Posted on: 05/13/05 01:53pm
By: b.raven
I made an error in my config.php settings and want to correct that.
The blog has been active for some time.
IF I upload the corrected config file and do a Re-Install, will I LOSE all the information that is on the blog now?
ALSO: I have a client who is going to be putting her entire 28 page newspaper into a blog which I am setting up. I looked through the plugins to see if there is one that can import all this text from either a word doc or pdf. Does anyone know if this can be done? thanks!
Re-install erases?
Posted on: 05/13/05 02:23pm
By: Dirk
[QUOTE BY= b.raven] IF I upload the corrected config file and do a Re-Install, will I LOSE all the information that is on the blog now?[/QUOTE]
Of course not. You can screw up a lot of things in config.php, but nothing would actually damage the database. Having a backup of the original config.php handy can't hurt.
The only way to really damage the database - other than messing around with the site's admin functions - is to run the install script over an existing database.
bye, Dirk
Re-install erases?
Posted on: 05/13/05 03:25pm
By: b.raven
Just clarifying (for my slow brain) that I re-uploaded the corrected config file with no apparent changes in those pic limitations
SO the SECOND PART of YOUR answer, about Re-installing over an existing database, you're saying that's what I SHOULDN'T do ... Re-installing? So what can I do to make these config changes effective?
sorry for the stupidity.
Re-install erases?
Posted on: 05/13/05 04:03pm
By: Dirk
When you upload a new config.php, all those changes are effective immediately. Some of those settings, however, are not applied retrospectively.
One of those cases are resized images (I assume that's your actual question?). To update those, edit the story, and replace the image, so that you upload a fresh copy and Geeklog will then resize it again with the new settings.
bye, Dirk
Re-install erases?
Posted on: 05/13/05 04:39pm
By: b.raven
thanks Dirk!
I'd uploaded the new config file to the wrong place
Hope it is all right for me to post the other part of my question again in the plugins forum, about importing text.
again, I appreciate your help.