Posted on: 07/16/07 09:39am
By: Tex
Calendar Upgrade Bounty Total pledges so far
RSVP & Reminders - (SEE PROPOSAL HERE[*1] )
Categories - (SEE PROPOSAL HERE[*2] )
Recurring Events - (SEE PROPOSAL HERE[*3] )
Group Calendar (see all events as well as events filtered by
Recurring Events
Total so far $590+
If you are thinking of bailing out, please first discuss your concerns. If the issue is money, it may be possible to get every other contributor to
increase their pledge by $2 - $5 to lower your pledge. If the issue is security (my concern) I am sure we can work this out so that everyone is comfortable.
We'll just need to discuss it. If the issue concerns the job getting done accurately and within some reasonable time, we need to discuss it so that
everybody is reasing from the same page. The last thing we wish to do is cause everyone to bolt from this project.
sorry for the format - Forum would not allow tabular format
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/16/07 10:58am
By: Anonymous (Dazzy)
I will donate $50
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/16/07 01:37pm
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: Tex samstone
Group Calendar (see all events as well as events filtered by
This is covered in the categories proposal, right? Or is this something else?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/16/07 07:26pm
By: tt0ne
Username: tt0ne - Marco Belmonte representing Incorporated
Amount: $200
Desired Feature: Reaccuring events
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/16/07 07:44pm
By: Anonymous (Tex)
This is covered in the categories proposal, right? Or is this something else?
Yes. It is in the category proposal. I just used samstone's words here because I know he is very interested in having this category (i.e. group) feature where we can either see all events or filter by category.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/16/07 07:46pm
By: Anonymous (Tex)
$840 in pledges. Not bad at all.
Happy happy.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/17/07 06:53pm
By: ronack
Quote by: TexThis is covered in the categories proposal, right? Or is this something else?
Yes. It is in the category proposal. I just used samstone's words here because I know he is very interested in having this category (i.e. group) feature where we can either see all events or filter by category.
The old Group hack was the ability to give a group of users access to a calendar. Example a Moderators Group Calendar or in my case I have a group of Fire Chief's and they would like a Group Calendar just for them.
Is this the same thing?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/17/07 07:32pm
By: jmucchiello
That's how I read it. Should be no big deal (just a whole bunch of little deals in a row

). The code already handles the global and personal calendars through a variable. Just expand that variable to be more generic. It also most likely means I'll be combining the events table and the personal events table into one table. Hope that doesn't affect performance too much.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/18/07 08:09am
By: Anonymous (Tex)
I guess this is fine. samstone should probably comment. My only concern with using geeklog groups exclusively is that if someone wanted to setup meetings for "Conference Room A" the admin would have to create a group instead of a category. I think the event categories should be separate from groups, as categories are in the links plugin.
Anyone wish to chime in here?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/18/07 10:26am
By: Anonymous (Dazzy)
I have only one question who do I send my contribution too? reading the bounties page I assume its to dirk and then he ultimately decides weather the project devloper is legible to receive the money.
Any clarification Dirk please
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/18/07 01:11pm
By: Laugh
ronack that is not how I saw Groups working, but it is a good idea.
I saw groups working by the ability to group similar events together, ie different class schedules would be under the group Class Schedules and if selected would only show the class schedules on the calendar, basically a way to clean up a cluttered calendar. You could combine these two ideas together.
I originally saw this as a group thing but maybe it is not, Will reoccuring events be able to handle an event that falls outside the recurring parameters. As an example, if one class got canceled on a thursday and moved to Friday (the class recurred every Thursday)? From the specs you would be able to add an exclusion, but can you add the Friday class to the event?
Basically, how I see it is, you would have an Event that can be made up of many events. These "many events" could be one or more reoccuring events and one or more normal single events.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/18/07 01:43pm
By: jmucchiello
I didn't read ronack's post carefully. See below.
Quote by: LaughI originally saw this as a group thing but maybe it is not, Will reoccuring events be able to handle an event that falls outside the recurring parameters. As an example, if one class got canceled on a thursday and moved to Friday (the class recurred every Thursday)? From the specs you would be able to add an exclusion, but can you add the Friday class to the event?
As I intend to write it....
A recurring event will cause an instance of all future events to appear in the "eventscheduled" table. Anyone with edit access will have two edit buttons: one to edit the master event and other to edit that event instance. So if you needed to move this week's "every thursday" event to friday only this week, you could.
The groups calendar function (again, as I read it) has nothing to do with GL group permissions (although you could use the permissions in that way) but more to do with having more than one "master" calendar. The existing master calendar becomes your "miscellaneous" events calendar (or "default category"

and the other category calendars are specific calendars.
Thus the buttons that say "switch to personal calendar" or "switch to master calendar" will become drop down boxes containing all calendars the current user has access to. The RSVP project will add a "dummy" calendar for "Events I've subscribed to"
That said, the way it will work is by combining the events and personalevents tables into one table and adding a category field that contains "master", "personal", or the name of a category. As an analogy: categories are to calendars as topics are to stories. (And no, I'm not supporting hierarchical categories.)
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/18/07 06:38pm
By: tt0ne
yes, that is my question, too - who do we send the money to?
- Marco
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/18/07 08:37pm
By: pwarnagi
Yup. Who wants the dough. I have no more suggestions. All requirements looks good. I saw one for color coding events. Outstanding. I did not think of that. I can't wait to see the finished product. BTW: Whoever tallied my amount has me down for $130, I committed $200 so that's what I'll send. Let me know how/when/where.
:twocents: :twocents: :twocents:
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/19/07 01:27am
By: jmucchiello
Unless Dirk gives a different answer, just hold onto your cash until something is delivered.
Colorcoding? By category, sounds easy.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/22/07 09:23am
By: Laugh
How do you want this Bounty to work, especially since it effects a plugin that comes preinstalled with Geeklog? Do you want to receive the bounties before hand by the sponsors and hold it until the job is complete and the code gets the thumbs up by one of the core developers?
I think this may make the most sense (for most bounties) since it will prevent people from "forgeting" (not that it will happen here) to contribute the pledge once the job is done. Then we will have an angry developer on our hands.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/22/07 12:52pm
By: ronack
When you figure out the bounties I'll kick some in too because this is a function I've been missing.
Getting back to the group vs category thing. I think that both are needed. For group all I would have to do is add Joe to the Geek group and he would be able to view and add stuff to the Geek Calendar. Once Joe is no longer a Geek (like that's gonna happen) then all I need to do is remove him and he will still have the Master, and Personal Calendar.
Category is interesting as well. If what I understand you could give anyone access to a category no matter what group they are in.
Say we have Joe Fred and Sally
Joe & Sally are part of the Geek group so they have access to the Geek Calendar
Fred is not part of the Geek group and can't see the Geek Calendar.
