes to template files - I themed all the core release themes on this site in about 10 min. Changing about 4 CSS declarations per theme.
I've replaced all the quote and code handling logic to address the reported issues. It is now possible to use multiple code blocks, use quotes inside code blocks and won't be interpretted.
echo "This is a test for user: " . $_USER['username'];
echo "This is a
New Navbar
Reorganized layout
Additional and hopefully all language now extracted
Editing posts with CODE blocks now reverts back to BB Code
Found and fixed some 30 other issues
Please give it a good test and report any problems.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 09/29/03 11:50pm
By: destr0yr
you rock Blaine!!
I noticed on posts with more than 1 page that it doesn't have a "next page" option?? or am i just blind?
and where's the download?
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 09/30/03 12:05am
By: Blaine
Thanks -- missed that. Fixed now.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 09/30/03 12:16am
By: destr0yr
and the download for it?
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 09/30/03 12:24am
By: Blaine
Not yet .. as soon as I have new contributions of say $1000, made to my paypal acct it will be available. I figure that will be in about 10 years at the rate folks have contributed so far
I will be sending it shortly to all my contributors.
This version was a lot of work -- we can enjoy it here for now.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 09/30/03 12:25am
By: destr0yr
*thinks to himself* oooh.. glad i contributed then
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 09/30/03 12:38am
By: mTracer
Now where'd I put my wallet
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 09/30/03 10:00pm
By: samstone
Thank you, Blaine!
You always have given much much more than I (or we) contributed.
Those who haven't yet done so, dig deep!
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/01/03 08:29am
By: Anonymous (Creator)
there are some "new topic" table issues.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/01/03 09:14am
By: Blaine
[QUOTE BY= Creator] there are some "new topic" table issues.[/QUOTE]
Maybe you can be just a bit more clear and specific. What issues and what theme or all?
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/01/03 09:56am
By: DTrumbower
[QUOTE BY= Creator] there are some "new topic" table issues.[/QUOTE]
When creating a new topic the options: area is skewed for all themes accept Xsilver.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/05/03 03:09pm
By: Anonymous (StevenAkaProek)
Looking nice
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/06/03 03:57pm
By: Anonymous (Tulkas)
Can you change the centerblock so that it takes you to the entire thread instead of only the most recent post?
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/06/03 04:09pm
By: Blaine
This appears to be a preference depending on user. I added a icon to the topic header so that once you have read the last post you could easily see the complete thread.
Does that help or even still it's not what you would prefer
I can make this a site configureable option but there are really many ways to program this block. Show posts, view last reply, last poster etc... I've got all variatiions and maybe I will offer these as extra later.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/07/03 03:46pm
By: Anonymous (Tulkas)
[QUOTE BY= Blaine] This appears to be a preference depending on user. I added a icon to the topic header so that once you have read the last post you could easily see the complete thread.
Does that help or even still it's not what you would prefer?
I can make this a site configureable option but there are really many ways to program this block. Show posts, view last reply, last poster etc... I've got all variatiions and maybe I will offer these as extra later.[/QUOTE]
Oh, ok. I guess I would argue that I would never want to see only the last post via the center block, because I have no good way of knowing whether or not I missed a post or two since I last viewed the thread short of remembering how many posts are in each thread.
The ideal, I think, would be to have the link take you to the last page of the thread.
I agree that it would be very nice if the centerblock was more easily customizable on a per site/per user basis. On my site, I hacked it to show who was the last to post in the thread, because I felt it was important. I've been wanting to add a way to make the centerblock link to the last page of the post, but I haven't figured out a good way to do that, yet.
Random request: Is it possible to add an &page=last option to the urls for posts so that we can hardcode in an easy way to go to the last page?
Also, I have some comments/suggestions about the interface (I'm a big interface guy ). Currently, I don't find the interface to be very intuitive (at least here, with this theme). When looking at it, the function of the icon that takes you to the entire thread is not obvoius. Maybe it would be better to change the title so that it looks like this (using this thread as an example):
Extensions / Plugins / Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Thus, if you were looking at only a single post, you could click the thread title to go to the first page of the entire thread. This would also allow you to remove the Subject line above the Author Posts table, which feels cluttered.
I think you should dump the main Forum menubar (the one in dark gray, above). For one, I don't feel like Login and New Topic belong there. Login is more of a site function, not a forum function. And heck, it's in the sidebar, already. Also, New Topic isn't a forum-specific function like Home and Popular. I think it should be farther below, where it would feel more like a part of the current forum than the entire Forum portion of the website. The Popular, Home, and Members links are great, but they could be taken out of the menu and made less invasive as simple, small text links near the search bar, along with Show All New Posts and the like.
Also, the bar with the current location and the left/right arrows feels cluttered. I am a huge fan of the Smooth Blue interface from 2.2 RC1. That is a really nice, really intuitive, beautiful interface.
