Posted on: 09/13/05 03:57am
By: machinari
k, not bad so far.. only a couple of bug and they are both oversights. Hope things continue to go well for this gallery solution.
Bug: the user's profile block is meant to show that last 10 pics added, not just the first 10 that the query grabs--sorry.
Solution: find the function plugin_profileblocksdisplay_inmemoriam($uid) in the file and add
ORDER BY date DESC into the query. It should look like this when your done:
$result = DB_query("SELECT mid, title FROM {$INM_TABLES['media']} WHERE owner_id='$uid'" . COM_getPermSQL('and') . " ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10");
The next oversight was noticed by geKow--many thanks for that.
Bug: Inmemoriam makes use of a pear package that must be installed into your Geeklog system dir. If you have $_CONF['have_pear']=true; then the gallery won't find the appropriate pear package most likely as the path to Geeklog's pear dir would not get included into the php.ini..
Solution: copy this bit of code into your Inmemoriam file somewhere near the top in the area before any functions are defined:
*quick fix for geeklog's pear path not included in php.ini
if ($_CONF['have_pear']){
$curPHPIncludePath = ini_get( 'include_path' );
if( defined( 'PATH_SEPARATOR' )){
$separator = PATH_SEPARATOR;
} else {
// prior to PHP 4.3.0, we have to guess the correct separator ...
$separator = ';';
if( strpos( $curPHPIncludePath, $separator ) === false ){
$separator = ':';
if( ini_set( 'include_path', $_CONF['path_pear'] . $separator . $curPHPIncludePath ) === false ){
COM_errorLog( 'ini_set failed - there may be problems using the PEAR image_transform class.', 1);
or you could just wait for the next release for all the fixes--these ones and others that I'm sure will be found.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/13/05 01:07pm
By: geKow
It looks like Inmemoriam (wich I am starting to like ) uses only the servertime, not the geeklog time.
Is there a way to change the date/time display? (eg. 13.09.2005 11:19 instead of 2005-09-13 11:10:53)
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/13/05 01:16pm
By: machinari
true. I'll add that to my list. thanks.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/14/05 12:05am
By: trinity
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: load() in /opt/home/trinity/plugins/inmemoriam/ on line 193
when useing geeklog cvs images dont show up and i get this error when i try and view acual full size image i have the cvs tarball of ppear in the /system/pear dir and pear installed turned off in config.php
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/14/05 12:36am
By: machinari
do your thumbnails work? just your fullsize that returns the error? if your thumbnails work, then nothing is wrong with your pear setup. otherwise I wonder if you dropped the pear files from the inmemoriam package into your pear dir...
by the way, I have never tested this with the cvs version of Gl.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/14/05 12:59am
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= geKow]
Is there a way to change the date/time display? (eg. 13.09.2005 11:19 instead of 2005-09-13 11:10:53)
geKow[/QUOTE]sorry geKow, I didn't read the rest of your post.
it is a simple matter for Inmemoriam to utilize Geeklogs date rather than the server date... I've put this into the next release just now. I would just give you the code but it has to go into a number of places so hopefully you don't mind waiting.
As far as your prefered format goes, I don't see that one in Gl's list of date format options. Is that your server's default format?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/14/05 02:20am
By: trinity
no thumbnails dont work
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/14/05 02:36am
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= trinity] no thumbnails dont work[/QUOTE]so then this is simply a path issue, specifically the path to the pear image_transform package that ships with Inmemoriam.
As I mentioned above, have you dropped the pear directory contents that shipped with Inmemoriam into your geeklog/system/pear/ directory? If you do this, and have $_CONF['have_pear'] = false;
, which is default, then you shouldn't get the fatal error.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/14/05 04:49am
By: geKow
[QUOTE BY= machinari]
As far as your prefered format goes, I don't see that one in Gl's list of date format options. Is that your server's default format?[/QUOTE]
no, this is just the format I would like to have but I allthough would be happy if I could use a Gl format (like 14/09/05 10:46)
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/14/05 12:26pm
By: Anonymous (k616)
hi, i really like inmemoriam gallery - it really solved my gl gallery problems because gallery 1.x and 2 were really pain in the ass..
i'm now hacking inmemoriam to suit my needs and few suggestions to next version:
- picture and view count of album should show picture and view count of album and subalbums combined.
- if album doesn't have any pictures in it nor default thumb pic, but has subalbums, it should take thumbnail pic from a random sub-album pic.
fast hack for this starting in at line 1477:
} elseif (DB_count($INM_TABLES['albums'], 'pid', $A['id']) >= 1) {
// if album only contains subalbums, get random thumb from subalbum
$TR = DB_query("SELECT id FROM {$INM_TABLES['albums']} WHERE pid='{$A['id']}'" . COM_getPermSQL('and') . " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
$R = DB_query("SELECT mid, filename, title FROM {$INM_TABLES['media']} WHERE aid='" . DB_result($TR,0,0) . "' " . COM_getPermSQL('and') . " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
list($randommid,$filename,$alttext) = DB_fetchArray($R);
$albumthumb = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/inmemoriam/image.php?mid=' . $randommid . '&thumb=1';
$summary->set_var('alt', stripslashes($alttext));
- by default there is topic that goes like "topic -- slogan" ($LANG_INM01[11] -- $LANG_INM01[12]) at every page. if you don't have a slogan you have to go through several php -files and remove "--" from code, if you don't want stupid outlook for your gallery ("topic --" at every page). if that would be handled by one function or something like that, it'd be easier to customize.
i might come up with more suggestions later...
and i'm working on finnish language file. i will send that when ready.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/14/05 12:55pm
By: Anonymous (k616)
i didn't find any easy way to move pic from one album to another? is there one or should i start work on it?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/14/05 01:14pm
By: machinari
good suggestions, k616. Glad you like it and glad you're into the code! the best fixes/suggestions always come from effort like yours.
about the dashes, they can just go into the language file and problem solved.
as far as moving a pic from gallery to gallery, it isn't implemented. Entire albums can be moved, but individual pics cannot. This is already on my to do list for the next release however (as well as your other suggestions).
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/14/05 02:21pm
By: trinity
Yes i did.
I also have the geeklog pear libs well as server wide pear. When you set $_CONF['have_pear'] = false; all it does is add the /system/pear to the path in your php.ini. I also tried your workaround but that didnt work. If you need more information about our server set up let me know what you need and i can send it to you. I cant devulge certian server setup info in public on this forum, so email would be better to give it to you
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/14/05 02:59pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= trinity] Yes i did.
When you set $_CONF['have_pear'] = false; all it does is add the /system/pear to the path in your php.ini. I also tried your workaround but that didnt work.[/QUOTE] adding system/pear to the path in php.ini is exactly what inmemoriam counts on. So if "false" then lib-common.php does it and if "true" then my workaround above does it. Either way, some how, the path to the image package is misplaced, assuming the path to sytem/pear is actually making it into your include path. This can only mean one of two things: the pear stuff that shipped with inmemoriam has been placed improperly in your pear dir (or not at all); or php has no permission to use it, which is just a ridiculous idea.
check if Gl's pear is making it into your include path, use
echo ini_get('include_path');
suggestion: check that you have placed Inm's pear stuff correctly according to the following:
ensure that the following is not how you have place the files:
off to a class, back in a few hours..
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/15/05 12:14am
By: Nightdude
Ok...maybe it's just late and/or I'm very tired.
I am looking forward very much to incorporate this into my site.
I cannot locate the following directories
* $_CONF['path']/plugins/inmemoriam/albums/
* $_CONF['path']/plugins/inmemoriam/thumbnails/
* $_CONF['path']/plugins/inmemoriam/scaled/
* $_CONF['path']/plugins/inmemoriam/backups/
* $_CONF['path']/plugins/inmemoriam/logs/
I found the watermarks, but not these to set to chmod777, or are these actually created on install?
All else is in, except these settings and pressing the install button on the plugins page.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/15/05 12:36am
By: machinari
if those directories were not created when you untarred or FTP'd the package (which could happen cuz they are empty dirs--i should put a dummy file in them) then you'll just have to create them manually and set their permissions properly afterward.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/15/05 07:33pm
By: Anonymous (Tom Schenk)
I have only discovered one problem that doesn't seem to have been addressed yet. In the file on line 493, I had to change:
$sql .= " AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP( BETWEEN '$startdate' AND '$enddate'

$sql .= " AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) BETWEEN '$startdate' AND '$enddate'

The "m." was generating an error because when you specified the database in the preceeding FROM clause, you didn't alias "media" as "m". This may only have effected users of the Site Calendar Block (I was getting a SQL error when clicking on a date in the block).
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/15/05 08:02pm
By: machinari
nice catch, Tom. That was a remnant of a previous version of the query.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/16/05 03:23am
By: trinity
[QUOTE BY= machinari] [QUOTE BY= trinity] Yes i did.