However the Geeks and Fred also have need to access the Grass Cutting calendar because it's a Category not a Group.
Groups = Groups of people
Categories = Specific subjects.
I think we need both.
What say you?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/22/07 03:40pm
By: Dirk
Quote by: LaughHow do you want this Bounty to work, especially since it effects a plugin that comes preinstalled with Geeklog?
I'm a bit overwhelmed by the amount of money that has been collected here.
A while ago, we did actually discuss the idea of spinning off some of the bundled plugins into separate projects. I wonder if this would be a good time to do it for the Calendar.
Quote by: LaughDo you want to receive the bounties before hand by the sponsors and hold it until the job is complete and the code gets the thumbs up by one of the core developers?
I think this may make the most sense (for most bounties) since it will prevent people from "forgeting" (not that it will happen here) to contribute the pledge once the job is done. Then we will have an angry developer on our hands.
Yes, the idea was that someone whom everyone trusts would collect and hold on to the money until the work is done. That was mostly meant for smaller sums, though. In this case, even if half the people jump ship, there would still be a nice sum remaining.
I don't insist on that person being me or anyone from the core team. In fact, in this case, it probably should be someone who's more familiar with all the requested features. So Tex, maybe? Alternatively, we/me could collect the money and pay it out once every sponsor gives a "thumbs up". But I tend to think that in this case, it's really something the community should handle.
bye, Dirk
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/22/07 03:47pm
By: ronack
Why not set up a PayPal account, have all the dough go into it when the job is complete then do a payout.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/23/07 03:30am
By: tt0ne is a registered non-profit organization. We also have a merchant # and our own online e-com system. We also accept paypal.
If everyone is ok with this, we'd be willing to sponsor this plugin and handle the finances and the payout. It would work something like this...
You'd go to and you'd make a donation of the amount you promised to the developer. You'd make sure you wrote an additional note that made sure you stated with clarity that the amount donated was not for (this is for our own tax records so we don't get in trouble) but for the calendar plugin. You'd need to choose paypal instead of using our credit card fullfillment method so that the money could just sit in our paypal account (we usually transfer all donations and purchases from paypal into our bank account - but in this case - we'd just leave the money in paypal's system until it was time to give the payout to the developer).
I'd be willing to update the community with the latest tally and when the community decides that the plugin is worthy of being paid out - we could transfer the money to the developer's paypal account.
Does this sound like an option?
- Marco
PS: I'm not going to speak for them, but I believe that Blaine from and Mark from (both Geeklog Core Developers I believe) would be willing to vouch for
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/23/07 08:06am
By: jcz
I'm ready to pay :twocents: , just tell me how and give me some plan for how the money will be managed.
NAME: jcz
AMOUNT: I'll go to $50
Key thing for me is mostly recurring events. It's also important to me to be able to get this up and running without too much pain. I've actually got a slew of GL's running and a highly involved patch (then update process) would be painful.
I fully support inclusion of these functions into the mainline calendar so that when I upgrade GL, I automatically get Calendar upgrades.
It hasn't been talked about here, but another killer feature for me would be to allow users to add the events to their Outlook calendars. There have been hacks for this floating around, but I've never had the time to get them running. I guess this will have to wait given the fixed requirements though. :blahblah:
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/23/07 10:47am
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: jczIt hasn't been talked about here, but another killer feature for me would be to allow users to add the events to their Outlook calendars. There have been hacks for this floating around, but I've never had the time to get them running. I guess this will have to wait given the fixed requirements though. :blahblah:
It will also need to wait for someone with Outlook to program it.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/24/07 01:12am
By: tt0ne
Can someone tell which thread I should be posting on? There are three forum threads dedicated to this one plugin - I'm confused about which one I should be posting comments on...
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/24/07 09:22am
tt0ne, if you want to talk about money, keep using this topic.
If you want to talk about the technical aspects, go to the first post in this topic and choose the link (among the three) that you care for.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/24/07 09:46am
By: tt0ne
Thanks, LWC.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 12:13am
By: tt0ne
So, I've made a proposal for handling the money. There has been no input on it for four days. Can I assume that there is better idea out there that someone has suggested and I'm just missing the thread location?
If not, we all realize that without the money sitting somewhere ready to be transferred - no one is going to implement this bounty. Dirk has already said he'd rather the community handle something with such a large cashpot - I've made a suggestion - I'd like to hear some other ideas so we can get this going!
- Marco
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 04:56am
By: Anonymous (Dazzy)
Sorry Marco, havent checked this topic for a few days I would be happy sending my contribution to you, what about everyone else?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 05:27am
By: tt0ne
Well,'s contribution is $200 and it looks like yours is $50. That's $250. I'd say if we can get one more person to contribute to the pot we'd probably get someone to start developing it.
Feel free to donate the money and I'll add it to the $200. I'll transfer $200 into our paypal system right now.
- Marco
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 05:33am
Ok, unless you're a business owner that wishes to get invoices when paying for these plugins, you can ignore this post.
If you are one, than while I see no one else standing up, it seems being a non-profit organization with a merchant # and an online e-com system doesn't really matter, if all you end up doing is getting paid via PayPal. Just like Dirk would have been paid. So all those things are meaningless technically and are only good to prove your credibility.
So let's say you're as credible as Dirk (if not more due to your official status). Still, the difference is Dirk told me his country Germany has a law that lets him hand out one time invoices, even though he's not a business owner. That is, for the purposes of these "donations", he could hand out one time invoices as if we paid for his business.
What about you? You already claimed you can't consider this a donation. So could you provide those who pay invoices, so they can declare it as a business expence?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 08:40am
By: tt0ne
Sure - just tell me how to do that without interferring with our non-profit IRS requirements...
This was just a suggestion, my friend - I'm totally open to whatever people decide - I'm just anxious to get the plugin developed ;-)
The other alternative was that I could hire Blaine for our organization and then just donate the plugin to the geeklog community and opensource it... But, of course - it's always much nicer to SAVE THE MONEY and go with a bunch of people on this.
- Marco
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 10:41am
By: Laugh
I am assuming everyone is fine with jmucchiello coding this project.
Once jmucchiello takes the project, the feature list should be locked (unless the developer agrees with an addition)
jmucchiello what is your schedule here? Have you started or are you waiting until the pledges are collected or until your schedule opens up. Also, what is your ROUGH estimate of a time line to getting something for testing, as example, 20 hours in 1 week or 20 hours spread over a month.
I am sure one of us can hold the money but I think Dirk would be the best choice (if he has the time) since he has the account etc.. in place and is dealing with other bounties. Plus he will have to check the coding to make sure it meets the geeklog coding standards before incorporating into the build (unless he is spinning off this plugin).
Maybe 3 of the people who have time and who have made some of the larger pledges (they have more at stake) would like to take control of the requested features list. When any 2 says all features have been implemented, are bug free, and Dirk OK's the code, then the bounty can be paid.
