Posted on: 11/19/03 12:00am
By: Anonymous (Brandon)
with a 2 character username can post in the forums or make it so usernames have to be more than 2 characters. I created a username "BG", that worked fine until I tried posted in the forums. Says something was to short or incomplete, Im guessing it was my username as I submitted the same posti anonymously and it worked fine. I might have missed something here, just making sure before I create another user.
Re:Make it so Users..
Posted on: 11/19/03 12:32am
By: fimi
the forum is designed to have at least 3 chars in a username(i think), but geeklog can accept 2 chars usernames,i guess the dev team never thought about it!
they either have to make geeklog accpent usernames with chars > 2, or make the forums accept >= 2.
Re:Make it so Users..
Posted on: 11/19/03 09:07am
By: Blaine
There is a check in the forum version 2.2 and earlier for a min length of username, subject and comment to catch eronious posts. In Version 2.3 these min length checks are configureable.
You can look in createtopic.php for this check and modify it
if(strlen($name) > 2 && strlen($subject) > 1 && strlen($comment) > 1) {
You will see this check twice - new topic and new reply.