Posted on: 04/04/06 09:11am
By: garfy
i put some code in lib common for the random picture block and it was working fine thean they told me that i should put the code to lib custom file and i did it
then i saw that the right blocks are too wide and i removed the code from lib custom file and the geeklog is not showing up anymore
now i am overwriting all the files with file backupa 14 days old though
i only recently updated database backup.
What do you suggest, should I upload the database backup also??
or just the file backup?
I do not know why my site went down. Should i update also the database backup from 14 days or from today??
¸my site is down - after i added some code to libcustom
Posted on: 04/04/06 12:46pm
By: Anonymous (garfy)
I uploaded all the files from backup files, i did not backupd database sql
so this is the error I am getting
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: com_numberformat() in /home/altermed/plugins/polls/ on line 502
can someone help
should i overwrite the database sql, but it is 14 days old and I would loose some new things
�my site is down - after i added some code to libcustom
Posted on: 04/04/06 02:20pm
By: Dirk
COM_numberFormat is a new function in Geeklog 1.4.0. Which Geeklog version are you on?
bye, Dirk
¸my site is down - after i added some code to libcustom
Posted on: 04/04/06 02:29pm
By: Anonymous (garfy)
I am 1,4 second release
I am overwriting all the files from backup 14 days ago, including my sql daztabase
I hope it will work
all I did is put some code into custom lib common
that is it
and whole site went down
I have posted few stories in last few days so I am wondering if I can update just the story filei in mysql database
�my site is down - after i added some code to libcustom
Posted on: 04/04/06 03:17pm
By: Dirk
If you were on 1.4.0 before that happened, there's no need for any database changes.
bye, Dirk
¸my site is down - after i added some code to libcustom
Posted on: 04/04/06 05:07pm
By: garfy
I was on 1,4 befre that happened
and i overwrote the sql with 14 days old database sql
and also i overwrote the files on my server
the site is working ok but can i overwrite the sql with the newest sql database that i made today after the site went down??
¸my site is down - after i added some code to libcustom
Posted on: 04/04/06 06:28pm
By: garfy
i deleted the sql database compeletely because the pictures were not showing up and when i tried to import the database i have on my hard disk the file was too big ( 10 M

Tha max allowed size is 2 mb. What to do, how to import it. Can someone tell me??
And please be very precise sql is not my kind of field
¸my site is down - after i added some code to libcustom
Posted on: 04/05/06 01:29am
By: garfy
ok my host put the sql database back where it was , they use the sql from yesterday after the crash because i wanted to keepo the latest stories I did in few days ago and i get this error
Warning: main(/home/altermed/plugins/links/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/altermed/public_html/lib-common.php on line 6106
i really do not know what is happening
�my site is down - after i added some code to libcustom
Posted on: 04/05/06 03:20pm
By: Dirk
[QUOTE BY= garfy] Warning: main(/home/altermed/plugins/links/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory[/QUOTE]
As the error message states: It can't find that file. Make sure it's there and/or that the path is correct.
Btw, you're making life too hard for yourself. You said you changed something in lib-custom.php and your site didn't work any more. Fine, then simply revert that change (always keep backups of files you're changing!) and the site should work again. No need to restore everything from a backup ...
bye, Dirk
¸my site is down - after i added some code to libcustom
Posted on: 04/05/06 03:36pm
By: garfy
I know I went thru so much hassle because I downloaded the file backup from my hsost but it was really old even though I downloaded it 2 weeks ago.
Obviously the host has problems so i reinstalled the geeklog 1,4 release 2 and it wokrs fine now
damn host
thank you Dirk