So lets vote:
Feature List Locked?
- Yes
Money Handler
- My vote is for Dirk (if he wants too) or ttOne.
Requested Features
- Maybe a few people who submitted $200 would like to take this up?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 11:03am
By: tt0ne
Features Locked:
Vote yes
Well, I would've wanted Dirk, too - but he declined - so I made the suggestion that we could do it through the non-profit organization I work for.
Feature List:
I vote Tex.
- Marco
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 11:24am
By: Dazzy
Features Locked:
Vote yes
Dirk, else Marco, we need a final decision made on this asap.
Feature List:
Tex also
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 11:39am
By: Anonymous (Tex)
I'm fine with this. I've been a little busy, so haven't followed the discuss too closely. But if I understand this, I'll be checking the features (preferably with at least another person who will agree with me) to see if all is well. Eager to take this responsibility.
I think the coder is a bit tied up and won't be able to get anything until the end of the year. I think he also said we need not sweat paying until he gets something. STILL, I think we should get some secure way to collect the money while the interest is high. It would be very nice to finally get this plugin up to snuff.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 12:22pm
By: tt0ne
If that is true - the end of the year - I say we put the money together as soon as possible so we can attract other potential developers.
If we put enough together, I bet you Blaine himself would write it. Or maybe Mark?
- Marco
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 12:23pm
By: tt0ne
Also, I think we need to here an official "yay or nay" from Dirk...
If he says "nay" - I'll transfer $200 immediately into our paypal system to get the ball rolling.
If he says "yay" - then I'll transfer $200 on behalf of immediately into whatever system Dirk has set up.
- Marco
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 04:09pm
How much money is involved? The original post is no longer updated since more people have agreed to pay in following posts.
We need a new summary post (with X will pay Y, A will pay B - overall it's Z), if anyone is willing to do one.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/26/07 08:53pm
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: tt0neIf not, we all realize that without the money sitting somewhere ready to be transferred - no one is going to implement this bounty.
Did you miss me saying I was starting to implement this stuff? I expect to start working on it in earnest around August and hope to finish by the end of the year but I make no promises about the end date.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/28/07 10:24am
By: Laugh
Ok, lets give everyone till Wednesday for a chance to Vote (I go on vacation this Friday). I'll tally up the votes and post the results. I'll help Text out with the requested features since I feel we need at least 2 doing this.
jmucchiello has taken up the bounty so that is set. The bounty has been talked about for awhile and there have been no other takers. Hopefully he can get things done as soon as his schedule allows (as he mentioned in previous post).
Quote by: LaughI am assuming everyone is fine with jmucchiello coding this project.
Once jmucchiello takes the project, the feature list should be locked (unless the developer agrees with an addition)
jmucchiello what is your schedule here? Have you started or are you waiting until the pledges are collected or until your schedule opens up. Also, what is your ROUGH estimate of a time line to getting something for testing, as example, 20 hours in 1 week or 20 hours spread over a month.
I am sure one of us can hold the money but I think Dirk would be the best choice (if he has the time) since he has the account etc.. in place and is dealing with other bounties. Plus he will have to check the coding to make sure it meets the geeklog coding standards before incorporating into the build (unless he is spinning off this plugin).
Maybe 3 of the people who have time and who have made some of the larger pledges (they have more at stake) would like to take control of the requested features list. When any 2 says all features have been implemented, are bug free, and Dirk OK's the code, then the bounty can be paid.
So lets vote:
Feature List Locked?
- Yes
Money Handler
- My vote is for Dirk (if he wants too) or ttOne.
Requested Features
- Maybe a few people who submitted $200 would like to take this up?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/28/07 12:05pm
By: Dazzy
I agree with Laugh, jmucchiello was the only one interested in this so bounty should go to him, which if I added up right is currently $920.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/28/07 12:57pm
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: Laughjmucchiello what is your schedule here? Have you started or are you waiting until the pledges are collected or until your schedule opens up. Also, what is your ROUGH estimate of a time line to getting something for testing, as example, 20 hours in 1 week or 20 hours spread over a month.
I actually can't say. I expect there to spurts of great activity and then droughts of nothing. Over the course of the whole thing it will probably average 10 hours a week. But there's nothing I can put a schedule to.
I've started mocking up the entry screen for recurring events but there's nothing there yet. I do plan to make the recurring period extensible so I can just code something like weekly. Get everything working around weekly events and then start adding in the weirder ones. This way, if someone has an event that's only on third wednesday of months whose names ends in 'y', they can just code the extension themselves.
Maybe 3 of the people who have time and who have made some of the larger pledges (they have more at stake) would like to take control of the requested features list. When any 2 says all features have been implemented, are bug free, and Dirk OK's the code, then the bounty can be paid.
That reminds me. I'm going to turn the feature list into a set of bullet points so I can arrange them in a better order. Currently there are three big chunks and that will make it hard to determine if it's finished or not. The purpose of the list is to not forget anything. Stuff like: mssql supprt (and hopefully we have someone around who can test that), mbyte support, etc. I'll go through the original posts and followups to come up with a hopefully complete list. This will give me a guide and a way to say I'm xx% done.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/28/07 02:26pm
By: ronack
I'm going to play devils advocate here, what happens if the resulting product doesn't live up to expectations? Who will own and support the product? Some have elected to put up more money than others, do their requested features take priority? Will there be an agreement between the writers of Geeklog and the writer/s of the Calendar Plugin? Will this be available to all or just to those who pay?
Just wondering,
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/28/07 03:18pm
By: tt0ne
Hey Guys,
Based on the schedule we've decided to look for an alternative. For some reason I was under the impression that development was picked up and being worked on. JM was kind enough to point me to his posts about how he was going to start working on it around the end of year... I feel stupid for somehow missing that.
So I want to withdraw my pledge on behalf of HSdotcom...
I do hope the whole "bounty" concept does take off and become more organized - I see huge potential. I think we need more leadership from the development team - but as we all know - they already are probably so taxed with work in other areas we should all be thankful.
- Marco
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/28/07 04:07pm
By: jmucchiello
Dude, I said I'm starting in August and hope to finish by the end of the year. But withdraw if you want.
ttone: Most of the big doners are in for all 3 features so I don't see how they can "take priority".
As for support, well, if the changes aren't folded into Geeklog core, I don't know. I'll support it like I support anything else on these boards. Look around, I post a lot.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/28/07 07:46pm
By: Laugh
All features listed in the 3 posts well make it into the final product.
We hope to incorporate it into the current geeklog calendar and it will use the same license agreement as Geeklog (therefore free to all). If Dirk decides agains't this (I don't see why he would) then it will be spun into a new plugin.
jmucchiello will be there to support it and I am sure others (like myself) can help out.
