Posted on: 07/16/04 07:55pm
By: aj
I installed the HTMLAREA 2.x code and modified a test Geeklog (1.3.9 - latest) on my laptop.
Beautiful package and works great, except for one thing: Edited stories do not come up with the story text in the textarea.
When I turn off the HTMLAREA by changing the textarea reference in the JavaScript to some other name, then the story text loads fine, so it doesn't look like the template files and variables are at fault.
Any ideas? Would appreciate some clue as to what to look for - Want to use this neat tool on my site.
HTMLAREA 2 - Installed fine but no story text on edits
Posted on: 07/17/04 01:14am
By: tomw
Works fine for me. Check you code.
HTMLAREA 2 - Installed fine but no story text on edits
Posted on: 07/17/04 03:43am
By: aj
Hmmm.... I did - Perhaps a fragment of one of your working templates so I can compare against it?
HTMLAREA 2 - Installed fine but no story text on edits
Posted on: 07/17/04 10:17pm
By: aj
Here is my code from the storyeditor.thtml file - I'm using the "clean" theme.
Here is the code I used for the textarea tags
<td valign="top" align="right">{lang_introtext}:</td>
<td><textarea name="introtext" cols="65" rows="5" wrap="virtual">{story_introtext}
HTMLAREA 2 - Installed fine but no story text on edits
Posted on: 07/18/04 02:23pm
By: tomw
For HTMLAREA 2 see the package I put together at
sourceforge[*1] .
For HTMLAREA 3 (easier) I use this code in the beggining of each template that I want the editor in.
<script type="text/javascript">
_editor_url = "/htmlarea3/";
_editor_lang = "en";
<script type="text/javascript" src="/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" defer="1">
HTMLAREA 2 - Installed fine but no story text on edits
Posted on: 07/23/04 06:48pm
By: destr0yr
The following is also using HTMLArea 3 with the SpellChecker plugin loaded (from
CVS[*2] ).
In your theme header.thtml add the following with in the head section.
<script type="text/javascript">
_editor_url = "/htmlarea/";
_editor_lang = "en";
<script type="text/javascript" src="/htmlarea/htmlarea.js"></script>
Then, for each editor that you want to replace, open the appropriate .thtml, such as /path/to/geeklog/layout/YOURLAYOUT/submit/submitstory.thtml, submitlink.thtml, commentform.thtml and add the following at the top of the file
<script type="text/javascript">
HTMLArea.onload = function() {
var editor1 = new HTMLArea("editor1");
Next, do a search for the textarea in that particular file and add id="editor1"
<textarea id="editor1" name="introtext" ...
if you have two textareas in one file (such as admin/story/storyeditor.thtml) use the following and be sure to add id="editor2" to the second textarea field:
<script type="text/javascript">
HTMLArea.onload = function() {
var editor1 = new HTMLArea("editor1");
var editor2 = new HTMLArea("editor2");
Good Luck.
HTMLAREA 2 - Installed fine but no story text on edits
Posted on: 07/23/04 07:48pm
By: samstone
HTMLArea 3 is my most favorite add on, especially with the ImageEditor plugin. You just need to dig a little bit in their support forum to refine it since it is a beta (RC) version. The author is busy with his wedding and has stopped working on it for the time being.
I recommend that you use version 3 rather than 2 because, like TomW said, it is much easier to make it work and more compatible.
It will be nice if GL 2.0 comes pre-install with it.
I can't get it to work!!!
Posted on: 07/24/04 09:09am
By: inspiremin
I know I am a little slow about some of this . . .
I followed Tom's instructions to a 'T' and it still does not show up on storyeditor.thtml.
At least it is 'graceful' enough to not crash my system.
I placed /htmlarea/ in public_htm, but my GL sites are in subdirectories.
In the header script, I changed /htmlarea/ to the absolute url, in this case,
Is this the screw-up, or am I missing something totally?
Appreciate any help you can give me.
P.S.- I know I am a little slow . . .
Posted on: 07/24/04 09:12am
By: inspiremin
Would someone who has htmlarea3 working on their site let me know where it is so I can go look at it?
HTMLAREA 2 - Installed fine but no story text on edits
Posted on: 12/09/04 02:11pm
By: seannyob
I use
_editor_url = "{site_url}/htmlarea/";
. . .
<script type="text/javascript" src="{site_url}/htmlarea/htmlarea.js"></script> that if i move the site later (for a different client, say) it'll port gracefully.
[QUOTE BY= destr0yr]
<script type="text/javascript">
_editor_url = "/htmlarea/";
_editor_lang = "en";
<script type="text/javascript" src="/htmlarea/htmlarea.js"></script>
HTMLAREA 2 - Installed fine but no story text on edits
Posted on: 12/09/04 02:28pm
By: sammykrupa