Posted on: 01/30/05 12:46am
By: Anonymous (aeroclown)
Does anyone know if the mantis bugtracker plugin still works with 1.3.11
Posted on: 01/30/05 10:28am
By: vinny
Yes, it does:
My site[*1] runs mantis with GL 1.3.11.
Posted on: 01/30/05 10:46am
By: Anonymous (aeroclown)
Great, The installer dosn't seem to work, but thats ok I did it manually and it does work. So my next question is how would one add report a bug to the menu.
Posted on: 01/30/05 11:03am
By: Anonymous (aeroclown)
Nevermine I figured out a way to do it in a block.
Thanks for your help
Posted on: 01/30/05 11:12am
By: Anonymous (aeroclown)
any chance you could upgrade the version of mantis that comes with the integrated package. Or a howto upgrade just mantis for the integrated package. I see mantis is at version 0.19.2 while you include 0.18.3
Posted on: 01/30/05 02:33pm
By: vinny
There were enough changes in the most recent release of Mantis to make upgrading the integration a
LOT of work. I have started on it, but other priorities are taking precedence. I do plan on finishing it, but I don't have a timeline right now.
This is where I should mention
greasing my palms[*2] is a good way to motivate me. (Note: don't feel compelled to contribute, I'll get to it eventually one way or another.)
Posted on: 01/30/05 02:44pm
By: Anonymous (aeroclown)
thanks for the input vinny. I apperciate your work. If we move foward with the site im working on for the Linux distro I work with, , we might see about greasing your palms.