Posted on: 06/01/04 03:53pm
By: Anonymous (Matt Simpson)
I recently upgraded from 1.3.7 to 1.3.9
Before the upgrade, I had some comments from users who got deleted after then entered the comments (coincidence .. not because the comments were evil). With 1.3.7, the comments would display, with no user name (it didn't say anonymous, there was nothing at all in the name field). With 1.3.9, the comments don't show up at all, but they're counted in the number of comments for the article. Does anybody have any advice on how to make them appear (preferable), or go away completely to avoid confusing numbers?
Comments from deleted users
Posted on: 06/01/04 04:39pm
By: mthomas
mmmm you could do a
Join statement with the user table and delete an comment that return null for uid in the users table... I'd post the sql string for this but my data line is down at my Corporate office
Comments from deleted users
Posted on: 06/02/04 03:51am
By: Dirk
[QUOTE BY= Matt Simpson] With 1.3.9, the comments don't show up at all, but they're counted in the number of comments for the article. Does anybody have any advice on how to make them appear (preferable), or go away completely to avoid confusing numbers?[/QUOTE]
I assume we're talking about comments from users that have been deleted while the site was running an earlier version of Geeklog? 1.3.9 should handle posts from (freshly) deleted users correctly, i.e. display them as anonymous posts.
The problem is that the old uid is still stored in the comments. Due to changes in the comment engine in 1.3.9 (and stricter checking) it's possible that Geeklog refuses to display these posts now - but they are still there.
So the obvious thing would be to correct the uid, i.e. for all comments check if the uid exists and set it to 1 (= anonymous) if it doesn't. That should then make the posts show up again (and the comment counter should be correct again, too).
It looks like mthomas has already volunteered to write such a script
bye, Dirk
Comments from deleted users
Posted on: 06/02/04 08:44am
By: Anonymous (Matt Simpson)
[QUOTE BY= Dirk]
I assume we're talking about comments from users that have been deleted while the site was running an earlier version of Geeklog?
The problem is that the old uid is still stored in the comments. Due to changes in the comment engine in 1.3.9 (and stricter checking) it's possible that Geeklog refuses to display these posts now - but they are still there.
That is exactly what happened The users were deleted (because the email updates started bouncing) when the site was running 1.3.7. The old uid stayed in the comments. 1.3.7 would display them with a null name; 1.3.9 wouldn't display them at all.
Since it's a fairly small site with only a few users, I thought trying to write a script would probably take longer than doing it the "hard" way. It was pretty easy to find the two deleted uids that had comments and change the uid in those comments to 1.