When you set $_CONF['have_pear'] = false; all it does is add the /system/pear to the path in your php.ini. I also tried your workaround but that didnt work.[/QUOTE] adding system/pear to the path in php.ini is exactly what inmemoriam counts on. So if "false" then lib-common.php does it and if "true" then my workaround above does it. Either way, some how, the path to the image package is misplaced, assuming the path to sytem/pear is actually making it into your include path. This can only mean one of two things: the pear stuff that shipped with inmemoriam has been placed improperly in your pear dir (or not at all); or php has no permission to use it, which is just a ridiculous idea.
check if Gl's pear is making it into your include path, use
echo ini_get('include_path');
suggestion: check that you have placed Inm's pear stuff correctly according to the following:
ensure that the following is not how you have place the files:
off to a class, back in a few hours..[/QUOTE]
checked them out and everything is where it should be
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/16/05 03:57am
By: machinari
well, trin, I don't know what to tell you. If the path is good and the files are there, but the server still returns the fatal error, then it is beyond me.
Perhaps there is a difference in the cvs version of Geeklog that I'm not aware of, but I cant think of what that might be that would cause such an error when the path is good and the files exist in their proper places..
Have you tried running it on 1.3.11?
Anybody else have any ideas what would cause the path to fail?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/16/05 05:03am
By: machinari
here is another bug that just got fixed (in my working copy ).
when you accept a submission and edit it in the queue or anytime after it has been approved, the owner will change to current uid rather than the contributor.
It's a quickchange on line 280 of media.php from $_USER['uid'] to $M['owner_id'].
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/16/05 05:08am
By: machinari
Hey, Trinity, in another thread, midiman (that's his username) was having the same issue as you are and it was fixed after he had checked and changed permissions on those pear files. Might want to check that.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/16/05 05:41am
By: machinari
last bug of the day cuz I have to get some sleep.
images that are still in the submission queue are displayed in the random image block, the featured album thumb review, as well as being displayed as a representative album thumb. of course that is not good, so I fixed it. I cut 'em off!
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/17/05 06:22pm
By: Anonymous (Dustin Flesher)
I've got the same problem as Trinity. Images aren't showing up. Thumbnails aren't being generated. I get an error related to PEAR_Error::load. have_pear=false. The pear files are in the right place. I checked the include_path. system/pear is included. Any ideas?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/17/05 07:12pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= Dustin Flesher] Any ideas?[/QUOTE]check your file permissions as well. this worked for another person that has the same issue as trinity. I havn't heard back from trinity so I don't know if that is the prob or not.
let's just test something shall we?
*append Image/Transform.php
to your $_CONF['path_pear'] and use that path in on line 31 rather than simply Image/Transform.php
For example, require_once(path/to/system/pear/Image/Transform.php);
You will have to go through image/transform.php and image/driver/gd.php at the very least and search for include_once or require_once and edit pear paths accordingly. If your issue is not a path issue, then this effort will not make any difference.
On the other hand, if this effort does work for you, then you have simply misplaced the included pear files.
after that, I have no idea. if your path is good and your files are properly placed as I've outlined in previous posts and also mentioned in the install instructions, and your permissions are such that php can access those files, then all should be well. otherwise you'll have to recheck these things.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/17/05 07:29pm
By: machinari
by the way, trinity and Dustin, do you have safe mode enabled? that may cause an issue with setting the path to gl's pear.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/17/05 10:28pm
By: mrcraig52
ok, this isn't really a bug, but just a question.
in the random image block, is it possible to show just the image without the caption? I've tried my best to figure it out on my own, but I'm pretty new at this stuff.
i absolutely love this plugin, I can't wait to see how it develops.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/17/05 10:45pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= mrcraig52]in the random image block, is it possible to show just the image without the caption?[/QUOTE]find the function inm_getRandomMedia() in the file.
look for the following code and either comment it out or delete it.
if (!empty($A['caption'])){
if (strlen(trim(stripslashes($A['caption']))) > 64){
$retval .= '<p>' . substr(trim(stripslashes($A['caption'])), 0, 64) . '...</p>';
} else $retval .= '<p>' . trim(stripslashes($A['caption'])) . '</p>';
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/17/05 10:59pm
By: mrcraig52
thanks man, i appreciate the help.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/17/05 11:52pm
By: trinity
I checked permisons and everything is ok. Also safe mode isnt an issue eather. i was wondering whether it could be that i am useing a user acount based webroot as in /~trinity/ but i cant find anything that would seem to indicate that. Could it be something to do with the cvs version of geeklog?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/18/05 02:58am
By: machinari
sorry Trinity, I've just finished looking thru the CVS differences and I don't find anything that might cause this irregularity. If you have a Geeklog 1.3.11sr1 release available on your server setup, see if you have the same issues with Inmemoriam on that install.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/18/05 12:54pm
By: Anonymous (Dustin Flesher)
I'm using 1.3.11sr1. I also am not using the standard file path scheme. That is, I'm not mapping the base url name to Geeklog's public_html. I suspect we've got a relative path problem somewhere.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/18/05 03:11pm
By: machinari
Trinity and Dustin, geeklog utilizes the pear mail package in the same way as what we are trying to accomplish. Does your site send mail without any path issues?
[QUOTE BY= dustin]I checked the include_path. system/pear is included[/QUOTE]just checking, your include path shows the full path to pear and not just system/pear, right?
indulge me guys, check that the following path is valid on your systems:
$_CONF['path_pear'] . Image/Transform/Driver/GD.php
for the $_CONF['path_pear'], please use the path as you see it in your include_path.
all that stuff aside, cuz i'm sure you're tired of checking and rechecking your paths and permissions... The only other thing that would cause your issue is if you're running without the GD library at all (cant help you here), or if you are running GD1 or the non-bundled version of GD2 (easy fix).
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/19/05 06:22pm
By: midiman
Hello again, machinari
I've found a small bug that's only noticeable if you have set error_reporting(E_ALL)
File: admin/plugins/inmemoriam/index.php
When you call functions inm_scan1, inm_scan2, inm_scan3 and inm_scan4, you pass $T as reference
. This generates 4 warnings like "Call-time pass-by-reference" is deprecated.
You can simply remove "&" in function calls
, as you have already defined the references in functions definition
function inm_scan1($valid,&$T){}
Hope this helps
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/20/05 02:52am
By: Anonymous (mach)
Spain Rocks!
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/20/05 02:01pm
By: machinari
just fixed an autotag bug: if no text was supplied for the link, none was applied by default, which left a blank link--not clickable. fixed.
btw, all these fixes, and a ton of other fixes and additions (that will surely cause some more bugs) will be included in the next release. The next release won't happen until I can get at least another image lib under control. I'm working on NetPBM atm. I cant say how long cuz school is in so my spare time is thinned out.
Inmemoriam bug report (not realy, but sort of)
Posted on: 09/20/05 10:48pm
By: Anonymous (MrKnisely)
I'm attempting to generate static thumbs, it got lots of drive space, but little processor and ram. Well, I click on the buton and it times out even with your 100 image safeguard in place.
The issue is that I have LARGE pictures, they're 2-3 MB each.
I must say that I'm nowhere near qualified to make head nor tail of code. (If you're running a multi-area OSPF environment, or even IS-IS, I'm your man...)
Can anyone help me with this?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/21/05 12:53am
By: machinari
to beat the server timeout, you have two choices...
*Increase the max_execution_time using ini_set() if you have safe mode off
*or reduce the number of images that are being processed.
to reduce the number of images that are being processed per run, do this:
find the function inm_generateStatic() in admin/index.php.
then find the following lines near the end of the function (line 882ish):
if ($t >= 300){
break 2;
if ($i >= 200){
break 2;
change the 300 to 99 (33 images made into 99 thumbs) and change the 200 to 100 (100 scaled images) depending on which is giving you the trouble. mess around with the numbers. subsequent runs will pick up where the last left off.
hmm.. you could probably put set_time_limit(n) into the beginning of the function and that would add n seconds to the allowable time the script has to run.. I've never done that though. Maybe I should, let me know how it goes.
keep in mind, though static images no longer have to be resized, they still have to be read into the page, so it still isn't going to be as fast as if the images were static and simply linked to in a public dir. That is one of the fallbacks of this script (for those concerned with speed over security).
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/21/05 12:09pm
By: Anonymous (Rob)
I seem to be having the same issue as trinity and dustin. For a recap: Images do not load, error message on attempt to view full image, pear=false, paths are correct, using version 1.3.11 (note not sr1)
I'm going to attempt to upgrade to sr1 to see if that fixes the issue.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/21/05 12:16pm
By: Anonymous (Rob)
I've upgraded to sr1, did not fix the issue. FYI I'm running on windows 2000, apache 2, and php5. Think that might have anything to do with it?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/21/05 01:27pm
By: machinari
sr1 wouldn't affect any of this.
GD2 is bundled with PHP5, but a couple of necessary libraries may still be missing from your configuration: libpng and libjpeg at least.
See this
discussion[*1] and then go to the
PHP page[*2] for more info on where to obtain necessary files and how to install/configure them.
