Posted on: 12/28/04 04:56am
By: tampano
Is it possible to add some kind of PodCast, an mp3 file visible to podcast aggregators?
The site says the feed has to be compliant with "RSS 2.0 with enclosures" and I don't know what it is :-)
Thanks for help
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 12/29/04 05:03pm
By: Dirk
You'll need a plugin that collects the MP3 files and adds them to a feed. There's a
collection of additional feed classes[*1] which includes one for RSS 2.0, but it may need some tweaks before it can write this particular format.
bye, Dirk
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 12/30/04 02:17pm
By: tampano
I'm not completely sure of where to put them :-(
Now I know where...but I'm not a "coder" I hope someone would put hands on these classes. The only thing I know is that podcasting requires the same info of RSS 2.0 with the addition of the enclosure tag and its properties.
Maybe it's not difficult for who wrote these classes.
I'll wait for answers :-)
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 04/05/05 11:05pm
By: Anonymous (Matt G. Paradise)
[QUOTE BY= Dirk] You'll need a plugin that collects the MP3 files and adds them to a feed. There's a
collection of additional feed classes[*1] which includes one for RSS 2.0, but it may need some tweaks before it can write this particular format.[/QUOTE]
I'm in the exact same boat as the other guy. Anyone have any clear-cut answers? A step-by-step on how to "tweak" the code, for example?
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 04/06/05 07:49pm
By: Anonymous (datter)
Struggling with the same issue here, would love to find a plugin for this sort of thing. Consider this a *bump*
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 08/22/05 04:26pm
By: Anonymous (David)
I know this doesn't help much from an automated standpoint, but I just added a new XML file to a directory I labeled 'rss' and publish my new podcasts manually through that method. Then I hand out a separate feed for the podcast subscription. Not the most efficient method, but for me it works.
I also added this link in the header.thtml file (of my main theme) so that Firefox and other RSS ready browsers will see it. if you want to see it in action. to go right to it.
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 08/23/05 11:40am
By: Anonymous (Not a lawyer, but...)
Isn't it a breach of the GPL contract that you've removed the "Powered by Geeklog" statement (nor replaced it with something similar)?
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 08/23/05 12:27pm
By: drshakagee
[QUOTE BY= Not a lawyer, but...] Isn't it a breach of the GPL contract that you've removed the "Powered by Geeklog" statement (nor replaced it with something similar)?[/QUOTE]
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 08/24/05 06:11am
By: Anonymous (Not a lawyer, but...)
Have you read the GPL license that you say that?
How do people supposed to know the site is not his own creation from scratch?
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 08/24/05 02:32pm
By: Dirk
[QUOTE BY= Not a lawyer, but...] Have you read the GPL license that you say that?[/QUOTE]
I have. Did you?
[QUOTE BY= Not a lawyer, but...] How do people supposed to know the site is not his own creation from scratch?[/QUOTE]
We have stated more than once that while we think it would be nice if you left that link back to us intact, we don't mind when you remove it.
bye, Dirk
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 10/17/05 05:47pm
By: eyecravedvd
Any luck getting those classes to except enclosures? I'd like to add podcasts to my site as well.
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 10/22/05 12:11pm
By: 1000ideen
Yes, I can only agree. Podcasting seems to be a real trend and the beginning of a big turnover! An absolute killer application a fantastic new world.
Up to now I found plug ins for Wordpress. Would be lovely to have one for Geeklog. I wonder what has to be considered. Basically I`d create a cat e.g. of the name podcast and when I write an article I`d like to upload pictures and MP3. When an article contains an MP3 the download position should be included in the RSS-feed.
How does one apply the plugin "collection of additional feed classes"? There is no instruction.
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 10/22/05 05:46pm
By: suprsidr
Have you tried
Wimpy Player[*2] ? It supports podcasting now. And it's cheap to boot.
I have it as a popup music player on my site.
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 10/24/05 03:28pm
By: 1000ideen
I had a look at this Wimpy Player website. How does it get the information for the RSS feed, from the MP3 tags?
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 10/24/05 05:46pm
By: suprsidr
this[*3] page
"February 9, 2005
PodCast - Wimpy MP3 for PHP now ships with a PodCast script that automatically turns your wimpy folder into a PodCast RSS feed"
there is a read more link there too.
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 10/24/05 06:58pm
By: yankidank
With iTunes requiring all sorts of crazy addiional fields for podcasts, I'm not sure how Wimpy would work out. I'll test it out on my own show and let you know if it works well.
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 11/02/05 02:05pm
By: 1000ideen
Well, depending on the amount of podcasts you are producing it might be o.k. to produce the RSS feed manually. Here is the page with instructions for iTunes:
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 11/02/05 03:59pm
By: THEMike
If you want to set up podcasting, it will be possible in 1.3.12 to write a podcasting plugin.