If the product doesn't live up to expectations? Well that is why we are currently voting to see who wants to take on the job of making sure that the Feature Requested makes it in and works properly. There first job would be to review jmucchiello new feature bullet list (when it is done) to make sure everything is in there and that jmucchiello understands exactly what we want. The best people for this job would be the people who pledged the most money. Tex has volunteered and I said I would help out with this if no one else steps in (I think it's best to have 2 or 3 people help with this). The bounty only gets paid once the feature requests are met (which is decided by these 2 or 3 people).
tt0ne are you moving on? jmucchiello has started but, it may take to the end of the year to add in all the features. If he has moved on, we need someone else to hold the money if DIrk will not do it, any takers?
Quote by: ronackI'm going to play devils advocate here, what happens if the resulting product doesn't live up to expectations? Who will own and support the product? Some have elected to put up more money than others, do their requested features take priority? Will there be an agreement between the writers of Geeklog and the writer/s of the Calendar Plugin? Will this be available to all or just to those who pay?
Just wondering,
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/29/07 09:38am
By: ronack
I know that sometimes a conflict arises when people get paid to develop specific software as to who owns it. When someone in a corporation develops something it belongs to the corporation. When an individual develops something it belongs to the individual. However when a freelance developer creates something for someone the lines get a little blurry. There needs to be a conscientious here.
I know developers who have spent many hours only to have their ideas or even the entire software stolen from them. My users have a piece of software that they use that was never paid for and has no support because the company elected to not pay the individual who developed it. The developer of the software works for the company but refuses to support it. I know another lady who had a company sign non disclosure agreements before letting them demo her software. They elected not to go with her software only to turn around a bring out their own which was exactly like hers only with their name on it.
Bottom line is, not all parties have good intentions when you start putting $$$$$ in the mix, things change. However in saying that I think the GL community for the most part are good folks. As long as this is written under the Open Source GNU GPL I think we're good. Which most Geeklog plugins are done under.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
As far as support goes, under the same GNU GPL it's the community that will support it along with the developer. Am I wrong?
Also the Calendar is no longer part of the core it's now a plugin which is the whole reason for this.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 12:57am
By: samstone
Sorry guys, I have to withdraw my pledge because I am confused with this Bounty mechanism. I hope Dirk or someone from the GL core team would join in and guide us through the process.
Thanks for your effort to bring the project so far!
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 01:39am
By: Anonymous (Tex)
Why withdraw? The coder was clear that we should sit tight until he had something to show. At that point things would get serious. In the meantime, we could develop a safe way to collect the funds so that all coders would know we are serious. Let's not get jittery when it is so unecessary.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 02:06am
By: jmucchiello
As far as support goes, under the same GNU GPL it's the community that will support it along with the developer. Am I wrong?
The calendar plugin is currently GPL so of course my changes would also be GPL. What's the issue here?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 02:26am
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: samstoneSorry guys, I have to withdraw my pledge because I am confused with this Bounty mechanism. I hope Dirk or someone from the GL core team would join in and guide us through the process.
Can you explain why someone in the GL core is needed to guide us? And could you explain why you are confused? In the history of Geeklog the core team has accepted and paid exactly one bounty and it didn't involve as many participants as this bounty. It's not like they have any more answers than the various posters here on this thread. While it would be nice for more people to be involved we can't force them to participate any more than we can force you not to withdraw.
At the moment there are a group of people who've pledged to pay someone to provide some features. When those features exist, hopefully those who've pledge will pay. The purpose of this thread is to collect those pledges in one place. You don't have to participate in that. Hold your money as long as you like.
The geeklog bounty "system" is still in its infancy. There is no bounty procedure yet. This is why there is a lack of direction. But we'll muddle through and eventually there will be a procedure. If you can't work with that, that is your decision.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 05:04am
I know it's way easier said than done, but maybe it's time Geeklog turned into an offcial non profit organization. That way it could have a merchant account for free (except giving some % from each donation to their gateway). Then the donators would just go to a secure page and give out their credit card numbers and get invoices in return. Hmm, yet if jmucchiello can't give them back invoices, it would be a problem (how can an organization officially pay a private person?).
Of course, seeing that Dirk isn't so active here lately, I don't see him taking such a big step.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 06:36am
By: Dazzy
I think the biggest problem at the moment is the confusion caused by the licensing issue raised which you have cleared up, Geeklog needs a calender as default weather it be in its current status or an improved status.
Maybe whats needed is a private area where the ones who have pledged, the core team and JM can discuss this in private and not have everyone throwing their two cents in and confusing matters further.
From what i see now pledges have went down by $400 just because it has become a little confusing, I too thought it was yesterday.
I presume you run a geeklog site JM, create a private forum and invite all those by pm's over that originally pledged this may help remove some of the confusion being caused by this thread.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 09:31am
By: jmucchiello
Well unfortunately $400 down puts the project below my $600 minimum to do the project. So unless folks recommit to the changes, all is lost. I'll leave it on my schedule for now but at the moment (and will come up with my project roadmap I promised earlier) but I won't actually be doing any coding until the bounty reaches my minimum again.
Well, that's not entirely true. I'll probably work on the stuff I wanted to do for myself. But that's not a big part of the bounty.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 10:11am
By: Laugh
Ackk, this ship is sinking fast!
ttone, samstone I hope you change your minds. Your not going to find anything better, that integrates as well into Geeklog and that will be supported, (unless you spend a lot more money).
Licensing Issues (GPL, same as before) and the timelines (start in Aug, hope completed by end of year) have been explained. What else do you have issues with?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 01:57pm
By: Anonymous (Tex)
I had hoped we could take your advice and just sit tight, but I suspected if we waited too long, some of us would get cold feet. I also suspect if they could see the calendar and know it will work, then they would pay. The interest seems high enough. Perhaps you might consider doing the work, presenting it on your website, and then let us do the bounty thing. You hold onto it until we come up with the minimum.
Guys -

I really don't see the problem here. Its not like anyone is being dishonest. The only reason we are even having an issue here is because we all wish to be aboveboard, fair, and not careless, and are trying hard to make this work. Why not be willing to hang in there and help us work it out? JM has gone so far as to be willing to do the coding without the money, trusting that we are going to pay. I think if he is going to do that, the least we can do is work out a way to contribute the money safely, to demonstrate that he will not be wasting his time.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 03:15pm
By: Dirk
It would be a pity if this wouldn't work out just because I was hesitant in my earlier comment on this topic. :shock:
To me, this looks like the perfect opportunity to spin off the plugin into a separate project. Looking at the feature list, there's no way this could have been accomplished under Geeklog's umbrella. And I certainly don't feel qualified to ensure that all those will be implemented as described - that's something the community, i.e. all you who contributed in this thread, can do much better.
