Posted on: 06/28/04 02:06pm
By: mrjeff
Hi, I would like to create a list of stories for a specific topic. The storyindex.php creates a list for all topics. How would I select the database to display all of the stories in a topic with story title and link to story?
story list
Posted on: 06/28/04 05:58pm
By: geKow
I have a php block (from Dirk) which does that:
function phpblock_topicstories()
global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $topic;
if (empty ($topic)) {
return '';
$result = DB_query ("SELECT sid,title FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE tid = '$topic'" . COM_getPermSQL ('AND') . " ORDER BY date DESC");
$num = DB_numRows ($result);
$retval = '<b>' . $topic . '</b><br>';
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$A = DB_fetchArray ($result);
$retval .= '» <a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story='
. $A['sid'] . '">' . stripslashes ($A['title']) . '</a><br>';
return $retval;
story list
Posted on: 06/28/04 07:16pm
By: mrjeff
Thanks geKow, This helps out alot.
story list
Posted on: 01/20/05 11:49am
By: mack
[QUOTE BY= geKow] I have a php block (from Dirk) which does that:
function phpblock_topicstories()
global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $topic;
if (empty ($topic)) {
return '';
$result = DB_query ("SELECT sid,title FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE tid = '$topic'" . COM_getPermSQL ('AND') . " ORDER BY date DESC");
$num = DB_numRows ($result);
$retval = '<b>' . $topic . '</b><br>';
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$A = DB_fetchArray ($result);
$retval .= '» <a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story='
. $A['sid'] . '">' . stripslashes ($A['title']) . '</a><br>';
return $retval;
how do i setup this function so that i can display story lists for each topic on a static page?
story list
Posted on: 01/20/05 03:51pm
By: zipstart
Drop this in a php (return) static page:
global $_CONF, $_TABLES;
$retval = '';
$topics = DB_query ("SELECT `tid`, `topic` FROM {$_TABLES['topics']} order by `sortnum`");
$numtopics = DB_numRows ($topics);
for ($t = 0; $t < $numtopics; $t++) {
$B = DB_fetchArray ($topics);
$topicID = $B['tid'];
$topicname = $B['topic'];
$result = DB_query ("SELECT `sid`,`title` FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE tid = '$topicID'" . COM_getPermSQL ('AND') . " ORDER BY date DESC");
$num = DB_numRows ($result);
$retval .= '<b>' . $topicname . '</b><br>';
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$A = DB_fetchArray ($result);
$retval .= '» <a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $A['sid'] . '">' . stripslashes ($A['title']) . '</a><br>';
Not elegant, no security, etc...just a quick starting point.
story list
Posted on: 01/20/05 11:03pm
By: mack
you're the best! it works..... but why do you say its ont secure?
story list
Posted on: 01/20/05 11:50pm
By: mack
[QUOTE BY= mack] you're the best! it works..... but why do you say its ont secure? [/QUOTE]
Oops. Spoke too soon. The function is great except for one critical flaw. It lists out all the stories in every topic indiscriminately so even stories flagged as draft appear as part of the list. Any idea how to set a condition for it not to list stories flagged as draft?
story list
Posted on: 01/21/05 08:23am
By: zipstart
I say no security cuz it'll list out all stories, even drafts (as you've noticed) and stories and topics peeps don't have access to.
story list
Posted on: 08/24/05 09:25pm
By: xavior
This is the closest topic I could find that relates to what I am trying to do. What I need to do is make it so when a topic is clicked it goes to a topic story list page. Of course, the list would only be listing stories from that specific topic in which it was placed. From there the specific story can be selected. It's sort of like a short description page that would list the title of the story and the date. My problem is that the stories are growing very fast and the only way to find the story you want is to use the search feature. I'd like to make it easier for people to find the story they want. I'm not going to ask if this is possible. because with PHP anything is possible. I just need to know if this has been or is being developed by someone.
story list
Posted on: 08/24/05 09:36pm
By: mack
[QUOTE BY= xavior] This is the closest topic I could find that relates to what I am trying to do. What I need to do is make it so when a topic is clicked it goes to a topic story list page. Of course, the list would only be listing stories from that specific topic in which it was placed. From there the specific story can be selected. It's sort of like a short description page that would list the title of the story and the date. My problem is that the stories are growing very fast and the only way to find the story you want is to use the search feature. I'd like to make it easier for people to find the story they want. I'm not going to ask if this is possible. because with PHP anything is possible. I just need to know if this has been or is being developed by someone.[/QUOTE]
In the interest of efficacy and efficiency, I manipulated the PHP strings for the Search feature in Geeklog and used them as URLs to list out the latest stories under the focused topic of interest.
You can check this out at[*1]
Not exactly elegant but gets the job done quickly and easily. Without having to overhaul the entire Geeklog engine.
story list
Posted on: 08/26/05 04:28pm
By: xavior
That is exactly what I would like to have show when I click on a topic. I'm thinking static pages were the way to go and make my own topics linking to each but I think your idea is better. I just don't know the geeklog coding well enough yet to build what I need so a search link for the topics will work for now. BTW, that site looks great.
Re: story list
Posted on: 12/05/08 02:58pm
By: Anonymous (steffcip)
anyone can make this to work with the latest version of geeklog?
I would really appreciate any help...even if I have to pay something
Re: story list
Posted on: 12/05/08 03:38pm
By: beewee
There's a
story-by-topic block[*2] that does what you want: generate a list with the latest x stories of a topic. You can call the code of that block in a static page. Also replace the topics block with a regular block with links to that the corresponding static pages.
I believe the story-by-topic block also works with GL1.51
Re: story list
Posted on: 12/05/08 06:10pm
By: Anonymous (steffcip)
works with 1.5.1
but it displays from newest story to oldest
I want to list them alphabetically
anyone can help modifying the code?
Re: story list
Posted on: 12/07/08 06:55am
By: Anonymous (steffcip)
friend helped me to modify the code to display stories in alphabetically order with no limit
so I'm sticking with this one until a better one appears