Posted on: 09/03/04 12:41am
By: samstone
When is it going to be released?
GL 3.9.10
Posted on: 09/03/04 02:36am
By: Euan
Some time in 2008.
1.3.10 might be sooner.
GL 3.9.10
Posted on: 09/03/04 01:58pm
By: Dirk
[QUOTE BY= samstone] When is it going to be released?[/QUOTE]
When it's finished.[*1]
Yeah, I know I said something about a first release candidate in August. But some things are still missing and I'm unhappy about a few others. Subscribe to the
geeklog-devtalk[*2] list if you want to keep informed about the development progress.
And I think it will be worth the wait.
bye, Dirk
GL 3.9.10
Posted on: 09/03/04 02:25pm
By: samstone
GL 3.9.10
Posted on: 09/03/04 02:26pm
By: samstone
Oops! How did this get duplicated?