So if the main problem here is to find someone to hold on to the money until the above-mentioned community gives a "thumbs up" and you're not finding anyone else, then I guess I could do that.
bye, Dirk
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 04:33pm
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: Texjmucchiello:
I had hoped we could take your advice and just sit tight, but I suspected if we waited too long, some of us would get cold feet. I also suspect if they could see the calendar and know it will work, then they would pay. The interest seems high enough. Perhaps you might consider doing the work, presenting it on your website, and then let us do the bounty thing. You hold onto it until we come up with the minimum.
I'm considering doing that. But I don't at that point want to sound like jerk because I'm holding the code hostage. Like the bounties themselves, it's an annoying catch-22.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 05:09pm
By: ronack
If I was better at PHP and MySQL I'd do it just for the fun of it. In fact I'm considered starting to work on it for myself. Of course I'd make it available to everyone but I fear what I would turn out would be rather crude.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 05:53pm
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: ronackI'd make it available to everyone
The goal was always to release the finished project to everybody. The point of the bounty is to give someone (in this case me) a reason to spend time programming it.
I have lots of other things I could be working on. The bounty just changes my immediate priorities. That's just me. If someone else wants to program it on their own, with or without the bounty, more power to them.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 07:33pm
By: machinari
why not do a ransom type plugin. Develop the plugin, then hold it for ransom. When your minimum is reached, then release the plugin. People would probably give up some cash quicker if they knew the code was already good to go.
It's the same thing really. You just don't have to listen to all this pledge back and forth stuff.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 08:11pm
By: ronack
Quote by: jmucchielloQuote by: ronackI'd make it available to everyone
The goal was always to release the finished project to everybody. The point of the bounty is to give someone (in this case me) a reason to spend time programming it.
I have lots of other things I could be working on. The bounty just changes my immediate priorities. That's just me. If someone else wants to program it on their own, with or without the bounty, more power to them.
Really I'd rather just put up some dough and have you do it. That way we get a quality product and you make a few bucks.
I don't think holding it up for ransom is the right idea.
Maybe in addition to the Bounty have a donation button. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't get residual $$$ out of it too. If you have a PayPal account you could install the PayPal plugin and accept donations.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/30/07 08:39pm
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: machinariwhy not do a ransom type plugin. Develop the plugin, then hold it for ransom. When your minimum is reached, then release the plugin. People would probably give up some cash quicker if they knew the code was already good to go.
It's the same thing really. You just don't have to listen to all this pledge back and forth stuff.
This too I've considered. If the current folks hold out and stick with their pledges I may do it this way. But in stages so (a) I don't have to do the whole project on spec, (b) It won't take 4 months, and (c) hopefully this would light a fire under the folks who bailed to re-pledge and I could do the whole thing without needing to ransom stuff.
Of course the big project: recurring events would not be the first part I did. I'm thinking about banging out categories. It's useful to most folks and should be the easiest of the three to do.
I wish a site like had a 3 stage process. Their setup is a) post the fundable thing, b) receive funds when minimum requirements met. I'd like a version with a) post the thing, b) escrow the money when minimum met, c) release funds when thing is complete. The 2-step process works great for ransoms where the missing 3rd step won't take too long.
Quote by: ronackReally I'd rather just put up some dough and have you do it. That way we get a quality product and you make a few bucks.
But that's what the bounty is. It just makes it so that more than just your cash is being put up.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/31/07 03:25am
By: samstone
I am sorry to hear that my withdrawal has cause the project to stop. It definitely makes me feel guilty. I will stay in so that the project will continue, but let me be honest here.
The main reason I bailed out is because I think, since this is an important and complex plugin, it should go to someone with better experience and track record. I thought once it becomes a legitimate Bounty project, the best coder will be selected from those who are interested. Based on Dirk's comment here, it doesn't seem to be organized that way.
You know it is easier to bail out than sound rude. JM definitely knows more php and mySQL than I do, but based on my experience with using his previous plugin and support, IMHO, I just don't think he has proven that he can give us a quality product. Plus, he wasn't quite sure of his time availability, having to consult his wife, etc. I am just concerned. Maybe after using the Media Gallery plugin and spoiled by Mark Evens' outstanding and generous support, some of us just have been boosted in taste. It's just my opinion.
Maybe this is an opportunity for JM to prove his skills. I hope he won't disappoint those enthusiastic supporter of him, particularly Laugh. I am sure ttone would come back and contribute to the project if it is proven to be well developed and supported. Mark Evens developed his fantastic plugin for free, but people like us never fail to make contribution back to thank his generosity. Those who sow generously will reap generously.
I hope JM won't be offended by my honest concern. At this point I fervently encourage you to use the project to shine your skills and be the hero for everyone that has been waiting for this plugin for a long time.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/31/07 11:42am
By: Anonymous (Tex)
Hmmm. Well. This adds a wrinkle to the project that I had not anticipated. While I do not think any of this was necessary, I do appreciate your honesty. If you lack confidence in the basic ability of someone, I don’t think I or anyone else can legitimately demand that you have confidence.
JM has already expressed a willingness to produce the plugin and only asked that we sit tight. He accepted the task, told us we do not have to front the money at this point, and given us an idea when we might expect something. We could have just sat tight and seen the code quality for ourselves. I think rather than openly question a coder’s ability, it would have been far more constructive to get at what really concerns us, namely, getting out of the commitment if we are not satisfied. That is what we were trying to set up, a way to give the coder comfort that we are all serious, and a way to give donors comfort that they will not get shafted.
Samstone, I have accepted responsibility to look at the code and features. I would not release the money if I thought the problems were so severe that our wishes would be left unfilled. I came up with the feature list in the first place. So obviously I want them. I have also expressed a desire to have several other people join me in evaluating the plugin, to make sure I am on the up and up. You could be one of these if you wish, and that might take care of your concerns. Or, perhaps we could set up an arrangement wherein we give our pledge to a trusted source (such as tt0ne), with the idea that if we think the code is inappropriate, we could get a refund. I don’t think any of these are unreasonable. My concern is that we are having a coder with a family committing to considerable time and effort without any evidence at all of our seriousness. That is unfair. To make projects like this more common, we need a way to make this happen so that it is very comfortable for everyone.
I think we should all relax. I want to encourage everyone to recommit to your pledges and this time hang in there. No one wants to take your money or leave you with bad code. Work with us to develop a way to make yourself comfortable. If we keep working this out here, in the end we will all pleased with ourselves for finally making a calendar that works as it should.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/31/07 01:22pm
Oh, come on, no one here will have the heart to let jmucchiello work for months and then tell him "sorry, buddy, it's not good enough, no money for you."
I mean, unless he ends up tricking everyone, no one will take his (yes, his) money away because the script works in 80% capacity and not in 100%.
