Posted on: 12/16/05 02:02pm
By: ScurvyDawg
I have someone I am working with on a community portal and I am reccomending GL.
Being that the community is an XML based standards org I am wondering if only the theme we create needs to be XHTML compliant of if there are other items I will need to tweak to make the site fully XHTML compliant.
Any feedback on this item is welcome and will be reviewed and considered, thank you all.
Posted on: 12/16/05 02:50pm
By: Dirk
Unfortunately, there are still some tiny hard-coded HTML snippets which prevent Geeklog from actually producing valid XHTML, even if you change all the theme files. Most notably, lots of BR tags.
I think if you do a search for XHTML, you should find previous discussions of that topic as well as a few cases where site owners actually changed the hard-coded HTML accordingly.
bye, Dirk
Posted on: 12/16/05 04:17pm
By: ScurvyDawg
Thanks for the heads up.
Before posting I looked for previous discussions on this topic. I will endevour to do so again.
Thanks Dirk.