An easier solution would be to install NetPBM or ImageMagick, but I've not finished integrating that code yet...
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/21/05 02:06pm
By: Anonymous (Rob)
I can tell you that I do have gd2 installed, and am fairly sure that it works although I don't know how to test it. These other libraries seem moot however as I even tried using it with gifs and those do not display either (yes I did enable them in the inmemoriam config file) So therefore we know that php5 probably is not the issue here, and I would guess that some pople using apache2 have gotten it to work as well, but what about windows?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/21/05 02:10pm
By: Anonymous (Rob)
Also not sure if this another bug, or just one of my issues, but I can't seem to delete an album once I create one. When I try to delete it in windows it says that it is currently in use, even though there may not be anything in it, and the permissions for it are set so that everyone could delete it.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/21/05 02:47pm
By: Anonymous (mach)
[QUOTE BY= Rob]When I try to delete it in windows it says that it is currently in use[/QUOTE]that is a windows error, and has little to do with the script. perhaps the album was in use in another window or something like that. If you're using the gallery to delete an album that the gallery created, the only way you'll get that type of error is if, in fact, the directory is in use by some other windows process.
I assume you're running a windows server (whatever it's called these days)? But (watch for disclaimer), I'm not a server guy so maybe one of these other gurus might have an answer.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/21/05 03:08pm
By: Anonymous (Rob)
Ah, so it was. That still leaves me with the minor problem of the images never displaying. I simply get a square box with a question mark inside. I'm completely baffled by this problem but would like to figure it out. I guess then the correct route to take would be to test each part individually. Can anyone post code (or a link to it) that would allow me to test to see if the gd2 plugin works? Also just to let you know I still consider myself a php newbie so go easy one me. Thanks in advance,
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/21/05 04:25pm
By: hatric
hi, new user and I really like your gallery plug-in!
Couple questions, not really "bugs"
1. i would like to resize the text under the random picture in the menu box (Browse and Favorites links).
2. I was also wondering, in the galleries under the pics where you have the credit, size, etc. is there a way to modify that. I would like to have the captions instead.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/21/05 07:26pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= Rob] I'm completely baffled by this problem but would like to figure it out.[/QUOTE]Me too, and I will continue to search for a solution until one is found--please bear with me/us.
Rob, if you receive the same error as Trinity, i.e, "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: load() in ...", then the potential lack of any GD2 function/library is not the issue--yet, because the script isn't even getting to the GD extension. The problem is, for an unknown reason, that the image_transform package is not being found by the script even though it seems to be making it into the include_path--at least for the few of you.
I'm going to go rant about this in another forum and see If I can dig something up. The issue for me is that I'm not sitting at your computer where I could just check things based upon other things that I may see..
blah blah.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/21/05 08:04pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= hatric]
1. i would like to resize the text under the random picture in the menu box (Browse and Favorites links).[/QUOTE]find this in inmemoriam.css and edit accordingly:
#inm-phpblockrandom {
font-size: .8em;
text-align: center;
#inm-phpblockrandom ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: left;
list-style-type: none;
list-style-position: inside;
#inm-phpblockrandom img {
margin: 2px;
[QUOTE BY= hatric]
2. I was also wondering, in the galleries under the pics where you have the credit, size, etc. is there a way to modify that. I would like to have the captions instead.[/QUOTE]if you're refering to the thumbnail pages, that bit is not configurable... you will have to edit some PHP.
here we go. find inm_albumThumbs() in browse.php.
find the comment "begin loop".
inside that "while" loop, anywhere in the top-half, add the following line:
$T->set_var('caption', COM_stripslashes($TH['caption']));
now add the template variable, {caption}, to your thumbs.thtml file and either delete or comment out the ones you don't want (in the template file).
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/21/05 10:25pm
By: Anonymous (Hatric)
Absolutely awesome!! Thanks so much for your help!
Any way to scale down the theme box size (eg. shade, light, rose, etc). I notice they will scale up when a long caption is put in, which is awesome!
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/22/05 12:22am
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= Hatric]Any way to scale down the theme box size[/QUOTE]not sure what you mean, but you could use max-width or max-height attributes in your CSS, but that might cause problems with rows not laying out properly however.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/22/05 09:03am
By: Anonymous (Rob)
Ok I went through and I tested to see if putting an exact path into would change anything, and it didn't, so then I just took the entire line out to see what would happen, and as expected I get a php error saying that it can't find the functions included in transform.php. Therefore I have to assume that the code is at least getting there to know what the functions are, which allows me to call them. Don't know if that helps any...
But I also have the complete error that I get when I attempt to view a photo in "full image" mode.
Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::load() in crogram FilesApache on line 192
Hope this helps some. Will continue messing with it,
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/22/05 11:44am
By: Anonymous (Rob)
Also get the following error message when attempt to create static images:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::load() in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\geeklog\public_html\admin\plugins\inmemoriam\index.php on line 917
Also I suppose there should have been slashes in that last post... oops.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/22/05 07:10pm
By: hatric
[QUOTE BY= machinari] not sure what you mean, but you could use max-width or max-height attributes in your CSS, but that might cause problems with rows not laying out properly however.[/QUOTE]
I was thinking I would like to shorten (vertically) the size of the theme area (shade, light, rose, etc.) around a thumbnail in the thumbnail pages just enough to encapsulate the thumbnail itself and the caption (from the edit you showed me earlier) and nothing more.
Hope that is a bit more clear for you.
thanks! ~hatric
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/22/05 07:29pm
By: machinari
I haven't looked at it, hatric, but if you remove any height specification in the .inm-thumbnail rule in your inmemoriam.css, then that should give you what you want, but be warned, your rows may not return properly after a break depending on the final height of one div compared to the next. test it out and hopefully you won't see what I mean.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/23/05 02:14am
By: hatric
I'll give it a whirl! thanks for your help !! If things get all messy I will get back to you so you will know for sure.
Inmemoriam bug report - install problem
Posted on: 09/28/05 04:48pm
By: DTrumbower
Wed 28 Sep 2005 03:30:19 PM CDT - Inserting default data into phpblock table
Wed 28 Sep 2005 03:30:19 PM CDT - 1136: Column count doesn't match value count a
t row 1. SQL in question:
Wed 28 Sep 2005 03:30:19 PM CDT - Error inserting default data into phpblock tab
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/28/05 07:15pm
By: machinari
DTrumbower, Inmemoriam is not designed to be installed into the CVS version of Geeklog. When 1.3.12 comes out, the plugin will be updated.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/29/05 10:55am
By: Anonymous (Josh)
When attempting to edit an album, I receive the following error:
An input validation error has occurred. Please go back and review your entries.
I was trying to set an album as a featured block for my homepage when I received the error.
Is this a file or folder security problem?
Josh ~
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/29/05 11:25am
By: DTrumbower
[QUOTE BY= machinari] DTrumbower, Inmemoriam is not designed to be installed into the CVS version of Geeklog. When 1.3.12 comes out, the plugin will be updated.[/QUOTE]
I figured that out. But it's working now.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/29/05 01:59pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= Josh] When attempting to edit an album, I receive the following error:
An input validation error has occurred. Please go back and review your entries.
Is this a file or folder security problem?
[/QUOTE]No, this error has only to do with the values passed by $_POST.
a required value is missing, or, more likely, a hidden or required album ID has been edited or removed.
Is there any part of the album editing process that works for you? and is this error only returned when you try to set the album as featured?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/29/05 11:25pm
By: charon79m
Got the suggestions. Thanks, but...
[QUOTE BY= machinari]
*Increase the max_execution_time using ini_set() if you have safe mode off
*or reduce the number of images that are being processed.
to reduce the number of images that are being processed per run, do this:
find the function inm_generateStatic() in admin/index.php.
then find the following lines near the end of the function (line 882ish):
if ($t >= 300){
break 2;
if ($i >= 200){
break 2;
change the 300 to 99 (33 images made into 99 thumbs) and change the 200 to 100 (100 scaled images) depending on which is giving you the trouble. mess around with the numbers.
Well, I gave this a shot... I took the settings down incrementally till I got to 3 and 2. No joy.
[QUOTE BY= machinari]
hmm.. you could probably put set_time_limit(n)
I tried this, but I didn't know exactly what I was doing... well, actually I hadn't a clue. I tossed this right under the "global" line where it is pulling in variables (i'm guessing). I did know enough to change the "n" to a value; I chose 60 for the fun of it. Have I mentioned I know no programming and little about web design.
Anyway, no good there either. It still takes 30 seconds and then ends out.
Update on the machine on which this is running. It's not quite as bad as I thought. PIII 733 256MB PC133 memory. Running Ubuntu Linux, no X.
When I click on the generate buttons, the processor utilization jumps to >90%, but I never use up all my memory.
Any other suggestions? I'll let the process run all night if I have to... I just want to get this to generate the thumbs. Let me know if I can post anything else. It's a vanilla install on a clean Linux install too...