I'm sure that's why samstone isn't willing to pay. He knows once he commits, it wouldn't be right to eventually not pay.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/31/07 02:53pm
By: ronack
Quote by: jmucchielloQuote by: machinariwhy not do a ransom type plugin. Develop the plugin, then hold it for ransom. When your minimum is reached, then release the plugin. People would probably give up some cash quicker if they knew the code was already good to go.
It's the same thing really. You just don't have to listen to all this pledge back and forth stuff.
This too I've considered. If the current folks hold out and stick with their pledges I may do it this way. But in stages so (a) I don't have to do the whole project on spec, (b) It won't take 4 months, and (c) hopefully this would light a fire under the folks who bailed to re-pledge and I could do the whole thing without needing to ransom stuff.
Of course the big project: recurring events would not be the first part I did. I'm thinking about banging out categories. It's useful to most folks and should be the easiest of the three to do.
I wish a site like had a 3 stage process. Their setup is a) post the fundable thing, b) receive funds when minimum requirements met. I'd like a version with a) post the thing, b) escrow the money when minimum met, c) release funds when thing is complete. The 2-step process works great for ransoms where the missing 3rd step won't take too long.
Quote by: ronackReally I'd rather just put up some dough and have you do it. That way we get a quality product and you make a few bucks.
But that's what the bounty is. It just makes it so that more than just your cash is being put up.
Oops! I didn't mean all of the dough but a contribution. Yes the Bounty, although I don't particulary like the word, is a good idea. We should really approach this like any other business endeavor.
What do you need to get started and what is your final $ amount (minimum for end product)? And when do you estimate having a working beta? How do you want to get paid, by Check, PayPal?
Reminds me of a saying - "Many hand make light work!", - get a lot of folks to pay a little bit is equal to or better than getting a few folks paying a lot. Hence the idea behind "Shareware".
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/31/07 09:29pm
By: samstone
Quote by: LWCOh, come on, no one here will have the heart to let jmucchiello work for months and then tell him "sorry, buddy, it's not good enough, no money for you."
I mean, unless he ends up tricking everyone, no one will take his (yes, his) money away because the script works in 80% capacity and not in 100%.
I'm sure that's why samstone isn't willing to pay. He knows once he commits, it wouldn't be right to eventually not pay.
I agree. We should respect the choice we make, the person we choose, and the labor he puts in. Once we commit, we should fully support JM's effort to the end, unless some really weird things happen. The opensource community is not a transactional deal, it is a transformational relationship.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/01/07 10:35am
By: Laugh
Ok, Dirk mentioned he would handle the money, ttone hasn't been around lately so I assume he is out and I am going on vacation next week for a couple weeks so I can't really commit too it.
It sounds like we have enough pledges again but, we need to get the money in order before continuing.
- Dirk, we need your paypal account info.
- All funds are in US dollars
- Lets say we will collect funds till the end of August, if not enough funds are received, the first week in Sept the funds will be returned to all people minus any paypal charges, if there are any.
- jmucchiello said his minimum is $600 for the current feature set, once reached he will rewrite the feature set into a more readable form which Tex, myself and someone else?? will go over. Once we agree that all features are there and jmucchiello understands how all pledgers would like to see the features work we will give jmucchiello the go ahead.
- The plugin will be released under the GPL, the same as geeklog.
- Possible timeline - jmucchiello suggested that he can start work in August and hopefully get everything in by the end of the year. Of course if the money isn't collected quickly, etc.. this can be pushed back.
- I don't see this happening but if things don't work out during the coding and testing of the features then it would take the majority vote of the people looking after the Features (Tex, Myself, and someone else?) to either, disband the bounty or look for another developer. This 3 or so people would be in charge of the bounty and would have the final say on everything. Of course they should listen to the rest of the people who pledged money. This process could also be done via a majority vote of all people who pledged money but I think if we get to many people involved in decision making it will take too long.
I think I covered everything, If you have any suggested changes please voice them now so we can discuss. Once Dirk gives us his paypal info and we have made a final decision on how decisions are to be made regarding the bounty I will submit my pledge.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/02/07 03:23am
By: Dirk
Quote by: LaughDirk, we need your paypal account info.
For the account name, please use the email address that you can find in pretty much every Geeklog file: dirk AT haun-online DOT de
Quote by: LaughLets say we will collect funds till the end of August, if not enough funds are received, the first week in Sept the funds will be returned to all people minus any paypal charges, if there are any.
If I'm reading PayPal's terms correctly, then a full refund, including any fees, can be given within 60 days of the payment.
Please add "Calendar plugin" and your username as the subject / reason so I can track the payments.
I'll post updates here.
bye, Dirk
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/02/07 05:38pm
By: jmucchiello
Here's my task list. There are a few outstanding issues here. I don't know if this is the right thread though to discuss them. Let me know if I've missed anything critical.
- Event RSVP
- Modify event edit/create screen with checkbox: "Allow members to RSVP for this event"
- Issue: What about recurring events? If the event is an 8-week class, you should RSVP for the whole 8 classes. But if the event is a monthly gathering of friends, you should RSVP each gathering separately. So the checkbox becomes a dropdown box: "No RSVPs", "Accept RSVPs on Master Event only", "Accept RSVPs on Individual Occurrences only", "Accept all RSVPs"
- DB change: event table: Add field AcceptRSVP
- New Table: event_rsvp (eid -> points to event, uid -> points to user table, response -> key of associative array)
- Modify event display with an RSVP field/area. If you have not indicated your RSVP status this box contains the dropdown "Will attend" or "Will not attend" and a submit button. Contents of dropdown is based on an associative array: Array(1 => "Will attend", 2 => 'Will not attend")
If you have already attended the dropdown will display your current indication (with text like "Your RSVP of "will attend" is already recorded") and the submit button becomes a modify button.
- Suggestion: What about attendees not signed up to your website? Can anonymous users RSVP? More important is if you want to know how many attendees there will be can people bring guests? Again a class event wouldn't have guests but a company picnic where your users are employees would need somewhere where you could say you, your wife and 3 kids will attend. After all, if 30 people RSVP the company picnic you don't know the true head count.
For that reason and because it doesn't take much effort I suggest something like the model: Include a "# of guests" field and a "remarks" field so people can leave comments.
This means we now have "Allow members to RSVP for this event", "Allow members to bring guests", "Allow remarks"
- Modify event view to show list of RSVPs and their attendance status. (Note: the original requirements for this was two section for will and won't attend but since the response list is expandable I think this cannot be "two" sections.
- Suggestion: Allow attendance lists to set to private (only the owner of the event sees them) or public (anyone can see who is attending).
- DB Changes for Suggestions: Event: AcceptRSVPs TINYINT(3), AllowGuests TINYINT(1), AllowRemarks; EVENT_RSVP: attendees SMALLINT(5) DEFAULT '1', remarks VARCHAR(255)
- Issue: Anonymous attendees? I'd say no but I'm sure someone will want it.
