Posted on: 11/26/03 01:28am
By: Anonymous (Anon)
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 <?php /* First we connect with the database */ $dbh = mysql_pconnect("dbserver","dbuser","dbpass"); /* Next we select the database */ mysql_select_db("dbname",$dbh); /* run the query for all events */ $query="select * from gl_events"; $result=mysql_query($query); /* How many rows were returned ? */ $returned=mysql_num_rows($result); /* Lets fetch them and output the vCal data */ if ($returned>0) { // This gets every returned row, and outputs the vCal data while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { /* format event data to vCal */ $vCalDescription = str_replace("r", "\\n", $row["description"]); $vCalLocation = str_replace("r", "\\n", $row["location"]); $vCalStart = date("Ymd\THi00", strtotime($row["datestart"]." ".$row["timestart"]) ); $vCalEnd = date("Ymd\THi00", strtotime($row["dateend"]." ".$row["timeend"]) ); /* output the event */ echo("BEGIN:VEVENT\n"); echo("SUMMARY:".$row["title"]."\n"); echo("DESCRIPTION:".$vCalDescription."\n"); echo("DTSTART:".$vCalStart."\n"); echo("LOCATION:".$vCalLocation."\n"); echo("URL;VALUE=URI:".$row["url"]."\n"); echo("DTEND:".$vCalEnd."\n"); echo("END:VEVENT\n"); } } /* now we clean up */ mysql_free_result($result); ?> END:VCALENDAR
Posted on: 11/26/03 01:32am
By: Anonymous (Anon)
Posted on: 11/26/03 09:34am
By: ronack
Posted on: 11/26/03 05:58pm
By: Anonymous (Anon)
Posted on: 11/26/03 07:17pm
By: Toholio
<?php $vCalOutput = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERSION:1.0\nPRODID:Geeklog\nTZ:+10\n"; /* First we connect with the database */ $dbh = mysql_pconnect("dbserver","dbuser","dbpass"); /* Next we select the database */ mysql_select_db("dbname",$dbh); /* run the query for all events */ $query="select * from gl_events"; $result=mysql_query($query); /* How many rows were returned ? */ $returned=mysql_num_rows($result); /* Lets fetch them and output the vCal data */ if ($returned>0) { // This gets every returned row, and puts each in a hash while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { /* format event data to vCal */ $vCalDescription = str_replace("\r", "\\n", $row["description"]); $vCalLocation = str_replace("\r", "\\n", $row["location"]); $vCalStart = date("Ymd\THi00", strtotime($row["datestart"]." ".$row["timestart"]) ); $vCalEnd = date("Ymd\THi00", strtotime($row["dateend"]." ".$row["timeend"]) ); /* output the event */ $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."BEGIN:VEVENT\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."SUMMARY:".$row["title"]."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."DESCRIPTION:".$vCalDescription."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."DTSTART:".$vCalStart."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."LOCATION:".$vCalLocation."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."URL;VALUE=URI:".$row["url"]."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."DTEND:".$vCalEnd."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."END:VEVENT\n"; } } /* now we clean up */ mysql_free_result($result); $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."END:VCALENDAR"; /* echo($vCalOutput); */ $icsfile=fopen('../backend/geeklog.ics','w'); fputs($icsfile, $vCalOutput); fclose($icsfile); ?>
/* PATCH FOR vCal GENERATION */ include("icsgen.php"); /* END vCal PATCH */
Posted on: 01/23/04 12:45am
By: michaelaskew
Very neat hack Tohollo! I've been contemplating trying something like this but you've gone and done it. Actually, what I'd really like to see is a way to import ical/vcal files so that I don't have to use the web interface to keep things up to date, and also so I can create calendar events "offline" or even on my cell phone (which sync's with my iBook, which could then upload changes to Geeklog, which site user's could be subscribed to....)
This project[*1] has code which parses an ical file and displays a page, but I've looked at their parser and it doesn't look very reusable.