So, just my 2 cents. I've been considering donating for a while, now, but I am still waiting for the interface and centerblock to feel a little more clean. You've been doing a terrific job, though. Thanks for all you have given to the geeklog community.
- Tulkas
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/07/03 03:48pm
By: Anonymous (Tulkas)
Sorry about that last post. Apparently, the forum didn't parse out my line breaks.
Anyway, one thing I forgot: I would like auto-redirects after posting to take you to the last page of the thread. I don't really want to go to the first page. I'd rather go to the last and see the post that I just submitted.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/07/03 09:33pm
By: Blaine
Tulkas - thanks for your feedback.
I'd like to suggest that it would help me if you did up a Photoshop mockup of your suggested UI.
A few points of clarification as I've been trying a number of UI changes - this version being one of them. Some ideas seem good until use them a bit.
Regarding the Subject and adding it to the forum/topic/subject as links or a breadcrumb style. I had it this way but the link with the subject was getting too long and then ran into the icon's on the right. It's fine until someone enters a longer subject or the forum name is longer. I can truncate these names as well but it still was not all that much room. Maybe moving the icons to a new row or elseware is needed.
I agree the top navbar as it is now, may no longer be needed but I think the plugin needs something at the top above the search. There are quite a few operations that need to be accessible and designed into the UI. These include:
- View all new posts
- Mark all as read
- New topic
- Post a reply
- Subscribe to this forum
- Next topic
- Previous topic
- Print this topic
- View Subscriptions
- View Popular Posts
- View Members that have posted
- Main forum index
- Forum topic index
- Google type navigation for pages 1....XX as needed
I prefer Icons or images to just links but agree, if they are not clear as to their purpose then they are not very useful. I find the name as a link for the operation can be lengthy and take up to much valuable UI space - but it will be clearer to its purpose.
I've been playing with using a Selectbox for some of the less used features/commands so they are out of the way but still very accessible.
I was trying to clean up or tighten up the UI by using the icons in this version. An objective with this version was to make the templates easier to theme and use of new CSS that now is less then 10 declarations.
Another objective was to improve performance. The previous release had a lot of images used to wrap the navbar and topics. This really showed down larger sites. So far in testing - this layout is an very noticeable improvement in speed.
If you are a designer, you may want to mock up as noted your ideas. We may also need better icons - all of which can be defined per theme.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/08/03 04:13pm
By: Anonymous (Tulkas)
Regarding the Subject and adding it to the forum/topic/subject as links or a breadcrumb style. I had it this way but the link with the subject was getting too long and then ran into the icon\'s on the right. It\'s fine until someone enters a longer subject or the forum name is longer. I can truncate these names as well but it still was not all that much room. Maybe moving the icons to a new row or elseware is needed.
What about doing what was in the old Smooth Blue layout (bread crumb format, I believe)? It was more like an outline, with forum section being above and slightly to the left of the forum name, and that slightly above and to the left of the current thread. I think that worked really nice, did not take too much space, and provided an easy way for the user to both visually see where they are, as well as navigate using the icons to the left of each line. My only suggestion, there, would be to make the text links, as well. That would allow people to type-find the links, plus it just makes sense from a UI perspective.
Actually, I find the smooth blue layout of 2.2RC1 to be much closer to perfection than the default UI seen here. Why stray from it?
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/12/03 10:28pm
By: destr0yr
[QUOTE BY= DTrumbower] [QUOTE BY= Creator] there are some "new topic" table issues.[/QUOTE]
When creating a new topic the options: area is skewed for all themes accept Xsilver.[/QUOTE]
Blaine, here's a lil "bug" i noticed. A quote inside of a quote. Doesn't seem to pick up properly...
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/19/03 12:16am
By: Blaine
[QUOTE BY= destr0yr] Blaine, here's a lil "bug" i noticed. A quote inside of a quote. Doesn't seem to pick up properly... [/QUOTE]
Yeh -- Don't do that . I've looked at this a couple of times and it won't be easy to solve. At least I don't have a good solution just yet.
I parse the quote tags from the top down and this confuses the logic. I would have to parse from the inside out - find the innermost one and expand.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/19/03 12:37am
By: Blaine
I've just installed a new version of the forum here for testing. Most are all UI related enhancements.
Please test and review - I'd like to get some feedback on these changes
- Front page block: Now will goes to the top of the topic by default. There is a small icon in the lastpost column that will take you to the last page - Thanks Matthew (aka nurseryboy) for that idea.
- Removed the top Navbar and relocated most of these functions to your "Forum Options" screen - found in your Userblock.
- Re-did the way I was creating the breadcrumb style links at the top of the fourm or topic view. Topic subject is now in the link chain and you can more easily navigate.
- Added sortable colums when viewing the forum topics. Able to switch Sort order and Sort field. Your current selection has the missing image or direction arrow. I think this is quite handy.