Yes, I know they will still need to populate on the page, but it'll be a heck of a lot faster than what I'm seeing now, I'm sure.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/29/05 11:40pm
By: machinari
after you get the "execution timeout" error, go to your directory and see if any images were actually processed. If there have been no thumbnails, and/or no scaled images created at all, then the issue probably isn't with the script, but more likely with the graphics library or with the images themselves. But I would need more info before I could say that conclusively.
What I can say is this: it doesn't take 30 seconds to resize one image.
What is the average size of your images? ...and does everything else seem to work ok?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/29/05 11:50pm
By: machinari
WoW, just had a look at some of you pics and I have to say, you do definitely need to use the static image generator--at least for the thumbs.
hopefully you can get me a bit more info (version numbers, etc.) and i'll see what I can do.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/30/05 11:13am
By: Anonymous (darwoodius)
I was having the same issue (it seems) as Trinity and Dustin are having. I finally found that although it seemed that GD was installed, it wasn't. Yum'ing php-gd took care of the problem. Good luck guys.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/30/05 01:15pm
By: charon79m
The directories in question would be:
I have directories called "1" at both of those locations. Both of the "1" directories do have files populated in them, they are quite small in size, so it looks like things are working.
I moved the data out of those directories and tried again to populate the thumbs. It generated 16 files, 5 sets of three and it looked like it started to loop through for a sixth image before it timed out.
Here is the pertinent part of geeklog/plugins/inmemoriam/admin/index.php (I think) to show it should only be looping once.
if ($t >= 3){
break 2;
if ($i >= 2){
break 2;
Version info follows:
Geeklog: 1.3.11sr1
Inmemoriam : Inmemoriam v 0.8.5 plug-in for Geeklog
PHP4-GD: 4.3.10-1
PHP4-imagick was not installed... it is now (0.9.7-1.3)
Need any other versions, let me know.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/30/05 02:33pm
By: machinari
lower your numbers as follows:
if ($t >= 1){
break 2;
if ($i >= 1){
break 2;
The script should not continue looping thru images after the first one has been processed.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/30/05 02:36pm
By: Anonymous (Rob)
[QUOTE BY= darwoodius] I was having the same issue (it seems) as Trinity and Dustin are having. I finally found that although it seemed that GD was installed, it wasn't. Yum'ing php-gd took care of the problem. Good luck guys.[/QUOTE]
Define "Yum'ing"
Yum defined
Posted on: 09/30/05 02:46pm
By: charon79m
Yum is the redhat equivalent to apt-get or dpkg.
It's not bad... but it's no apt.
Inmemoriam bug report - Loop counters to 1
Posted on: 09/30/05 02:58pm
By: charon79m
I set the loop counters both to one and I still time out.
Any other suggestions?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/30/05 03:37pm
By: Anonymous (mach)
is that one image at least being processed? anymore than that? If more than one is being process then your script is messed up somehow. If not, then you'll have to get me your GDlib version so that I can check the appropriate save() function. However you probably have 2.x bundled with your PHP 4.3 and so there shouldn't be a problem with that.
If you would rather use ImageMagick, you'll have to wait for my next release as it is not complete in the release you are using.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/30/05 08:04pm
By: charon79m
Yes, it does loop through multiple images until it times out.
I'd be happy to post my index.php... but it's not been edited other than as requested by you here.
Let me ask you this, if it times out does that matter? I mean, if I let it time out and then run it again... over and over again until all the files are done, will it work as it is supposed to?
Point me to a method to get a version of GDlib and it's yours.
Regarding using imagemagick, I wouldn't know the difference if it were staring me in the face. I just want it to work... what's under the hood only matters when the car isn't runnin'.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/30/05 08:20pm
By: machinari
yup, it will still work. the processing will begin with the first image it finds that has not yet been processed. so whether it times out or not, the process goes on.
I'm boggled why the loop wouldn't break as it should. I'll have to take a closer look at that function to see where it may have a issue. If I find anything I'll let you know. At least we know that it isn't the image class--that would suck.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/30/05 08:28pm
By: mrcraig52
Ok, I have a user who is trying to edit an album he created and he keeps getting an SQL error. I checked my error.log and this is what I found:
Fri Sep 30 18:58:07 2005 - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE id='12' LIMIT 1' at line 1. SQL in question: UPDATE gl_inm_albums SET name='StringPics', description='This, that and the other', frame='', theme='0', thumbsize='2', thumbs_perpage='24', maxw='2000', maxh='2000', dispfullimg='1', limitfullimg='1', enable_rating='', enable_comments='', orderby='1', group_id='2', owner_id='6', allow_submit='1', queue='1', WHERE id='12' LIMIT 1
I know next to nothing about SQL, so I have no idea what this means, any ideas?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/30/05 08:40pm
By: Anonymous (mach)
[QUOTE BY= mrcraig52]
I know next to nothing about SQL, so I have no idea what this means, any ideas?[/QUOTE]there's a comma there that shouldn't be.. gimme a couple secs to look for it.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/30/05 09:25pm
By: machinari
mrcraig52, and the rest of you who are using 0.8.5, you will all have this same problem so
click here to get a new albums.php[*3] to be placed in your public_html dir.
mrcraig52, let me know if that fixes your problem. I'm on the wrong machine this weekend to test anything myself.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 09/30/05 09:34pm
By: machinari
if you just picked up that file, try it again, the cache didn't refresh when I put up the working file. it's up now though.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/05/05 12:48am
By: Anonymous (Josh)
[QUOTE BY= machinari] [QUOTE BY= Josh] When attempting to edit an album, I receive the following error:
An input validation error has occurred. Please go back and review your entries.
Is this a file or folder security problem?
[/QUOTE]No, this error has only to do with the values passed by $_POST.
a required value is missing, or, more likely, a hidden or required album ID has been edited or removed.
Is there any part of the album editing process that works for you? and is this error only returned when you try to set the album as featured?[/QUOTE]
If you use the Auto: Scan and Apply button on the Directory Administration page, the folder names that your media is in is used as the album name and ID.
However, if you create a new album yourself, it looks like the ID defaults to the serial number for now()
The reason I was not able to edit my albums was because I used the auto function to create all the albums and the folder names my media was in contained hyphens, which appear to be illegal characters for the ID field.
I would suggest using the serial number for now() rather than the folder names for the album id in the Auto: Scan and Apply function.
Additionally, is there not a way to sort albums in descending order rather than ascending? My album names are dates and I would prefer newer media to appear at the top of the page.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/05/05 01:32am
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= Josh]
I would suggest using the serial number for now() rather than the folder names for the album id in the Auto: Scan and Apply function.[/QUOTE]The auto scan doesn't create the album's ID as that simply is a reflection of your directory name. I don't recall having any trouble with hyphens to date, but I will put it on my list and check into it. thanks.
[QUOTE BY= Josh]
Additionally, is there not a way to sort albums in descending order rather than ascending? My album names are dates and I would prefer newer media to appear at the top of the page.[/QUOTE]by default, albums summaries on the index page are sorted by date descending, i.e., the date created (not by directory or album names though those names may be in the form of dates). Media thumbs on the browse page are also sorted by date descending, by default. If you've uploaded all your albums via FTP, the script accesses them in the order that they are stored by the filesystem. That order is not controlled by the script..
Hope that helps
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/05/05 10:33am
By: Anonymous (Josh)
[QUOTE BY= machinari] If you've uploaded all your albums via FTP, the script accesses them in the order that they are stored by the filesystem. That order is not controlled by the script..
Hope that helps[/QUOTE]
That does help. I always work with the media folders in descending order, so I uploaded them to the server in descending order, so that explains it. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate your time.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/08/05 08:31pm
By: Scooter_KC
First off let Me say I LOVE this plugin. Installation went smooth following the docs but I have run into a wall involving the creation of albums/uploading of media.
If I use the interface to create albums, they are created no problem but they are owned by 'apache'. If I then try to upload images to them (still via the interface) the uploads always fail with the following message:
Add Results
Process complete: 1 error(s) occured and 0 file(s) uploaded successfully. Add more...
The following files encountered errors:
* ab_cartoon3.jpg: file could not be uploaded.
The file size is not an issue but I'm betting that permissions are what's hangin me.
When I use the FTP method of creating and uploading albums/media and then use the scan functions to pull them into the database, everything is golden.
Could this be a SAFE mode issue?
Some stats FYI:
PHP version: 4.3.10
Apache version: Apache/2.0.53
(and sadly) SAFE mode: ON
Any insight/suggestions hugely appreciated.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/09/05 01:35am
By: machinari
that error is returned when either your upload dir (your album dir) or your inmemoriam log dir cannot be opened for writing. Adjust your permissions on those directories per the install doc.
on line 193 and 218 of inmUpload.class1.php find @fopen and remove the @ symbol. try your upload again to find a error returned to your browser if fopen is the issue.
if it is infact a safe mode issue, check your server log to find something like the following: "Warning: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect..." More info will be displayed as to the particular issue. probably a basedir restriction or something like that.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/13/05 06:06pm
By: Mandor
I cannot tell if it's a bug or my mistake somewhere, but it seems a good place to mention my situation.