- Event Reminders
- Modify event edit/create screen with checkbox: "Allow members to be reminded of this event"
- Corresponding DB change: Add fields AllowReminders TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
- Issue: Again, recurring events means we need to differentiate when you would subscribe to the master event or individual occurances or both.
- New Table: event_subs (eid -> points to event, uid -> points to user table, send_date -> next time reminder will be sent)
- Modify event display with a Reminder field/area. Area will be a field of check boxes with various remind me tags: "Remind me two weeks before event", "Remind me one week before even". Users can check any or none of these reminders. List of reminders will be configurable as an associative array.
- Cron job and Geeklog scheduler job for sending reminders. Content of email will be template driven just like the GUI.
- Issue: Should the list of reminders be visible to the admin/owner? Should the admin be able to reset the existing reminders?
- Category Calendars
- Create a category create/edit screen. Categories have 4 fields: Name, Description, Is_enabled, Style, as well as full permissions
- Create a category list screen. admin/plugins/calendar/category.php?mode=list
- New Table: event_cats (cat_name, cat_descr, is_enabled, style, ownerid, groupid, permowner, permgroup, permmember, permanon)
- Modify event create/edit/submission screens to include category dropdown. Dropdown would include dummy category for no category called "Master Calendar".
- Modify all views with dropdown list of categories. By default category is master calendar and views show all events. If dropdown changes to a specific category only events in that category are shown.
- Style field is used to color code events on Master Calendar view. (When view is category specific, events use the default color.) I figure the full CSS style name is easier here rather than just color numbers for maximum flexibility.
- Suggestion: Use a dummy category: "personal" to switch to personal calendar. This way the dropdown box takes up the screen location of the "switch to personal view" text now.
- Recurring Events
- Modify create/edit screen with a recurring area. Area contains various fields to allow specification of recurrence.
- Modify event table: Add RecurringData field as VARCHAR(255). Contents of that field will be a set of tuples describing the various recurrence patterns.
- Explanation: the varchar will contain something like '(and: (weekly: M,W,F),(monthly: T2,TL))'
weekly: accepts list of days (M,T,W,H,F,S,U) Days can be followed by *2 or *3 to indicate every 2nd or 3rd that day.
monthly: accepts list of days where the day by itself means every week on that day. Day can be followed by 1,2,3,4,5 or L mean the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or last occurrence of that day in the month. Monthly can also take specific number 1-31 as well as L and L-1, L-2, etc.
yearly: accepts a list of dates in MON ## format (Jan 1, Dec 31) or WEEK ## D (week 16 M)
list: accepts a list of dates in YYYYMMDD format (20070801,20070809,20070820) Events only occur on specified dates
daily: accepts a number as it's list and the number is skip period so by default it is 1.
Other examples: (weekly: M,T,W,H,F) (weekly: S,U) (weekly: M*2: start=20070820) (monthly: F2,F4) (monthly: 1,15) (monthly: 15,L) (yearly: Jan 1) (yearly: Jan 1,Apr 1,Jul 1,Oct 1) (and: (weekly: M*2,W*2,F*2: start=20070820),(weekly: T*2,H*2: start=20070827))
Modifiers such as start= allow for stuff like every other Monday. The date after start tells you which Monday it first occurs so you can find every other Monday there after.
- Recurring field will be fully extensible through an API.
The code will have event_recurring_weekly and event_recurring_monthly style functions so to handle unusual recurring needs. Stuff like holidays based on lunar calendars (Easter, Passover, Ramadan). Implemented correctly, I can imagine someone making events selectable based on a non-western calendar.
Another example would be something like event_recurring_usholdiday which defines all the federal US holidays and allows you specify events based on those key words. They don't even have to be recurring at that point. (usholiday: thanksgiving)
The event_recurring_xxxx function will return various things depending on its inputs. One mode would be to return a partial HTML form (hopefully using a template) so users can create an event of that type. Another mode would be to parse the form data into the above tuple format. A 3rd mode would take the tuple and a date and return the next occurrence of that event. Other modes may be needed but those are the main 3.
- Types of recurrences handled out of the box: Annual, Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Business days, weekends, specified days of week, specified days of month, specified days of week of month. Combinations thereof.
- New Table: event_instance: This table contains a record for every instance of the event.
- Issue: Original spec specifies a "recurs indefinitely" checkbox. This does not work with having an instance table. Personally I don't see why someone can't just set the end date to 2020. What is the real lifetime of these web databases? Note though that I will not implement such a feature as it hinders the rest of the design.
- Other Tasks
- Modify plugin_install_calendar and plugin_uninstall_calendar
- Support MSSQL. Note, someone will have to help out with that as I don't have a MSSQL database to test with
- Personally, the personal_events table is redundant. It should be folded into the main events table to simplify queries and calendar construction. Likewise, making a personal_event_instance table to handle recurring personal events would be tedious to code.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/02/07 06:25pm
Issue: Should the list of reminders be visible to the admin/owner? Should the admin be able to reset the existing reminders?
If no one objects, I hope you'll even let admins
add reminders (that way, an admin could create fake users just to send reminders to people).
Also, will you have a snooze feature? Something like "here's your e-mail reminder. Click on this link to be reminded again in X time." If not, at least you provide a link to the edit the event.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/02/07 08:09pm
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: LWCIf no one objects, I hope you'll even let admins add reminders (that way, an admin could create fake users just to send reminders to people).
As a one-off reminder, I suppose that could be added as a bonus feature. I don't like buttons that let people spam their users.
Similarly, I wouldn't allow anyone not logged in to subscribe to a reminder. This is so your system cannot be used to spam someone.
Also, will you have a snooze feature? Something like "here's your e-mail reminder. Click on this link to be reminded again in X time." If not, at least you provide a link to the edit the event.
The reminder will be a standard template with a bunch of standard fields. You could easily construct a link to the edit event screen as worst case. Adding a snooze sounds simple and I could add it as a bonus feature. But unless it's a deal-breaker for you, let's leave it off the official requirements list.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/02/07 08:45pm
By: Laugh
jmucchiello, I did a quick skim of your points, looks good. I will do a more detailed review early next week when I have some time (and on vacation)!
Regarding Recurring Indefinite Events. The end date idea is the way to go. Maybe a config option in admin so if changed, all recurring events will get updated.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/03/07 04:13am
As a one-off reminder, I suppose that could be added as a bonus feature. I don't like buttons that let people spam their users.
What do you mean by "one-off"? When you say "people", do you mean admins (who can just mass mail)? It just means that I can send reminders without forcing people to register themselves.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/03/07 09:05am
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: LWCWhat do you mean by "one-off"? When you say "people", do you mean admins (who can just mass mail)?
I mean the
admin would be able to send, not a reminder, but a notice. The admin wouldn't choose for it to go out 1 week before or 3 days before the event, it would go when the admin clicked the button.