- Re-layout of the Topic header and forum listing header to reduce complexity and number of icons. Added links instead to make it easier to understand - hopefully
- Overall updating of templates and tweaking of CSS. All core theme were updated on this site
- Category description was not being displayed - is now
- Forum Members listing - accessible under Forum Options in Userblock now has a link by user to show last 10 posts for this user
- When creating a post and using the [ code ] or [ quote ] BB tags, the logic will now trap for missing tag.
Please report any problems as I had to change or effect most programs and templates.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/19/03 04:02am
By: Dirk
When previewing a post, the preview says I'm "Anonymous: Dirk". The actual post then shows my usual details, though.
bye, Dirk
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/19/03 09:52am
By: Blaine
Ok that's fixed - let me know if you find anything else.
BTW, it's ok to say you don't like the changes or better yet really do like the changes
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/19/03 01:05pm
By: Anonymous (Creator)
I love the changes. This is perfect now. The level navigation at the top is very intuitive, perfect. And exactly as i wished, the page numbers are at the top and bottom, also perfect.
Thanks Blaine, this is great. I would definately pay for this update. Just let me know a price, or does 30 bucks sound good?
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/19/03 01:07pm
By: Anonymous (Creator)
oh one more thing, when you post a reply would it be possible to have it take you to the last page in a thread, if there are pages that is.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/19/03 01:09pm
By: geKow
I agree, the forum is becomming nicer and nicer. I really should upgrade that site I made with the forum on it
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/21/03 10:11am
By: destr0yr
Couple snuaffu's I've found with this site/the pre-release you sent me.
#1: There's no "New Topic" button unless you go into a current topic. Them menu you had in the original pre-release of forum 2.3 has home, popular, sub's, pm's, members, newtopic.
#2: After submitting a post, go back and edit it. Once edited, click the preview button. The preview shows the edited post, however, the textarea below still shows the original unedited post.
#3.a) (not sure if this is intended or not) in "Text Mode" if you preview then submit the post, smilies do not work. instead they just show the code for the smiley. eg.

#3.b) if you have smilies in the post and are currently in HTML mode, check "Text Mode" and w/o perviewing click submit, the actual HTML code will be shown in the post.
/me crawls into a corner to hide from Blaine.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/21/03 10:21am
By: DTrumbower
#1: There's no "New Topic" button unless you go into a current topic. Them menu you had in the original pre-release of forum 2.3 has home, popular, sub's, pm's, members, newtopic.
I would say that it is a small over sight, since he moved the menu items to the forum options. Easy enough to fix, by putting the link back into the template file.
The other possibility, Blaine is secretly tring to eliminate people from posting, so there is more time to play.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/21/03 10:26am
By: destr0yr
*ducks Blaine's flying keyboard*
Another easy fix/suggestion (that i did on my site). Adding a page navigation to the top of the page as it currently exists only at the bottom.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/21/03 12:15pm
By: DTrumbower
Another easy fix/suggestion (that i did on my site). Adding a page navigation to the top of the page as it currently exists only at the bottom.
It's on the top for me.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/21/03 05:59pm
By: Blaine
[QUOTE BY= destr0yr] Blaine,
Couple snuaffu's I've found with this site/the pre-release you sent me.
#1: There's no "New Topic" button unless you go into a current topic. Them menu you had in the original pre-release of forum 2.3 has home, popular, sub's, pm's, members, newtopic.
#2: After submitting a post, go back and edit it. Once edited, click the preview button. The preview shows the edited post, however, the textarea below still shows the original unedited post.
#3.a) (not sure if this is intended or not) in "Text Mode" if you preview then submit the post, smilies do not work. instead they just show the code for the smiley.
#3.b) if you have smilies in the post and are currently in HTML mode, check "Text Mode" and w/o perviewing click submit, the actual HTML code will be shown in the post.
Thanks destr0yr, some good catches there.
1) Added the "New Topic" link and icon to the top of the forum view page. Missed that when re-organizing the layout.
2) Makes editing rather painfull - not sure why I did not see that one Fixed now - resulted from me fixing something else
3) Not sure if Text mode is really used that much anymore that HTML mode and the code tags work better. I've designed Text mode to not interpret any HTML so smilies should not work either. If editing a HTML posted message and you covert to Text mode - the smilies should be reverted to the emoticon.
Try that out here now and let me know if you see anything else.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/21/03 09:23pm
By: Turias
[Note: This is the anonymous Tulkas from before.]
Blaine, the changes are really looking great! I only have a couple suggestions (these are all from the Smooth_Blue layout, but they might appear in the others as I haven't checked):
- I like the added feature of choosing which column on which to sort, but I think that the currently selected column and direction should have a red arrow, or some such visible marker. I find it confusing that the current sort merely lacks any visual confirmation.