I have installed geeklog 1.3.11sr1. I have installed Inmemoriam 0.8.5. I installed it according to html file inside the docs directory.
Things that do not work:
1. (Directories) returns double error: 403 + 404.
2. Thumbnails for Albums are not being uploaded.
3. Adding new files to albums ends with an error file alredy exists in that album - it doesn't.
I was trying to find any information on similar problems but I haven't found anything that would help me.
I do need your advice. Thank you.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/13/05 06:25pm
By: machinari
the 404 often will follow a 403 naturally... the 403, access forbidden, is indicative of a permissions problem. If you've uploaded media via FTP, for example, the script cannot work on it unless permissions are set that would allow the php script to access it. The usage doc should cover this.
If you are not getting any thumbnails, have a look at the other image sizes, particularly the full size image, which should return an error of some kind. please report that error.
the "file already exists in that album" error doesn't exist.
It should say "filename already exists in database for specified album" or "filename already exists in album's directory." Accordingly, ensure that you are checking for the existence of your file in the appropriate place, i.e., the database and/or the file system. Use the database tools from the admin page to check your stuff. This kind of thing occurs when uploads and/or the script have been interupted for whatever reason, or when stuff is moved around manually leaving the script out of the loop, so to speak, etc.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/13/05 06:30pm
By: trinity
any news on netpbm support ?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/13/05 06:44pm
By: machinari
YES, most definitely!
NetPBM and ImageMagick are now supported, though I'm still having an issue with the watermark in both of those.. cant seem to keep them from overwriting the original--not good. It will be available in about 2 weekends from today--with or without the watermark for those 2 libraries. I'm just gonna see if I can squeeze a couple more features/options in first. just finished the mail notification and was working on the NetPBM watermark when I heard "you've got mail" and there was trinity.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/13/05 07:47pm
By: trinity
Thank you verry much!!!!
- Trin
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/21/05 10:04pm
By: hatric
Couple quick questions...
1) Any way to have the order in which an album's thumbnails are displayed to sort on the Filename of the picture (alphabetical)?
2) I would also like to increase the size of the thumbnail created on the main index page. Currently it is 85x64.
I also would like to take a second to thank you for supporting your superb plug-in. It really helps us newbies, and I am sure some guru's, to have your support. Thank you !!!
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/21/05 10:38pm
By: hatric
Scratch question #2. Figured that one out!
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/22/05 12:26am
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= hatric]
Any way to have the order in which an album's thumbnails are displayed to sort on the Filename of the picture (alphabetical)?
[/QUOTE]this is the first time i've heard anybody wanting this type of ordering. not that that matters.
I don't think that I'll be making this a feature, but if you are bent on sorting by filename, you'll have to get into the code. try this:
find this line in browse.php in the function inmAlbumThumbs()
$result = DB_query("SELECT *" . $rateExpr . " FROM {$INM_TABLES['media']} WHERE aid='{$A['id']}' AND status='0'" . COM_getPermSQL('and') . $orderby . $offset);
and change it to read like this
$result = DB_query("SELECT *" . $rateExpr . " FROM {$INM_TABLES['media']} WHERE aid='{$A['id']}' AND status='0'" . COM_getPermSQL('and') . ' ORDER BY filename ASC' . $offset);
I haven't tried it so you're on your own.
Posted on: 10/22/05 12:43am
By: Anonymous (Charon_79_M)
Here's my wishlist... (not in order of desire)
1: Slideshow
2: Ability to change order of photos based on my whim... not alphabetically or date.
3: Button to click to send file to shutterfly or equivalent (for the grandparents)
4: Ability for viewers to add a comment on a picture
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/24/05 12:11pm
By: berber
I just installed the plugin.
I'm having the same problem that others have with the missing load() funciton.
The problem started at instalation when the install script didn't find "Image/Transform.php". From what i could see it was not looking in the correct location which is "pear/Image/Transform.php".
Looking at geeklogs config i see that the pear directory is set :
$_CONF['path_pear'] = $_CONF['path_system'] . 'pear/';
but does not seem to use "$_CONF['path_pear']", it just calls :
require_once ('Image/Transform.php');
which obviously is not there.
If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong i would appreciate a heads up.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/24/05 12:38pm
By: machinari
re the pear path not making it into your include path > see my very first post in this thread for more info.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/24/05 12:57pm
By: berber
Thanks, that solved the problem.
Looking for the solution in Google i came to the thread in the middle and thought it made no sense to go back since i didn't see any solution for those with a similar problem.
Maybe it's worth adding this to the instalation doc.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/24/05 01:07pm
By: machinari
well, I don't actually have to add it to the install doc because it has been added to the file. You'll see it the upcoming release--two days or so.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/24/05 01:11pm
By: RichardTowler
[QUOTE BY= machinari] well, I don't actually have to add it to the install doc because it has been added to the file. You'll see it the upcoming release--two days or so.[/QUOTE]
on edge of seat
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/24/05 01:19pm
By: berber
Amazing service level!!!
And the plugin looks great.
All i have to do now it translate it to Hebrew...
Is there a language file?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/24/05 01:32pm
By: machinari
there is an English language file in the $_conf['path']/plugins/inmemoriam/language/ dir. A bit has been added/edited (not much) since your version--you may want to wait for the new one.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/24/05 05:20pm
By: berber
When the new ver comes out, will you have only the files that have chaned or will i have to overite all of the files?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/24/05 06:45pm
By: machinari
the release will contain the full package, 90% of which files have changed to some degree so you'll be overwriting them all. I have only to test the upgrade script and I'm done, btw.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/25/05 03:05am
By: Robin
In the pursuit of perfectness I've been checking my site for HTML compliance and I came across some small issues with, among others, the one and only Inmemoriam.
First of all there is I believe a typo in para.thtml. There is for="id" and should be form="id".
Next thing that causes a lot of validation errors is the & in After changing it into &semicolon errors disapeared.
I'll keep you posted if I find more.
Cheers and thank you for a great plugin
Polish translation should be available soon
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/25/05 03:24am
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= Robin]First of all there is I believe a typo in para.thtml. There is for="id" and should be form="id".[/QUOTE]actually it should be for="id", which is just a label attribute corresponding to the select input name="id".
[QUOTE BY= Robin]Next thing that causes a lot of validation errors is the & in After changing it into &semicolon errors disapeared.[/QUOTE]yes, I've been fixing those as I go through the code again.
[QUOTE BY= Robin]
Polish translation should be available soon [/QUOTE]I've had a look at your site and noticed the work you've done. i'm VERY impressed--that is a lot of work.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/25/05 04:29am
By: berber
will you add a reply here when the new ver is out?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/25/05 05:12am
By: Robin
[QUOTE BY= machinari]actually it should be
for="id", which is just a label attribute corresponding to the select input
OK so I changed it back. Upon page validation I get this warning that you can see
Any Ideas how to fix it
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/25/05 12:58pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= Robin]Any Ideas how to fix it [/QUOTE]you can place the "for" attribute before the "class" attribute and see if the validator reads it differently. My guess is that this is a bug in the validator because I don't see any wrong with it. To get rid of the error, just remove the "for" attribute altogether--it isn't absolutely necessary in this case anyway and should validate fine without it.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/25/05 01:04pm
By: machinari
sorry my bad. just remove the "for" attribute. It is to be associated with the input's ID attribute rather than the "name" attribute. That means you'll find this error in validation in all your admin editors etc as well.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/26/05 02:46am
By: Robin
[QUOTE BY= machinari] just remove the "for" attribute.[/QUOTE]
Thanks Machinari that did the trick
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/26/05 09:55pm
By: Euan
Hi, just installed Inmemoriam 0.8.5 on Apache 2 and PHP 5.0.4, Geeklog 1.3.11sr1.
Everything seems to work perfectly - thumbs are created, albums are created, etc - but I cannot see any images. All permissions seem fine to me.
Read through this post, but nothing seems the same. Any ideas would be nice.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/26/05 10:12pm
By: Anonymous (mach)
you can see thumbnails? but not scaled or full size images?
do you get an error when you click on full size?
so far the most common issue causing this problem has been that the pear files are not making it into the php include path. Usually this is caused by people not reading the install doc and/or needing the fix that is specified in the first post of this thread.
anyway, tommorrow the upgrade should be out. Perhaps one of the billion bug fixes in there will do you.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/26/05 10:22pm
By: Euan
No, no images/thumbs are visible. All appear broken.
Thumbs ARE being created though - I can see them in the albums folder, just not when I view anything.
I followed instructions to the letter, and am sure that there is nothing wrong with the setup. I'll wait for tomorrows release though before spending more time on this.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/28/05 11:46pm
By: machinari
by the way, 0.9.0 was released yesterday, but it hasn't been approved here yet so you can get it at[*5]
this post[*6] for more info.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/29/05 06:37am
By: berber
I copied the files and then the pear problem started again. can't find transform.php. Also, the admin shows 0.8.5/0.8.5 and not 0.8.5/0.9.0
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/29/05 07:09am
By: berber
Damn permissions
After actually copying the files and not only thinking that i copied them the upgrade went as detailed in the docs.
