Well, as most of you know I have been using GL since version 1.1 to run my site
EyeCraveDVD.com[*1] .
Recently I was asked to do another site and knew GL would be the perfect fit. I created a brand new theme, mostly CSS as I still have some templates to change. It's also meets XHTML and CSS standards on all the main pages at this point. I'm not releasing it this point until I get everything transfered over to fully CSS.
Anyway the site it
The-Harbour.ca[*2] , which is the church that I attend. I hope you all like the new theme.
If you visit the site and find it doesn't work on your browser it so far only works on IE 5.5, IE 6, and Mozilla. It mostly works on Mac IE 5, but the bottom links seem to be messed up...