Posted on: 10/13/04 08:14pm
By: Imaginate
How can I remove the dates from selected stories. Is there someplace to turn the date on and off?
remove date from stories
Posted on: 10/14/04 01:51pm
By: Dirk
You can only remove it from all stories by removing it from the story template files.
bye, Dirk
remove date from stories
Posted on: 10/14/04 02:58pm
By: Imaginate
where are the story template files found
remove date from stories
Posted on: 10/14/04 03:19pm
By: Dirk
layout/NAME-OF-YOUR-THEME, then anything that has "story" in its name.
bye, Dirk
remove date from stories
Posted on: 10/31/05 10:20am
By: Anonymous (inquest750)
How does on remove the date from the main page? Also how do we remove the "contributed by" and "views". Thanks for your help. I was away for a while so I am "rusty" with Geeklog, but hopefully it'll be coming back soon....
remove date from stories
Posted on: 10/31/05 11:34am
By: Dirk
It's all in the template files. With the exception of the "contributed by" line, for which there is a config.php setting:
$_CONF['contributedbyline'] = 1; // If 1, show contributed by line
bye, Dirk