- A minor oversite, but the "Mark Topics as Read" icon appears in all of the legends, but should probably only appear on the legend of the main forum page, since that is the only place it is located. Maybe it would be helpful to also have this button placed on each individual forum page?
- The "next" text between the arrows is confusing. I would drop it and just leave the arrows.
- In multi-page posts, it would look a lot better if the page links above and below the posts lined up. It's kinda weird to have the top ones left aligned and the bottom ones centered
- When posting, the "Options" box looks messed up. The text and the options boxes near them are really misaligned (I'm using Firebird, if that matters).
- The topic review I am looking at right now only has your first post in it. Then, at the bottom (in black font over a dark blue background is the text "4 Next".
- Just a small, personal preference, but the purple boxes in this layout would look much better in a gray, as the current coloring scheme seems to clash
- I personally find a "By" field after "Last Post" to be very helpful to show who was the last person who posted, and have implemented it on my own site. But, that's just my opinion.
- Also, after posting it would be nice if you were auto-redirected to the last page where your post is now located.
That's really all I can think of. This is turning out better and better each time you update it! Thanks!
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/22/03 09:07am
By: bcbrock
Wow! This is all looking awesome! Great work Blaine!
I wonder if it would be appropriate to request a modification to the behavior of the front page block now, while you are working on the new release?
Would it be possible to have a configurable option to show recent posts from a specific forum that corosponds to a story topic? I think it would be similar to how we can set a static page to display only for a particular topic as a centerblock. It would be great to click on the "Security" topic on this site and have the forum block display the most recent posts only from the "Security" forum (if there was one).
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/22/03 04:39pm
By: Blaine
Thanks for the feedback - and glad I'm meeting your expectations.
There are many ways to implement the sort navigation and I'm not yet done playing with it. The hard part is done, now it's just some tweaking.
Most of the other items are pure template related and site admin's and designers can tweak these as they please. I'm not yet tweaking them myself. I had to change a lot of code to add these last enhancements and wanted to get some testing in.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/22/03 04:51pm
By: Blaine
[QUOTE BY= bcbrock] Would it be possible to have a configurable option to show recent posts from a specific forum that corosponds to a story topic? I think it would be similar to how we can set a static page to display only for a particular topic as a centerblock. It would be great to click on the "Security" topic on this site and have the forum block display the most recent posts only from the "Security" forum (if there was one). [/QUOTE]
Thanks for the comments, I've got more ideas and keep wanting to try alternative ways to enhance the UI and features. I believe we are getting closer to a better product.
Regarding your enhancement request: Thats not a minor item and not really related to the centerblock. Relating a forum to a GL topic is not on my list currently. If you need that , you can contact me for a custom mod. I may be looking at doing this as part of a integrated suite offering but it won't be a general release item. It would require too many custom changes.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/22/03 11:09pm
By: Anonymous (FreakWorld)
I did not real all this. But if it has not been asked. I want to ask it.
On the mebers pic. Can you make the size take over geeklogs size also. And can you make the pic size limit non fixed. Say I set it to 70pix. and someone uplodes a 50pix. I don't want it all streched. lol
Also when you reply. Can it go to the last post. Not the first.
Almost dune. Can you put a mark read in the sub forum. And have it take you back to the main forum.
Last. Blaine you Rock! I wish I had your brain. lol
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/24/03 08:47am
By: Blaine
I am probally going to add a screen after posting that offers you a choice (via 2 links) so that you can go back to view your post (last page) or view the forum index. This will timeout after a few seconds and take you to the last page.
Regarding the avatar, I can look at adding some image mgmt calls to check image size. I'm concerned about adding additional overhead when displaying the posts. The better way is to not have to check the size at all and have the image size determined by GL when the avatar or user photo is uploaded.
Enable imagemagicK or netpbm so the image is resized automatically when a member uploads their image. Set the image size to the same size you want to see in the forum. Now, I could add logic that if you enter 0's in the forum settings for the avatar size -> then don't restrict or add any HTML size tags to the image as it's being displayed.
I'm not too sure about your last item - subforum's.
We have Main index - categories - forums - posts.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/24/03 11:22am
By: anuenue
I have noticed that when searching from the main forum page, links have the highlight HTML code embedded in the URL.
If you perform a search on Calendar you will see what I mean.
Thanks for a fantastic plugin.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/24/03 06:59pm
By: Anonymous (FreakWorld)
ok first off I just found a problum.
I hit reply and was going to comy some of your post to reply to. Will in the box it was on the 1st sowing the first post made. Not the last. Will I was thinking you mave set it up to start from the first post. So I went to the end of the post in the box to change the page number. It is showing the page number of the last page. I had to click the link to the first page to get to the last. lol
ok now to my reply.
I am probally going to add a screen after posting that offers you a choice (via 2 links) so that you can go back to view your post (last page) or view the forum index. This will timeout after a few seconds and take you to the last page.
