Posted on: 05/02/07 05:00pm
By: Tex
I have developed rough proposals for three bounties:
1. Event Subscriptions (RSVP and Reminders)
2. Event Category Groups
3. Recurring Events
I am posting the proposals in separate posts here for your comment. If you see anything that should be added, changed, or deleted, please let me know. Once we get the proposal set, I will set up the bounty.
Proposal to Enhance Calendar Plugin - Part 2
Event Categories (groups)
Bounty Amount = ($ please help specify)
Calendar Administrators should be able to establish calendar group catgories and have different calendar views to show events related to that category. Only admins should be able to establish new categories, but users should be able to submit events to those categories in the Add Event screen, perhaps selecting a category via a pulldown. Submission rules in config.php should apply as they do currently. Admins should be able to assign events to categories in the admin Add Event screen.
By clicking on a calendar category grouping, users should be able to see all events on the calendar for that category and for which they have sufficient security. By clicking on “all categories†we will see all events for all categories.
Events should be color-coded based on category assignment. A legend should display showing all categories and their respective colors.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Event Categories (Groups)
Posted on: 05/05/07 05:10pm
By: jmucchiello
So should this be related to topics or independent of topics?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Event Categories (Groups)
Posted on: 05/05/07 08:49pm
By: Tex
I think it should be independent of topics, as link categories are in the links plugin. That way, someone could set up a "Conference Room" category, to store all events for a conference room.