I want to use an image as a block title- I've tried using HTML in the block title bar. If i keep it under the 48 character limit, it does place the image, but messes up other elements.
ANy suggestions?
thanks so much
If your site is not very traffic rich: dynamic image replacement perhaps? That dynamically makes a PNG image of the selected text with your favourite font. Also great for story titles (I'm trying to figure that out for a smaller site right now)
Look over here: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/dynatext
Or try something like: img src= "domain/images/{blocktitle}.jpg}"
But you have to be very consistent with your blocktitles then. You don't have to use that block template for every block, you can set that in functions.php in the theme directory like this:
$_BLOCK_TEMPLATE['image'] = 'blockheader-image.thtml,blockfooter-image.thtml';
If you set the block-id to 'image' it will use the mentioned template.
Also have a look at this thread: http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?forum=9&showtopic=46407