Posted on: 02/11/06 05:56am
By: donm1021
I am upgrading to 1.4.0 from 1.3.11sr3 and in the upgrade instructions it says to copy your existing config.php and lib-common.php over to the new files... is this correct or is there certain parts of the files that need to be copied over?
I just want to be clear before I start this upgrade. I can't afford to mess up the existing geeklog that I have setup. I do have it backed up.
Upgrading to 1.4.0
Posted on: 02/11/06 06:04am
By: Dirk
[QUOTE BY= donm1021] in the upgrade instructions it says to copy your existing config.php and lib-common.php over to the new files...[/QUOTE]
No, it doesn't say that. It says that these files contain information that should be copied over. Don't copy over the entire files.
bye, Dirk
Upgrading to 1.4.0
Posted on: 02/11/06 06:17am
By: donm1021
Upgrade instructions "QUOTE -
As with a fresh install, edit your config.php and lib-common.php, basically just copying over the information from your old copies of these files.
Copying over the information from your old copies - hmmm? and what information would that be? I would think unless stated it would mean the entire file - uh basically.
Upgrading to 1.4.0
Posted on: 02/11/06 06:53am
By: Dirk
If you were supposed to copy over the files it would say so, don't you think?
"Information" refers to the information contained in those files, like paths. Basically, all your settings.
The config.php of new versions usually contains new settings, so you don't want to copy over your old config.php and lose those new settings. lib-common.php contains new or changed code, so using an old one would only break your site. The information you have to copy over is mainly the path to your config.php (and possibly other changes that certain plugins require).
I'm open to suggestions on how to make those instructions clearer, but I would have thought it was obvious that there's a difference between a file and "information".
bye, Dirk
Upgrading to 1.4.0
Posted on: 02/11/06 02:50pm
By: trip
How about this. Update the new config.php and lib-common.php files with the settings from your old installation, i.e. SQL database information, and your site specific settings.
Upgrading to 1.4.0
Posted on: 02/11/06 04:29pm
By: winnerdk
I use DzSoft php editor, which allows me to open two files side by side. I can have the old config.php and the new config.php open at the same time, and just switch back and forth from one to the other by hitting the tab at the top. This allows me to easily spot the differences in the old and new files, and to see what needs to be changed or copied over. There is probably a better way, but this worked well for me.
Upgrading to 1.4.0
Posted on: 02/16/06 08:31am
By: donm1021
ok, I edited the files as instructed and began the upgrade. I chose that it is an upgrade (not fresh install) and then the version I am upgrading from 1.3.11.
When I click on "next" I get the following error:
Warning: INST_doDatabaseUpgrades(/home/revivalp/sql/updates/mysql_1.3.11_to_1.4.0.php) [function.INST-doDatabaseUpgrades]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/revivalp/public_html/admin/install/install.php on line 825
Fatal error: INST_doDatabaseUpgrades() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/revivalp/sql/updates/mysql_1.3.11_to_1.4.0.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/revivalp/public_html/admin/install/install.php on line 825
Where do I go from here? My site is now non-working - in that all of my links now produce errors.
Your help is appreciated!
**NOTE - Since I posted this I did try re-uploading the "sql" directory to insure that I didn't miss a file somewhere - and now the error above is gone - but I get a new one as follows:
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '( cid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, sid varchar(40) NOT NULL, ' at line 1
**2Note - ok, I reuploaded the entire directory for the upgrade, and it now upgraded my geeklog.... however, my theme has been over written with what appears to be the professional theme that ships with the new version.
How do I get my theme back? Even when I upload my old theme... this same theme appears and does not change to my theme. Can anyone shed any light on this for me?
** FINAL NOTE - LOL - ok, I figured it all out and everything seems to be working properly. I think when I received the first error I FREAKED, but after going through it all again and reuploading and redoing the upgrade, it all seems to be working.
Have a good one all!
Re: Upgrading to 1.4.0
Posted on: 01/29/07 11:30pm
By: webeddy
I am getting the same error you got. I uploaded the directory again, checked all the paths, and still get this error.
Warning: inst_dodatabaseupgrades(/home/webeddy/public_html/sql/updates/mysql_1.4.0_to_1.4.1.php) [function.inst-dodatabaseupgrades]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/webeddy/public_html/gl/admin/install/install.php on line 919
Fatal error: inst_dodatabaseupgrades() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/webeddy/public_html/sql/updates/mysql_1.4.0_to_1.4.1.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php'

in /home/webeddy/public_html/gl/admin/install/install.php on line 919
Looking at your message it looks like somebody gave you some help, but I don't see the answer here. How did you fix this?