Will update if there is any problem.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/29/05 01:55pm
By: berber
How can i change the name of the plugin on the top menu?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/29/05 02:21pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= berber] How can i change the name of the plugin on the top menu?
[/QUOTE]language file... $LANG_INM01[1]
feel free to start a new thread anytime dudes
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/29/05 03:05pm
By: berber
I don't know about a new thread... this one seems to be doing the work
How about a dedicated forum for this amazing album?
I'm sure that the guys at geeklog can do something.
If not, i can open one specially for you on or you can open one on your site....
it's hard enough finding this thread each time i open my browser...
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/29/05 03:43pm
By: berber
When trying to register i get :
[29-Oct-2005 21:37:14] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class pear in /home/....../system/pear/PEAR.php on line 0
Currently i get this only on users.php
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/29/05 04:07pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= berber] When trying to register i get :
[29-Oct-2005 21:37:14] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class pear in /home/....../system/pear/PEAR.php on line 0
Currently i get this only on users.php[/QUOTE]...and this has what to do with Inmemoriam? are you suggesting that your inability to access users.php has something to do with Inmemoriam? I don't see how it could, but if it does, remove the pear include stuff from the file and see if that does you.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/29/05 04:27pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= berber]How about a dedicated forum for this amazing album?[/QUOTE] thy
this[*7] .
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/29/05 04:34pm
By: berber
I'm not sure if it's connected to Inmemoriam but the only PEAR changes made lately were related to Inmemoriam.
I managed to track the problem down to the stage where the user needs to get his pass via mail.
/system/pear/Mail.php calls require_once 'PEAR.php';
This is where it fails and returns Cannot redeclare class pear in /home/WWW/megira/system/pear/PEAR.php on line 0
I have just commented out your "quick fix for geeklog's pear path not included in php.ini" and it all works ok.
please advise.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/29/05 05:04pm
By: machinari
I probably should have thought of this, but let's limit the call to pear to the script that will actually use it rather than having the path included every time any page is loaded. Take the pear include stuff from the file and place it just above the require_once ('Image/Transform.php'); in the file.
That will fix your problem, and it just might fix Trinity's problem also. As I was debugging this, I was finally able to reproduce Trinity's issue on my own box and fixed it by doing the above.
I've only been able to reproduce the issue on a windows box however, *nix just seems to always work.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/29/05 05:30pm
By: berber
I made the change and the error is gone, however I'm not getting the welcome mail with the password when i register.
a simply mail -v from shell does send mail...
I'm using a linux box
any idea?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/29/05 05:32pm
By: berber
forget it.... damn junk mail folder
I need to change the From field... it's sending this mail to the junk folder in outlook...
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/31/05 09:29pm
By: hatric
Close to the begining of this thread a user (k616) asked about a parent album not showing the # of items (from sub albums):
"- picture and view count of album should show picture and view count of album and subalbums combined."
Currently my parent albums show 0 items even with subalbums within. Can you help?
The auto-thumbnailing of sub-album pictures code that he/she submitted worked, although it is now line 1610 with v.9 versus 1477 in .85
Thanks for your help!
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 10/31/05 10:17pm
By: machinari
my bad, missed the parent album dir..
the following applies to v0.9.0
in, in the function inm_showAlbumSummary(), at beginning at line 1604 replace the following:
//loop thru sub-albums until a random image is returned
while ($sRA = DB_fetchArray($sR)){
$albumthumb = inm_getRandomMedia($sRA['id']);
if(is_array($albumthumb) && !empty($albumthumb['mid']) && file_exists($INM_CONF['path_albums'] . $sRA['aid'] . '/' . $albumthumb['filename'])){
$adir = $sRA['aid'];
with the following:
//loop thru sub-albums until a random image is returned
while ($sRA = DB_fetchArray($sR)){
$albumthumb = inm_getRandomMedia($sRA['id']);
if(is_array($albumthumb) && !empty($albumthumb['mid']) && file_exists($INM_CONF['path_albums'] . $A['aid'] . '/' . $sRA['aid'] . '/' . $albumthumb['filename'])){
$adir = $A['aid'] . '/' . $sRA['aid'];
notice the addition of
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/03/05 09:15pm
By: hatric
Thanks for the help above...
Another ? for you. When writing a loooooong caption/description for a picture/album the text does not "word wrap" (so to speak) and keeps widening the page to hold the single line of text. Is there a way to have it automatically break to the next line at say 100 characters or something of the like?
Also, a suggestion: In the "jump to" drop down box I increased the character count from the default 12 up to 50. Not a real big deal, but does make it easier to read for those with longer album titles. And along that line... in the text that populates the drop down box (album and subalbum titles) is there a way to bold the text of the parent album?
Inmemoriam bug report - Missing Images
Posted on: 11/03/05 11:35pm
By: charon79m
I upgraded to .90 without issue. The install went well and I did not get any issues when I ran the upgrade. When I go into my albums, however, I do not have any images show.
No thumbnails, no resized images, and I get an error when I try to show the full sized images:
Warning: imagick_setcompressionquality() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /var/www/geeklog/system/pear/Image/Transform/Driver/Imagick2.php on line 261
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: strcasecomp() in /var/www/geeklog/system/pear/Image/Transform/Driver/Imagick2.php on line 263
Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated. If any more info would be helpful, let me know.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/04/05 01:14am
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= hatric]When writing a loooooong caption/description for a picture/album the text does not "word wrap"[/QUOTE]I can't think of why this would happen unless you have no spaces in your caption. Must be a style issue. Got a page for me to have a look at?
[QUOTE BY= hatric]in the text that populates the drop down box (album and subalbum titles) is there a way to
bold the text of the parent album?[/QUOTE]yes. good idea. here's how you can do it: find the function inm_showintro() in the file and find this line:
$albumoptions .= '<option value="' . $A['id'] . '">' . $album . '</option>' . LB;
and change it to this:
$albumoptions .= '<option style="font-weight:bold;" value="' . $A['id'] . '">' . $album . '</option>' . LB;
or you could add a class name and then put your style into the CSS--that's probably what I'll do.. Coloring the parent albums might be an idea as well.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/04/05 01:45am
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= charon79m]I get an error when I try to show the full sized images:
Warning: imagick_setcompressionquality() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /var/www/geeklog/system/pear/Image/Transform/Driver/Imagick2.php on line 261
[/QUOTE]My bad, I neglected to consider that instead of specifying a library in your geeklog config file's $_CONF['image_lib'], some might just leave it empty, which it is by default.
The easy way to fix this is to specify a library in your Geeklog config.php file according to the comments contained therein.
The not so easy way would be to edit the pear file, system/pear/image/transform.php as follows:
find the following bit
function &factory($driver)
if ('' == $driver) {
$aExtensions = array(
'imagick' => 'Imagick2',
'gd' => 'GD',
'imlib' => 'Imlib');
foreach ($aExtensions as $sExt => $sDriver) {
if (PEAR::loadExtension($sExt)) {
$driver = $sDriver;
and just rearrange the extension array like so
function &factory($driver)
if ('' == $driver) {
$aExtensions = array(
'gd' => 'GD',
'imagick' => 'Imagick2',
'imlib' => 'Imlib');
foreach ($aExtensions as $sExt => $sDriver) {
if (PEAR::loadExtension($sExt)) {
$driver = $sDriver;
the imagick and imlib extensions are not supported.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/04/05 07:21pm
By: hatric
My bad on the caption, when I was typing in the text I did not use spaces - I am a dumba$$ at times
The bolding of the album titles you suggested did not work, nothing changed in apperance.
and... I thought of another question for you. In the random picture block, is there a way to describe, underneath the thumbnail, text to tell which album the picture came from? e.g. "From the XXX Album"
and... When using the slideshow there is no "exit" button to kill it and return to the gallery... or am I missing something?
and... I would like to set the default order of albums to date ascending rather than date decending.
and... and thats enough for now!
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/04/05 08:35pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= hatric]The bolding of the album titles you suggested did not work, nothing changed in apperance.
[/QUOTE]worked for me. You must be using IE?