Thats cool.
Regarding the avatar, I can look at adding some image mgmt calls to check image size. I'm concerned about adding additional overhead when displaying the posts. The better way is to not have to check the size at all and have the image size determined by GL when the avatar or user photo is uploaded.
Enable imagemagicK or netpbm so the image is resized automatically when a member uploads their image. Set the image size to the same size you want to see in the forum. Now, I could add logic that if you enter 0's in the forum settings for the avatar size -> then don't restrict or add any HTML size tags to the image as it's being displayed.
I realy think it just need to be left with GL. No reason to have 2 realy. Or maby if you want the forums to work on things that are not GL. Make it a choice in the Admin. So I think the 0 comand will be best over all.
I'm not too sure about your last item - subforum's.
We have Main index - categories - forums - posts
in each forum. The reson is. Say like when you go to my site. I at times will have 8 or 9 people all posting at the same time. Just like chating. Well you lose track. But you don't want to mark the hole Categorie. Just that 1 forum so you can find your place. And sometimes you just see post that realy not something you care about. You can mark that forum and go to the next. And when you are dune with the next. You can see if someone put a post in the last forum you was in.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/25/03 10:23pm
By: Blaine
I've updated the code and themes here again for the forum to complete a few more items.
- Sort now shows a color arrow for selection
- When posting a reply, the preview now properly allows you to navigate - change pages to see history. It defaults in the preview to showing the lastpage
- After posting your message, it will default to going back to last page of the forum topic
- Added the option to return to the forum index after posting. Option presented after posting
- Cleaned up legend - now only shows information for appropriate icons
- Fixed formatting problem that only was showing up in the clean theme with the option boxes in the the create post form
- Found and fixed a few bugs with the handling of quotes when site has magic_quotes enabled
All: Please let me know if you see any other problems. Thanks again for the feedback.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/25/03 11:22pm
By: Anonymous (Creator)
The "Next" arrows at the top can be a little confusing on threads with multiple pages. "Next Topic" would suggest exactly what they do.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/25/03 11:22pm
By: Anonymous (Creator)
or maybe just "Topic"
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/25/03 11:24pm
By: Blaine
Even with the Tooltip help?
It's a language defined word as well as the Tooltip help so you can have it say anything or nothing.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/26/03 03:42am
By: Dirk
It's sending out Post Notifications with, erm, unusual links in it
Notice the backslash and the "truen" at the end ...
bye, Dirk
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/26/03 10:06am
By: Anonymous (Creator)
Ok thanks Blaine.
Would it be possible to add page numbers in the center block?
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/26/03 05:14pm
By: DTrumbower
[QUOTE BY= Blaine] Even with the Tooltip help?
What tooltip? Nothing appears in Moz.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/26/03 05:53pm
By: Blaine
Darn Mozillla, IE can figure out the developer meant to include TITLE as well as ALT and show it anyways
I also noticed that Mozilla was jamming up the smilies with the XSilvler theme so I reformatted the HTML for the smilies to be inside a table and that appears to work better as well.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/26/03 07:45pm
By: destr0yr
Any way us testers could get an updated copy of the forum?
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/26/03 08:55pm
By: Blaine
I was waiting to see if this last round of edits was clean and so far it looks good. I'll send out an update.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/26/03 08:58pm
By: drshakagee
I get bugged by the "Home" link on the top of the forum. I think it should say Forum home instead of home, but that might be just me.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/26/03 09:08pm
By: destr0yr
[QUOTE BY= Blaine] I was waiting to see if this last round of edits was clean and so far it looks good. I'll send out an update.[/QUOTE]
Oh... when i do a search on this site, it doesn't seem to search the forums.
For example, typing in "icons" it gives me results for Links, but nothing else. if i goto search.php and choose forum type it does work.
err... well.. this time it isnt working... doing a search is giving me the following error:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /usr/home/geeklog/geeklog/system/classes/template.class.php on line 499
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/26/03 09:34pm
By: Blaine
Are you using the search at the top of the forum or the GL search?
The one at the top is not using the GL search class which by default may return all the links and it will call all search functions and plugin search functions.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/26/03 11:17pm
By: destr0yr
[QUOTE BY= Blaine] Are you using the search at the top of the forum or the GL search?[/QUOTE]
the GL search... tho thorry.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/28/03 07:23am
By: geKow
Ok, with the latest release I jumped in the pool of active forum testers
The Installation worked perfect, and it looks real good.