The plugin will have to implement:
which should return an array of id/name pairs. (1.3.11 supports this already)
Then it will have to implement:
plugin_getfeedcontent_podcastingplugin($feed,$link,$update_data, $feedtype, $feedversion);
Which should return an array of content, of format:
array( 'title' => $storytitle,
'summary' => $storytext,
'text' => $fulltext,
'link' => $storylink,
'uid' => $row['uid'],
'author' => COM_getDisplayName( $row['uid'] ),
'date' => $row['modified'],
'format' => $row['postmode'],
'commenturl' => $storylink . '#comments',
'topic' => $topic,
'extensions' => $extensionTags,
Where extensiontags is an array of XML tags, which would be exactly one tag for you, the podcast one.
Then 1.3.12 will generate a podcast feed for you.
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 11/03/05 04:44am
By: yankidank
Horray! I'll be counting the days until 1.3.12 then. I'm tired of hand-coding.
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 11/03/05 06:32am
By: suprsidr
I've got the wimpy player podcast working on my site
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 11/03/05 11:09am
By: eyecravedvd
Will it possible to create a second feed off the podcast plugin for iTunes? There's a different set of variables that are required.
here[*4] .
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 11/05/05 02:45pm
By: THEMike
It will be possible for a plugin to insert any arbitrary tags into any feed, at the meta level, or item level.
So it'll be pretty easy for a podcasting plugin to insert RSS 2.0 enclosures and iTunes extensions
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 12/15/05 07:42am
By: 1000ideen
There are so many settings for a podcast RSS and especially for iTunes, that the plugin for Geeklog probably would be quite complex.
I think the best solution for the time being (and maybe longer) is to install loudblog and include it with an iframe into geeklog. Works very well.
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 12/31/05 04:50pm
By: 1000ideen
Well 1.4.1 is out now. I`m curious when the plugin will be out then.
I redesigned the output theme of loudblog to match closer the looks of GL: If you click RSS-Feed you will see it opens in an iframe.
Loudblog is really nice and works well.
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 03/19/06 03:26am
By: THEMike
I now have a working podcast plugin for Geeklog 1.4.0 and above.
The plugin is an early version, it doesn't have a lot of polish and detail, and is not tested ready for production use, but I am looking for people interested in helping test it out.
Drop me a reply here, or a pm, or an email and I'll send you what I have with a limited set of instructions and you can have a play.
The plugin creates a fully validated RSS 2.0 with Enclosures feed with all iTunes extensions.
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 03/24/06 04:13pm
By: MicroTD
[QUOTE BY= eyecravedvd] Will it possible to create a second feed off the podcast plugin for iTunes? There's a different set of variables that are required.
here[*4] .[/QUOTE]
I'm fairly certain the extra variables wouldn't hurt a normal podcast RSS, so a second feed would be unnecessary. Properly-designed podcast players won't be thrown off by the extras.
I'm eager to see this plugin, as I've been tossing around doing a podcast for one of my Geeklog sites.
(Edit: Sorry for the redunancy with the other replies; I guess I misread them at first)
Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 08/09/06 08:02pm
By: gtgillis
[QUOTE BY= THEMike] I now have a working podcast plugin for Geeklog 1.4.0 and above.
Drop me a reply here, or a pm, or an email and I'll send you what I have with a limited set of instructions and you can have a play.
The plugin creates a fully validated RSS 2.0 with Enclosures feed with all iTunes extensions.[/QUOTE]
I would love to give it a try.
Re: Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 11/05/07 09:20am
By: Freya
Re: Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 11/05/07 11:44am
By: THEMike
I'll post up the podcast plugin. It works fully, could do with a little finessing and some more features adding though.
Re: Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 11/06/07 08:03am
By: Anonymous (Jake33)
hey Tampano! I've been using for two years now, it's a podcast network and it allows you to embed mp3 players really easy, it's all in their menu. Check it out, it might work for you! Jake, an old
marine engineer[*6] .
Re: Adding a PodCast to a GL site
Posted on: 11/08/07 01:50pm
By: nikebound
Quote by: Not a lawyer, but...Isn't it a breach of the GPL contract that you've removed the "Powered by Geeklog" statement (nor replaced it with something similar)?
No. The GPL only has any effect over Geeklog if you give it to someone else. If you do, you have to pass on a copy of the GPL, the source code (irrelevant since php IS the source code), and relicense all of your changes under the GPL.
Now, the professional theme is licensed under the GPL, but a theme MAY be licensed under something like CC-attribution or CC-noncom. Implementing an API isn't creating a derivative work (assuming it's from scratch), so whatever a theme creator would like to license it under is their own deal - you just have to follow the terms they lay down.