Posted on: 03/08/04 03:29pm
By: Anonymous (wrdickson)
$vCalOutput = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" . "VERSION:2.0\n" . "X-WR-CALNAME:VCOS\n" . "PRODID:-//Geeklog//Version 1.3.8//EN\n" . "X-WR-TIMEZONE:US/Pacific\n" . "CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\n" . "METHODUBLISH\n" . "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\n" . "TZID:US/Pacific\n" . "LAST-MODIFIED:" . date("Ymd\THi00\Z") . "\n" . "BEGIN:STANDARD\n" . "DTSTART:20021027T090000\n" . "TZOFFSETTO:-0800\n" . "TZOFFSETFROM:+0000\n" . "TZNAME
AYLIGHT\n" . "DTSTART:20030406T010000\n" . "TZOFFSETTO:-0700\n" . "TZOFFSETFROM:-0800\n" . "TZNAME
DT\n" . "END
AYLIGHT\n" . "BEGIN:STANDARD\n" . "DTSTART:20031026T020000\n" . "TZOFFSETTO:-0800\n" . "TZOFFSETFROM:-0700\n" . "TZNAME
AYLIGHT\n" . "DTSTART:20040404T010000\n" . "TZOFFSETTO:-0700\n" . "TZOFFSETFROM:-0800\n" . "TZNAME
DT\n" . "END
/* Lets fetch them and output the vCal data */ if ($returned>0) { // This gets every returned row, and puts each in a hash while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { /* format event data to vCal */ $vCalDescription = str_replace("\r", "\\n", $row["description"]); $vCalLocation = str_replace("\r", "\\n", $row["location"]); if ($row["allday"]) { $vCalStart = date("Ymd", strtotime($row["datestart"])); $vCalEnd = date("Ymd", strtotime($row["dateend"])); } else { $vCalStart = date("Ymd\THi00", strtotime($row["datestart"]." ".$row["timestart"]) ); $vCalEnd = date("Ymd\THi00", strtotime($row["dateend"]." ".$row["timeend"]) ); } /* output the event */ if (!$row["allday"]) { $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."BEGIN:VEVENT\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."SUMMARY:".$row["title"]."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."DESCRIPTION:".$vCalDescription."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."DTSTART;TZID=US/Pacific:".$vCalStart."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."LOCATION:".$vCalLocation."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."URL;VALUE=URI:".$row["url"]."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."DTEND:".$vCalEnd."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."END:VEVENT\n"; } else { $dayinc = 1; while ($vCalStart <= $vCalEnd) { $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."BEGIN:VEVENT\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."SUMMARY:".$row["title"]."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."DESCRIPTION:".$vCalDescription."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."DTSTART;TZID=US/Pacific:".$vCalStart."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."LOCATION:".$vCalLocation."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."URL;VALUE=URI:".$row["url"]."\n"; $vCalOutput = $vCalOutput."END:VEVENT\n"; $vCalYear = $vCalStart[0] . $vCalStart[1] . $vCalStart[2] . $vCalStart[3]; $vCalMonth = $vCalStart[4] . $vCalStart[5]; $vCalDay = $vCalStart[6] . $vCalStart[7]; $nextday = mktime(0, 0, 0, $vCalMonth, $vCalDay + 1, $vCalYear); $vCalStart = date("Ymd", $nextday); } } } }
Posted on: 03/16/04 12:32am
By: Anonymous (wrdickson)
Posted on: 03/16/04 07:50pm
By: Toholio
Posted on: 03/16/04 07:56pm
By: Toholio
Posted on: 09/08/05 12:51am
By: Anonymous (djbeta)
Posted on: 03/02/07 02:17pm
By: trampoline
Posted on: 05/18/07 11:29pm
By: jcz
Posted on: 05/19/07 01:01am
By: jmucchiello
Posted on: 05/29/07 05:47pm
By: Anonymous (swninetails)