Posted on: 04/25/05 11:11am
By: Anonymous (Rosamunda)
Hello there!
I´ve a page created with Geeklog (, and I´ve changed the first post that appears at the very beggining, in the language file:
# index.php
$LANG05 = array(
1 => 'Title: Hello there',
2 => 'please login... bláh.... bláh....
It is working fine, but I want that first page only to appear when the user didn´t log in.
When he does enter the system, I want that to dissapear, and instead of it to show the last posts...
Is that possible? Your help is very much appreciated guys!!!
(sorry for my poor english... )
About the first page
Posted on: 04/25/05 11:16am
By: Dirk
That's what Geeklog's permission system is for: Set the permissions for your topics and stories such that anonymous users can't see them. In other words: Remove the check mark where it says "Anonymous R" on all the stories and topics.
bye, Dirk
About the first page
Posted on: 04/25/05 11:38am
By: Anonymous (Rosamunda)
Thanks Dirk for your (very) quick reply!
The thing is that this first post have the ... explanation about the registering system, so I do want anonymous users to see it.
But I cannot manage to avoid registered users to see it when they log in to the system.
It is not exactly a post, it is something inside the language file... if I delete it, nobody saws it, and if I write it, it is at the top of every single page!
How can I avoid that to happen?
Again, many, many thanks!!!!!!!
About the first page
Posted on: 04/25/05 12:00pm
By: Anonymous (Rosamunda)
I´ve figured out! (And all by myself!)
Well, that happened because I didn´t have any post yet inside my blog...
Thanks anyway!