The centerblock (Latest...) seems not to be coverd by the translations, and has the american date format (10/28/03)
The ICQ link won't work
I think I would prefer text for "mark all read" and "show all new"
Just my 0,02 Euro
Great work
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/28/03 08:22am
By: geKow
Another one
In Opera (7.21/win32) the width of the first TD differs from forum to forum, I can't find out why untill now but I'm still digging
Take a look[*1]
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/28/03 09:25am
By: geKow
Another one, sorry
I've set the centerblock to show only on main page, but it shows on all topics pages (as it does here
rank images
Posted on: 10/28/03 06:44pm
By: Anonymous (jasp)
okay, so i'm being pedantic, but the rank images (Forum Regular Poster, etc, with the stars) should have the title="" attribute set to the name of the rank as well as the alt="" attribute.
that way the name of the rank appears when Mozilla users hover the mouse over the rank image, as well as when IE users do.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/30/03 11:31am
By: Turias
When I go to someone's profile, and click on "Find all postings by [user]", why are so many links returned in the results section? This is a bug that has been in there since at least 2.2RC1.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/30/03 12:44pm
By: Blaine
[QUOTE BY= Turias] When I go to someone's profile, and click on "Find all postings by [user]", why are so many links returned in the results section? This is a bug that has been in there since at least 2.2RC1.[/QUOTE]
Turias, that bugs me too but is not a forum bug. I just make a call to the search class API.
You will get the same results if you do an advanced search by author. Problem is the links do not track submitter or date added. So they all get returned. I'd vote to ignore links unless the name shows up in the description or search type of links was used.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/31/03 06:07am
By: remy
My site uses forums for specific user groups. There are general forums too. My users encounter the 'problem' that they cannot see which is what. So they do not post the messages intended for the 'secured' forums.
Would there be a possibility to have specific icons for such 'secured' forums, so the user can see what group has access to what forum?
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/31/03 06:11am
By: remy
[QUOTE BY= Turias] When I go to someone's profile, and click on "Find all postings by [user]", why are so many links returned in the results section? This is a bug that has been in there since at least 2.2RC1.
Turias, that bugs me too but is not a forum bug. I just make a call to the search class API. [/QUOTE]
Actually, this bug is filed with the solution. There was no answer yet.
The problem is caused because links do not have a uid, so you could not search for 'a link posted by....'.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/31/03 10:26am
By: Turias
[QUOTE BY= remy]Actually, this bug is filed with the solution. There was no answer yet.
The problem is caused because links do not have a uid, so you could not search for 'a link posted by....'.
Actually, that's not entirely true. In the database, each link contains the field "owner_id". On my site, probably since I allow all link submissions to go through without moderation, all of the owner_id fields are valid. So, technically I could do a search for all links posted by ____.
Or at least owned by _____, which would be better than always returning all of them.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/31/03 05:16pm
By: remy
Well, you're right. But it is not done that way in standard geeklog.
Anyway, there's another issue with the forum.
I've deleted an user, and he came back with the same name.
The forum still mentiones the username, but can't show a profile anymore. Annoying.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/31/03 05:37pm
By: Turias
That reminds me of another forum issue I had in the past. Blaine, have you changed the forum database structure so that moderators are referenced by uid instead of username? I ran into a problem before where if I changed the username of a current moderator, that person would lose all moderation privileges since the username was hardcoded into the database instead of the uid.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/31/03 05:45pm
By: Blaine
[QUOTE BY= remy] I've deleted an user, and he came back with the same name.
The forum still mentiones the username, but can't show a profile anymore. Annoying.
What are you expecting, the forum to figure out the new user is the same person as the previous (deleted) username and connect any old references to that user to the new user profile
Granted, I can add logic to disable the profile lookup if the UID is no longer on file. Testing on by 2.3 release, this situation does not generate any errors but does bounce you out to the main index.php. This may require yet another database query per post as I display the page to check for valid on-file UID's. I've been trying to improve performance - albeit not at the risk of effecting functionality.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/31/03 05:47pm
By: Blaine
[QUOTE BY= Turias] That reminds me of another forum issue I had in the past. Blaine, have you changed the forum database structure so that moderators are referenced by uid instead of username? I ran into a problem before where if I changed the username of a current moderator, that person would lose all moderation privileges since the username was hardcoded into the database instead of the uid.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for reminding me, I had that one on my list for the 2.3 release. Yep - will take care of that.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 10/31/03 10:50pm
By: Anonymous (FreakWorld)
Will I got all my Themes links and forum art all updated. I emailed you on some stuff. But I guess I better put them here so you just have 1 place for everyone's problems and changes. hehehehe
It needs to be added to the style.css
There is an error somewhere calling for this.
It dues not show up in the normal error log. I have a program that tills me every paged that was called and not received.
Something is calling for the forumstyle.css. In the plug in it has been put here.
This is also not showing in the GL error but in my program.
1.I like to have a PM button on post. I see that you took out the PM program on the forums totally.
But maybe set it up like an email profile page. Also add in Admin to ask if Chatbox is installed. That way it knows to request.
2.Make it were the Avatar Image is not changing the size of the Avatar Image. I want to see this override the GL settings also. That way there is 1 easy place to set the size.