[QUOTE BY= hatric]In the random picture block, is there a way to describe, underneath the thumbnail, text to tell which album the picture came from?[/QUOTE]yup. can you write PHP? You'll need to modify inm_getRandomMedia() in the file. ...or you can just replace it with this:
function inm_getRandomMedia($id = ''){
if (!empty($id)){
if (inm_hasAlbumAccess($id)){
$A = array();
$result = DB_query("SELECT mid, filename, title, caption FROM {$INM_TABLES['media']} WHERE aid='$id' AND status='0'" . COM_getPermSQL('and') . " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
list($A['mid'],$A['filename'],$A['title'],$A['caption']) = DB_fetchArray($result);
$retval = $A;
} else {
$retval = '';
} else {
//get random mid
$result = DB_query("SELECT mid, title, caption, aid FROM {$INM_TABLES['media']}" . COM_getPermSQL('where') . " ORDER BY RAND()");
if (DB_numRows($result) < 1){
while ($A = DB_fetchArray($result)){
if (inm_hasMediaAccess($A['mid']) >= 2){
$alt = trim(COM_stripslashes($A['title']));
} else {
$alt = 'link to image #' . $A['mid'];
$albumname = COM_stripslashes(DB_getItem($INM_TABLES['albums'], 'name', "id='{$A['aid']}'"));
$thumbsize = DB_getItem($INM_TABLES['settings'], 'thumbsize', "thumbsize<>''");
$src = $INM_CONF['url_html'] . '/image.php?thumb=1&size=' . $thumbsize . '&mid=' . $A['mid'];
$retval = '<a href="' . $INM_CONF['url_html'] . '/browse.php?mid=' . $A['mid'] . '"><img src="' . $src . '" title="' . $alt . '" alt="' . $alt . '" /></a>';
if (!empty($albumname)){
$retval .= '<p>' . $albumname . '</p>';
if (!empty($A['caption'])){
if (strlen(trim(COM_stripslashes($A['caption']))) > 64){
$retval .= '<p>' . substr(trim(COM_stripslashes($A['caption'])), 0, 64) . '...</p>';
} else $retval .= '<p>' . trim(COM_stripslashes($A['caption'])) . '</p>';
} else {
return $retval;
in version 1.0, this function will be changed a bit to allow easier editing from the template file.
[QUOTE BY= hatric]When using the slideshow there is no "exit" button to kill it and return to the gallery... or am I missing something?[/QUOTE]Just click on an image or your browser's back button.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/04/05 11:36pm
By: hatric
Yea... like most of the MS minions of the world, I am stuck using IE. By choice? NO. By necesity? YES!! unless you would like to retrain my 80 year old mother how to use something else! I have spent enough hours on the phone with her already teaching the difference between "left click" and "right click"
The code for the random picture block worked like a charm. Thank you!!! To take it one step further... how to make the "album name" into a link to the actual album?
DOH!! I should have tried the back button for the slideshow!! lol thanks!
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/05/05 12:22am
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= hatric]... how to make the "album name" into a link to the actual album?[/QUOTE]
find this line from the code just above:
$retval .= '<p>' . $albumname . '</p>';
and replace it with this:
$retval .= '<p><a href="' . $INM_CONF['url_html'] . '/browse.php?id=' . $A['aid'] . '">' . $albumname . '</a></p>';
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/05/05 12:59am
By: hatric
Cool! worked great!!
next... (am I annoying you yet?? )
I set my thumbnail page to a default of 64 T-nails to a page. When I open the first picture it comes up fine... I use the little arrow (pointing to the right) to advance to the next picture, and this works good for 15 to 16 images before the green arrow dissapears and the only link left is the "slideshow" link. Seems there is a cut-off at 16 (the default images per page #?). Is there a setting to get past this "limit?"
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/05/05 01:19am
By: machinari
the thumbs per page setting is completely separate from the pagination for scaled images so no need to look there for a solution.
that said, I'm at a loss for a solution being that I am unable to reproduce this behaviour.
things to check: do you have more than 15 or 16 images in the album? sure that it was the first image you clicked on to start or was it the 15th from the end? does this behaviour occur for every album? and only when thumbs per page are set to 64? It would help if I could see your gallery--shoot me an email if you want to keep it private.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/06/05 02:06pm
By: hatric
It seems to be working fine today. I must have had some sort of glich going on the other night. Thanks.
Inmemoriam bug report - edit of images changes owner's ID
Posted on: 11/09/05 05:19am
By: Robin
OK here's the thing with 0.8.5. Hopefully nobody's mentioned it yet as I checked for this one.
I had to edit images posted by a user and afterwards I noticed that the author/owner changed from the user into myself
So there is something in the SQL that updates photos.
I had to go to the DB and change owner_id back to user's.
Probably the same applies to albums but I haven't checked it.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/09/05 05:40am
By: machinari
0.9.0 takes care of that. thanks Robin
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/09/05 06:20am
By: Robin
[QUOTE BY= machinari] 0.9.0 takes care of that.[/QUOTE]
Looks like I need to update the gallery then
Thanks Machinary for prompt reply .
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/09/05 01:31pm
By: berber
will 0.9.5 have the option to add comments to each image?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/09/05 01:47pm
By: machinari
0.9.5? doesn't exist and wont.
the documentation explains that comments wont be applied until gl 1.3.12 comes out. wont be long for that.
anyway, Inmemoriam 1.0 already has comments working and will be released once 1.3.12 is released.
Inmemoriam bug report - watermarks
Posted on: 11/10/05 07:50am
By: Robin
I'm puzzled. Watermarks work locally on my test enviroment and on my site they don't. After enabling a watermark (text) when you click on a thumb all you get is a link but no photo.
Version 0.8.5
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/10/05 12:08pm
By: Anonymous (mach)
Robin, ...upgrade
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/10/05 04:12pm
By: Robin
[QUOTE BY= mach] Robin, ...upgrade[/QUOTE]
Done boss
What do we do next
I'm on 0.9.0 now and watermarks still don't work Neither text nor images, default ones, none.
I installed locally Geeklog using this
DeveloperSide.NET Web-Server NON-SSL Package, version 1.10
It's basically Apache, Php, Mysql running on W2K, SP4.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/10/05 07:08pm
By: machinari
did you copy over the watermarks directory? the script seems not to be able to find the image. Also, remember to overwrite your pear files with the included ones as they have changes made to them relevant to watermarking.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/11/05 08:21am
By: Robin
[QUOTE BY= machinari] did you copy over the watermarks directory?[/QUOTE]
Yes but I didn't update it
So now the image watermarks work thanks machinary however text watermarks don't.
I checked the remaining files and dirs and I'm 100% sur the pear files are up to date.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/11/05 03:34pm
By: machinari
Robin, here's a hint when you want to find out why an image won't show: click on the "full view" link and if there is a problem with the image or the font, as in this case, you should have an error come up that will at least give you a starting place.
So, having clicked on your text watermarked image, I see that the script cannot find the font. Check the font path in Inmemoriam's config file and then check that the font physically exists in that path. We'll go from there.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/11/05 04:27pm
By: machinari
/me is significantly annoyed today
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/11/05 09:43pm
By: Robin
[QUOTE BY= machinari]Check the font path in Inmemoriam's config file and then check that the font physically exists in that path.[/QUOTE]
Machinari you're da MAN
Thank you very much
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/13/05 03:21pm
By: Bloggins
[QUOTE BY= machinari] I probably should have thought of this, but let's limit the call to pear to the script that will actually use it rather than having the path included every time any page is loaded. Take the pear include stuff from the file and place it just above the require_once ('Image/Transform.php'); in the file.
That will fix your problem, and it just might fix Trinity's problem also. As I was debugging this, I was finally able to reproduce Trinity's issue on my own box and fixed it by doing the above.
I've only been able to reproduce the issue on a windows box however, *nix just seems to always work. [/QUOTE]
I had same issue as these two but running on Linux (core 4). I ran dos2unix on after discovering it was dos file while about to add fix suggested to it
works like a charm now
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/13/05 03:59pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= Bloggins]I ran dos2unix on after discovering it was dos file while about to add fix suggested to it
works like a charm now
[/QUOTE]so what was the issue? the file format or the lack of that particular bit of code?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/13/05 04:27pm
By: Bloggins
[QUOTE BY= machinari] [QUOTE BY= Bloggins]I ran dos2unix on after discovering it was dos file while about to add fix suggested to it
works like a charm now
[/QUOTE]so what was the issue? the file format or the lack of that particular bit of code?[/QUOTE]
Sorry, I never entered the fix, only dos2unix
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/14/05 04:16am
By: Robin
OK here's the thing.
Random image in the block should show the alt description of an image, that is currently it's title. And this works under IE and in Firefox 1.0.7 it doesn't.
You need to add
title="' . $alt . '"
to the function inm_getRandomMedia, located in
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/14/05 12:17pm
By: machinari
what version are you using Robin? Both the alt and title attributes are set in the cvs version of inm_getRandomMedia().
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/15/05 02:33am
By: Robin
[QUOTE BY= machinari] what version are you using Robin?[/QUOTE]
I meant this bit from
$retval = '<a href="' . $INM_CONF['url_html'] . '/browse.php?mid=' . $A['mid'] . '"><img src="' . $src . '" alt="' . $alt . '" /></a>';
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 11/15/05 05:35am
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= Robin]
I meant this bit from[/QUOTE]yup, I've changed all that (since v0.9.0)... People wanted to have the block look this way and that way so I just put it all into a template file, which I should have done in the first place. The title attribute is there as well.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/06/05 02:47pm
By: machinari
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/06/05 05:14pm
By: trinity
would be nice if you could set an image for non image media items and select a image from those avalable for the catagory image and if no item is set foe a media item have a default image based on type
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/06/05 07:13pm
By: machinari
[QUOTE BY= trinity] ... ... ... have a default image based on type [/QUOTE]
default images per media type shipped with the archive. check your public_html/gallery_name/images/ directory for video, code and audio jpg's.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/07/05 02:32am
By: KellyK
Hi my install works wonderfully.
until i try to FTP files.
