Posted on: 05/25/06 06:31pm
By: lbpp
Ok... so I have looked over the forums and seen SOME mention of this, as well as a crude hack to geeklogs core files, only worked in 1.3.9 and below i believe. I have problems with people registering for my site, but not recieving their emails with their passwords in them. Spam filters are most likely the problem, especially Hotmail it seems. What I would like to do is have the randomly generated password displayed on the site once you put your name and email in. Geeklog would store your info as a "temp user" which would still allow you immediate access to the user functions. This "temp user" would be sent a confirmation email with a link back to the site to confirm their email address and then added into the system as a permenant member. This way people who are lazy can just log in right away (cause face it that is what all of us want to do) but will have to face a new system message at the top of the page saying "YOU ARE A TEMPORARY USER, PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR CONFIRMATION" and then there can also be a link to re-send the confirmation email just incase they didnt get it the first time, or need to readjust their whitelist settings. Phew... So this seems like a better way to handle things, I wish i was skilled enough to script this. I know this would be desireable for many people, is there anyone out there that can help with this?
user password at registration plus confirmation email
Posted on: 05/27/06 02:32pm
By: lbpp
BUMP, oh come on someone has to have something to say about this no?
user password at registration plus confirmation email
Posted on: 05/28/06 03:20pm
By: Dirk
While it should be possible to hack Geeklog such that it displays the user's initial password instead of sending it by email, your idea of a "temporary user" would certainly require quite a lot of changes ...
bye, Dirk
user password at registration plus confirmation email
Posted on: 05/29/06 06:29am
By: 1000ideen
I think this hack may help:
user password at registration plus confirmation email
Posted on: 05/30/06 05:10pm
By: lbpp
Yeah... i use a mailing list software that has it set up this way and i have found it to be the best way to subscribe people without having alot of complaints/problems. Maybe for Geeklog 2?
user password at registration plus confirmation email
Posted on: 05/31/06 05:54am
By: 1000ideen
without having alot of complaints/problems.
I think there are a few ideas and necessary changes to make GL more non tech user friendly.
1) A user logging in for the first time or first time after the topics have been changed should be redurected to "preferences" plus a message box opens giving a hint like "please check your email subscriptions."
2) On each story next to the print and email icon there should be a subscription button "subscribe this topic". It could just lead to "preferences".
Also the registration process should be offering more options. This is the point of time when a user is attentive and wants to chose subscriptions.
Do you have any more ideas?
user password at registration plus confirmation email
Posted on: 05/31/06 05:56pm
By: lbpp
I also think that there should be some sort of "members section" would contain all the links to your preferences for the site and various plugins. This would be nice because then everything would be in one spot instead of having like 15 preferences under "user functions". It would be something like "My Geeklog". The reason people register the first time and dont come back is because registering doesnt give them anything special, with a "My Geeklog" section you could populate it with extra content that wouldnt be avaliable to guest users. I am working on a static page like this for my next update that includes link to preferences, profile, members list, local news feeds and weather. This just gives them something cool to come back to each time
user password at registration plus confirmation email
Posted on: 06/01/06 04:28am
By: 1000ideen
Right, I think these are 2 separate aspects. On the one hand "something" attractive for people to become a member like a special "members section" signaling that there is more to see once the person becomes a member.
And on the other hand 1 central panel for personal adjustments. Your static page idea sounds really good! I`m looking forward to hear more about it.
Actually I don`t like the Account Information and Preferences now. It took me quite a while to understand the difference AND to keep this in mind. I chose the wrong page several times. 1 central page would be my favourite too. Maybe call it "My Preferences" or "My Settings"? "My Geeklog" would be unsuitable.
AND one more idea, maybe Dirk could take this as a feature request:
On the preferences page there should be a button "reset to default values" next to "save information". The personal settings can be quite confusing and up to now there is no way for an admin to log on as the user to help them with their settings.
user password at registration plus confirmation email
Posted on: 06/09/06 03:43pm
By: lbpp
Yeah lately i have had alot of spam users sign up so my user list is populated with fake emails and profiles, if there were a temporary user key where they had to confirm before being added to the permenant users table that would be much more secure and help reduce spam considerably... I would like to request this as feature, what does everyone else think?