3. I will like to see the new messenger and Location in the Member Profile also.
4. heheh something just for me. I want to let people put an Image in the Signature. As I think you know.
I am more or less a gamming site. And gamers (kids) like to have Signature Images. Can you put an upload
in the forum Prefs for this. I suggest that it has a limit in the Admin that don't change the size. And
I do understand that some people may not want this on there site. So you may want to put in the
Admin a way to turn it off.
5. Can you make it were Signatures can be center. Make it an option in the Members forum prefs.
(The Signature Image to if I can con you into it. hehehehehe)
6. Can you make it were Mood pics display across the top of the New Topic/Reply submit page.
I do understand that this will make it were you can only have so many pics. So I suggest keeping the dropdown box for extras. People just don't seam to use the Dropdown much. I think it's because they don't see the pic.
7. Can you add a new row in the Topic Subject page were you can see the Mood pic.
8 Can you rename the Mark all topics Read to Mark this Category Read. With that. I also will like to see a Mark all Read for the hole site. And in each forum. A Mark this Topic Read for that forum alone.
9. The forum_outline_footer & forum_outline_header will not line up anymore. What I mean is for themes that
you want to put the forums in a box. 2.2 you was able to do that. But it is not doing it now.
It great for Themes like gameserver.
Thanks Blaine!
P.S. I need a plug in made that I don't know how to do.
When you got time. Can you email me. I will send you the info and you can till me how much it will cost to get it made. The plug in I want is going to take a bet of time. Thats why I will wate till you get 2.3 all fixed up the way you want it. hehehehehe
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/01/03 04:28pm
By: Blaine
Thanks for the information on the Javascript and CSS. These are some remains from my overhall that I've been doing - they are now fixed.
With respect to your list:
1) I will be removing the PM functionality from the next release. The current PM functionality was a temporary hack. I won't be distributing the update with this hack in place. Chatterblock was never meant to be a Private messenger component.
2) I have a few new ideas for the avatar support but it will continue to use the Geeklog Profile image.
3) I have been working on a new Private Messenger. This will be offered as an integrated component for GL and Forum but I'm not ready to discuss when or how at this time. There is more work required and I want to get this version of Forum completed first.
4 - 5) If you need custom features - please contact me for an estimate. I likely won't be allowing this as a general feature for security reasons.
6) Not sure I agree. I'm trying to keep the user interface as clean as I can.
7) Sounds like you should be able to do this by altering the template file.
8) You can change any of the displayed text in the language file. I think for the number of users that actually use the Mark Read feature - what I have is sufficient. I can be persuaded to add these other options but it would clutter up the index page even more and I'd have to be convinced users really want this.
9) The Forum_outline_header and footer templates for 2.3 create a table that when I set border=1 they appear fine. I've removed the images from this outline. Your welcome to add it back in - thats up to you and your theming. I'm providing you that option.
Thanks again for your ideas and constructive feedback.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/01/03 08:47pm
By: Anonymous (FreakWorld)
found a problum.
When you get an email from the forums tilling you someone has posted.
The url is wrong.
I don't know if someone had noticed that. But let me show you what I mean.
The email sent me this.
But the real url is........[*2]
If you see it's adding a slash and even if it was a good slash it
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/01/03 08:49pm
By: Anonymous (FreakWorld)
ok I can't get it to show on here.
But were it has 848. Just after it it's puting a backwords slash.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/01/03 11:28pm
By: destr0yr
[QUOTE BY= FreakWorld]
Open and edit geeklogdir/plugins/forum/language/english.php, change line 236 (ish) to read:
$LANG_GF02['msg23b'] = "A new topic '%s' has been posted by %s in the %s's forums on the %s website.\nYou may view it at: %s/forum/viewtopic.php?forum=%s&showtopic=%s\n";
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/01/03 11:32pm
By: destr0yr
Another thing I just noticed when replying to freaky in the previous post. When using CODE, i had "backslashn" and clicked submit, forum kept the backshashes in the post. If you preview, then submit, the backslashes are omitted in the final post. hope that makes sense.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/02/03 12:48am
By: Anonymous (FreakWorld)
the code you just put reads just like what I already have in there.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/02/03 12:57am
By: Anonymous (FreakWorld)
But that was wrong also.
But I did find it.
Go just from 23b to 23c.
there is the slash.
$LANG_GF02['msg23c'] = "\nYou may view it at: %s/forum/viewtopic.php?forum=%s&showtopic=%s\&lastpost=truen";
it needs to be changed to
$LANG_GF02['msg23c'] = "\nYou may view it at: %s/forum/viewtopic.php?forum=%s&showtopic=%s&lastpost=truen";
Some one comfer this for me. It's not like I know what I am doing. lol
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/02/03 01:04am
By: Anonymous (FreakWorld)
yep I just tested it and it works now. Just take out that slash
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/02/03 08:03am
By: remy
[QUOTE BY= Blaine] I've deleted an user, and he came back with the same name.