I can not FTP into the /albums/top_level_album directory. I am sure this is becuase the album directory is owned by nobody:nobody
so i created a directory inside /albums/ and called it "test". I then added an created and album using inmemoriam and put "test" for the album ID.
I then uploaded all my files to the /albums/test directory.
After that i did a directory scan. nothing.
So i changed all the permissions & ownerships to what the other albums are and redid a scan. nothing.
How do i FTP files up??
What should the permissions & ownership be?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/07/05 02:34am
By: KellyK
[QUOTE BY= KellyK] Hi my install works wonderfully.
until i try to FTP files.
I can not FTP into the /albums/top_level_album directory. I am sure this is becuase the album directory is owned by nobody:nobody
so i created a directory inside /albums/ and called it "test". I then added an created and album using inmemoriam and put "test" for the album ID.
I then uploaded all my files to the /albums/test directory.
After that i did a directory scan. nothing.
So i changed all the permissions & ownerships to what the other albums are and redid a scan. nothing.
How do i FTP files up??
What should the permissions & ownership be?
---- This was an email from Alford ----
You should not add any images to the albums/ directory itself as this is just an organizing container for all created albums. Your usage document should make this clear.
Beyond that, this seems to be clearly a permissions issue.
Things to consider:
First: ensure that your albums directory has its permissions set according to the install instructions.
Second: having created a "test" album via FTP, and then creating an album using "test" as the ID should have returned an "album already exists" error due to the fact that an album's ID corresponds to its directory name on the server.
Third: It seems that in some cases, for reasons to boring to get into, an album directory as well as any items contained in that directory need to have permissions adjusted when that directory and/or media belonging to that directory has been created via FTP. Some servers are setup in such a way that anything accomplished via FTP is not readable via PHP and, less often, vice versa.
One other unlikely possibility: ensure that your $INM_CONF['path_albums'] is equal to that path wherein you are placing your media.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/07/05 02:41am
By: KellyK
You should not add any images to the albums/ directory itself as this is just an organizing container for all created albums. Your usage document should make this clear.
Correct I am putting it into the albums/album_id/ folder not the albums directory
Beyond that, this seems to be clearly a permissions issue.
Things to consider:
First: ensure that your albums directory has its permissions set according to the install instructions.
triple checked. I can add via the web without a issue.
Second: having created a "test" album via FTP, and then creating an album using "test" as the ID should have returned an "album already exists" error due to the fact that an album's ID corresponds to its directory name on the server.
I did not receive a "album already exists" error message. and again I tried the same steps.
1. create albums/test directory
2. via web do create album with the album id of "test"
no error and I can see the album
However I can not add media to the "test" album via the web, it says "filename already exists in album's directory" but via telnet it is not there.
Third: It seems that in some cases, for reasons to boring to get into, an album directory as well as any items contained in that directory need to have permissions adjusted when that directory and/or media belonging to that directory has been created via FTP. Some servers are setup in such a way that anything accomplished via FTP is not readable via PHP and, less often, vice versa.
What are the specific permission & ownership settings. even when I change it back to nobody:nobody it doesn't work.
I did this as another test.
1. I created an album
2. I added media via the web.
3. I wrote down all the permissions for the file & directory
4. I changed the ownership of just the directory to a user that could FTP to that directory
5. I changed the group & all sub files back to the original ownership & group "nobody:nobody"
6. I scan directories.
7. 0 Media files found.
8. I attempted to add another file via "add media" worked fine.
One other unlikely possibility: ensure that your $INM_CONF['path_albums'] is equal to that path wherein you are placing your media.
this is correctly set.
$INM_CONF['path_albums'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/inmemoriam/albums/';
What should i do next?
I should tell you i am runing on;
Dedicated Server
Running WHM / cPanel
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/07/05 04:23am
By: KellyK
I have set all the permissions to 777 for albums and everything below.
This should be the widest permissions set possible.
Still not working.
It simply says 0 media found.
Am i missing something simple here?
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/07/05 12:23pm
By: machinari
Media must conform to those media types that are defined in Inmemoriam's config.php--perhaps that is the issue.
try these steps...
- create an album via the album editor
- note the ID (that will be your folder name)
- find that folder on the server and add your media via FTP
- ensure perms reflect 777 for all items you've created via FTP
- run your scan.
do not create an album twice as you've noted previously... creating an album via FTP and then an album by the same ID via the editor should be returning an error, but I neglected that potentiality in the code apparently. The error will be generated if the ID is already recorded in the database however.
Note: the scan function should be able to detect any accessible folders as well as accessible media items within those folders. That said, if your paths are ok and your perms are fine, then I have no idea why your scan is returning "0 media items found."
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/07/05 12:54pm
By: trinity
i am haveing the same issue with 1.0. i havent upgraded to 1.0.1 yet
Wednesday, December 07 2005 @ 12:23 PM EST
Media must conform to those media types that are defined in Inmemoriam's config.php--perhaps that is the issue.
try these steps...
- create an album via the album editor
- note the ID (that will be your folder name)
- find that folder on the server and add your media via FTP
- ensure perms reflect 777 for all items you've created via FTP
- run your scan.
do not create an album twice as you've noted previously... creating an album via FTP and then an album by the same ID via the editor should be returning an error, but I neglected that potentiality in the code apparently. The error will be generated if the ID is already recorded in the database however.
Note: the scan function should be able to detect any accessible folders as well as accessible media items within those folders. That said, if your paths are ok and your perms are fine, then I have no idea why your scan is returning "0 media items found."
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/07/05 02:06pm
By: machinari
my bad, just found the problem...
when I added support for video, audio, etc. I neglected to complete my changes in the ftp functions..
in your public_html/admin/plugins/inmemoriam/index.php find every instance of "in_array" and replace with "array_key_exists" .. no need to make any other changes.
that's it. works now. In a few hours I'll put up a fixed file at
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/07/05 11:20pm
By: KellyK
[QUOTE BY= machinari]
in your public_html/admin/plugins/inmemoriam/index.php find every instance of "in_array" and replace with "array_key_exists" .. no need to make any other changes.
That worked for me. Yipee!!
I did notice a few other things;
1. it recongnizes .mpeg but not .mpg, i had to rename all my files to .mpeg.
2. When i push play for a video it forces me to download rather than play in the browser or in a browser popup. --- this would be a nice User preference where the user can choose popup,same window, or download. (this only happens for wmv, other wise my quicktime plays it in the browser, but its not HTML based)
3. When i play the slideshow i completly loose the geeklog layout. it becomes a plain grey background with no layout components at all. And i have to press back many times to get to the original screen or click on the image.
4. As admin i can not vote or leave a comment. As a "logged-in user" i can vote but i still can not see the post comment section.
5. I created a members uploads which works fine, but the watermarking only allows me to seclet "default watermark"
Feature Requests;
1. Ability to assign specific thumbnails for videos
2. Jave Slideshow like in Media gallery --- Nice user preference again
3. Ability to turn on/off displying picture details under the thumbnails & images
4. Ability to allow users to only vote once per image
5. Ability to sort by filename
6. Ability to set to disable right click save image.
7. Ability to set watermark permissions for members adding media
8. Ability to make all member submitted files have a default watermark.
I cant think of anymore and i am sure some of these have probably been asked for before.
I must say this is the absolute best plug-in..
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/07/05 11:56pm
By: machinari
Kelly, you need to take a quick look around the software and the usage doc. many of your features and/or issues are taken care of by just reading the doc including your video file extension, comment and rating functions, default sort, splash screen, album thumbnail, and some others.
voting isn't allowed for your own media. quick change in the code is all it would take to change this if you like.
The comment engine is disabled by default--look for it in the album editor.
the slideshow template file is easily editable however you like. image details can be removed from the template file if you like, etc.
I don't like the java slideshow
etc., etc.
using a particular image/frame for a video thumb is on my list
as far as using a plugin to play video/audio or downloading to play, I went with the latter because of my personal preference and also my unwillingness to download a 30 meg plugin just so I can use quicktime in my browser to watch a 2 meg file. You have to download it anyway whether it plays in the browser or not. I would stream it if I knew everybody's server was setup the same way.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 12/07/05 11:59pm
By: KellyK
Yes actually i noticed a lot of the stuff as I was playing with the plugin. my bad for not reading everything first.
i adjusted my list above already. I will keep looking and see what else i have missed.
As for the video, yes i meant streaming.
And for the slideshow it would be nice as a user preference.
thanks again. killer plugin.
Inmemoriam bug report
Posted on: 03/04/06 06:10pm
By: Anonymous (Hakan Törehan)
I'll add that to my list. thanks.