The forum still mentiones the username, but can't show a profile anymore. Annoying.
What are you expecting, the forum to figure out the new user is the same person as the previous (deleted) username and connect any old references to that user to the new user profile
Granted, I can add logic to disable the profile lookup if the UID is no longer on file. Testing on by 2.3 release, this situation does not generate any errors but does bounce you out to the main index.php. This may require yet another database query per post as I display the page to check for valid on-file UID's. I've been trying to improve performance - albeit not at the risk of effecting functionality.
Somewhere in the geeklog dialogues, text is mentioning 'when you delete an user, all posts will NOT be deleted. However they will show up as Anonymous'. This refers to articles, polls, comments etc. Shouldn't it refer to the forum as well? So, have the uid set to 1 at user delete (PLG_userdelete_forum) ?
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/06/03 04:02pm
By: Turias
Here's a request for future forum versions:
Once a thread is locked, I don't think people should be allowed to edit their posts. The thread is locked, and no one should be able to modify it. I have had users continue conversations in locked threads by editing their posts. .
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/06/03 04:38pm
By: Turias
Well, if you're interested, I added some of the functionality myself. In gf_showtopic.php, I added the following where $editlink is normally calculated:
if ($showtopic['pid'] == 0) {
$replytopicid = $showtopic['id'];
} else {
$replytopicid = $showtopic['pid'];
if ($mode != 'preview' && ($_USER['uid'] > 1) && ($_USER['uid'] == $showtopic['uid']) &&
(DB_getItem($_TABLES['gf_topic'],"locked","id=" . $replytopicid) != 1)) {
$editlink = '<a href="createtopic.php?method=edit&forum='.$showtopic['forum']. '&id=' .$showtopic['id']. '&editid=' .$showtopic['id']. '"><img src="' .$imgset.'/modify.gif" border="0"></a>';
$editlink = "";
It's quick and dirty, but works in removing the edit link in locked topics. The major problem is that people can still edit if they manually enter the correct URL.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/06/03 05:38pm
By: Turias
I found a better way to do it. Scrap the last idea and instead change the following in forum/createtopic.php:
if(($method == 'newtopic' || $method == 'postreply' || $method == 'edit') OR ($preview == "Preview")) {
// Changed to not allow users to edit posts in locked topics.
$pid = 0;
if ($method == 'edit') {
$query = DB_query("SELECT pid FROM {$_TABLES['gf_topic']} WHERE id=$id");
$S = DB_fetchArray($query);
$pid = $S['pid'];
if (($method == 'postreply' && DB_getItem($_TABLES['gf_topic'],"locked","id=$id") == 1) ||
($method == 'edit' && (DB_getItem($_TABLES['gf_topic'],"locked","id=$pid") == 1 ||
DB_getItem($_TABLES['gf_topic'],"locked","id=$id")))) {
Unfortunately, it requires an extra database query, but it seemed to be the only way to get the id for the entire topic. I could have passed it in via the "Edit" link, but again, someone could then modify just that number in the link to circumvent the permissions check.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/12/03 08:31am
By: Anonymous (Whoosh!)
I notice the forum here is different than the forum I downloaded.
How do I get the update?
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/12/03 08:35am
By: destr0yr
[QUOTE BY= Whoosh!] I notice the forum here is different than the forum I downloaded.
How do I get the update?[/QUOTE]
go back to page one and read it.
ppl that donated to Blaine have been sent forum 2.3 releases for testing.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/14/03 09:31pm
By: vadertech
ok Blaine forgive me if this has been mentioned but this thread has gotten too long for me to check every post.
Suggestion for forum 2.3:
Maybe this has been implemented into 2.3 already. I'm using 2.2 and i noticed that someone had posted a message that needed to be moved to a different topic. I know you can move the entire thread to a new topic but what about just that one post. I didnt see a way to do this. If this hasn't been done or thought of, it would be a great addition. Thx.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/15/03 11:39am
By: Turias
I was actually thinking of posting the same suggestion, Vadertech. That would be a great feature.
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 11/16/03 05:48pm
By: Turias
Blaine, here's another suggestion:
In the Forum Admin area, you can set an image width for forum avatars. The only problem is that if your image has a width less than this, the image is stretched and distorted. Could you add funtionality to make this a maximum width instead of a predefined width for all avatars?
Re:Forum upgrade Version 2.3
Posted on: 12/01/03 02:42pm
By: m311b
Yes - this thread is very long, so if this has been suggested already, I apologize.
Many forums allow you to click on a HTTP or URL button and a javascript box pops up, prompting you for the URL and then the text you want displayed. This is very convenient since the majority of my users seem to be very computer illiterate