Such functionality is not in the original post and that's why if it gets done, it would be a bonus feature.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/03/07 11:02am
I wish you'd let the admin just subscribe users to reminders, just like the admin can sign them up for groups. Not everyone is a power user (or: sometimes people want reminders from you, but you can't tell them to do it themselves).
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/03/07 12:48pm
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: LWCI wish you'd let the admin just subscribe users to reminders, just like the admin can sign them up for groups. Not everyone is a power user (or: sometimes people want reminders from you, but you can't tell them to do it themselves).
Now look, I know everything is possible with coding but these two activities are not related. This is not me allowing or disallowing. This is me stopping feature creep. A line has to be drawn somewhere. This feature is a whole new screen: new form, new code path, and creating the list of users probably has a javascript component. Ask for it after I'm done.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/04/07 08:00pm
By: ronack
I think the plan is good. And just like all things Geeklog there will be enhancements and changes in the future.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/05/07 12:20am
By: jackknyc
I am interested in contributing to this effort. I can add $300.00 but I need to have someone explain the update to me. I want to know if I can use the same fields as I have in my calendar at and add recurring events as well?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/05/07 12:41am
By: jmucchiello
Go to the first page of this message. There are links in the first post to three other threads that detail what's being done. My post above is just a summary. Your site seems to be running the standard Geeklog calendar plugin so, yes, this will be an upgrade to your existing calendar once it is finished.
The short answer is a group of folks are putting up a bounty for several enhancements to the core Geeklog calendar plugin. Those enhancements include recurring events, RSVPs, reminders notices, and the ability to separate events into color coded categories. I am the programmer taking up the bounty. And I've given a soft commitment for an end-of-year date of completion.
Your additional contribution is much appreciated and will make scheduling my time (against my wife's moods) even easier.
Method of payment details are still be ironed out so just pay attention to this thread for more details.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/05/07 12:58am
By: Anonymous (jackknyc)
I understand that, I have been following calendar upgrade posts for a few years now. Nothing ever seems to come of them. I just want to say that I will gladly pay the $300.00 plus what ever I will need to pay to make sure the mods that I will need to allow visitors to add events to the calendar are included. I would be willing to put the funds in some sort of escrow account to be held until the work is finished.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/09/07 06:59pm
By: pwarnagi
I just wanted to reiterate that I'm in for two large and I just sent it to Dirk as he directed. Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with the thread as I was on vacation for two weeks, had a weeks worth of class and my wife just had a baby -- so I'm out again. I hope this project takes off. It sounds like it will. Thanks again. Paul 8)
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/13/07 01:08am
By: jmucchiello
I have a small test-site up. Send me a PM for the link. (Include your email address and I'll just add you to the site if I have the time.) I don't want too many people hitting it just yet. First run of RSVPs is ready.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/15/07 03:06pm
By: Dirk
Just wanted to mention that so far I have received 2 (two) payments for this bounty. Needless to say that the resulting amount is nowhere near Joe's asking price ...
bye, Dirk
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/17/07 01:53pm
By: jmucchiello
This is disappointing. Very few folks have asked to get into the test site, too. I realize August is like vacation month in Europe but I didn't think that would cause folks to go completely away. Haven't seen posts by several of the more vocal pledge makers in a while.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/17/07 03:36pm
By: Laugh
Well I'm back from vacation. Joe can you mail me the link.
Guy's lets get your donations to Dirk. If you have to back out (I hope not) just let us know so we are not waiting around for it. We need a couple more big pledgers to step up to the plate and donate.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/17/07 03:55pm
By: Dazzy
I just sent my pledge albeit its only small, and to conform my commitment to this I will double the pledge upon completion as sort of a bonus for JM
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/17/07 10:27pm
By: jcz
I'm back on the thread. Let me figure out how to get my donation to Dirk since I guess that's what we've decided.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/19/07 08:59am
By: ronack
I'm also back from vacation, I have a payment coming to me at the end of the month which I will be able to send most to Dirk for the Bounty.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/20/07 10:34am
By: Laugh
Quote by: jczI'm back on the thread. Let me figure out how to get my donation to Dirk since I guess that's what we've decided.
Send payment to Dirks account at PayPal
dirk AT haun-online DOT de
Dirk, can we have a total so far of pledges, including and pending ones that PayPal has notified you about?
Joe, I was thinking we should keep this thread for pledge info and use your forum on your site to track bugs and talking about features (like you have started to do).
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/20/07 12:27pm
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: LaughJoe, I was thinking we should keep this thread for pledge info and use your forum on your site to track bugs and talking about features (like you have started to do).
That was my plan. And I'm also going to use this thread to shout out to you guys to come visit the test site when there's new stuff to see. This works both to drive you guys to the test site and as a teaser to the rest of the readers.
For example, reminders will be going live soon so make sure you've signed up to receive them. Currently, I'm forcing them all to go to my email but soon I'll change the "To:" back to your user email addresses.
Also, new to most folks is the RSVP section no longer takes up so much screen real estate. The RSVP form and the list of attendees now share that same part of the screen with a link to switch between views.
Finally, if you haven't, go to the site and answer the polls. (Although, now I get the feeling all the poll answers will eventually be "make it a config option."

Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/20/07 01:40pm
By: Dirk
Quote by: LaughDirk, can we have a total so far of pledges, including and pending ones that PayPal has notified you about?
At the moment, I have 3 pledges (one not cleared yet) for a total of $270.
bye, Dirk
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/20/07 01:56pm
By: pwarnagi
Common people. Where are all the big money guys now? Everyone wants this thing yesterday -- and now that it's time to put up everyone is silent. Joe is working on the product currently and doing a fine job. Tex? Samstone? tt0ne? Tt0ne I know you want it sooner, but where are you going to get it sooner? I think it's time for all the people with all of the requirements to step up -- and bring your wallet. :helpme:
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/20/07 05:19pm
By: ronack
I'm not a big money guy after being unemployed for 3 1/2 years but I'll be receiving about $100 the end of Aug which will go to Dirk for this bounty.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/21/07 02:56pm
By: Chump
Added 100.00 US to the anti.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/27/07 10:23pm
By: Laugh
Hey guys it's nearing the end of the month now, I hope we have had a few more donations. Joe's got the test calendar site up and is working away at the feature list.
Dirk what's are total including pending transactions?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/28/07 01:31am
By: Anonymous (jackknyc)
I will send a deposit of $100.00 to Dirk tomorrow or wednesday. I will still send another $200.00 but I would like to wait until I see the calendar working.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/28/07 04:50pm
By: Dirk
Quote by: LaughDirk what's are total including pending transactions?
Including the one transaction that's still pending, we're now up to $420, provided by 5 people.
bye, Dirk
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/31/07 02:56am
By: jmucchiello
Disappointing but I won't panic for at least a few more weeks.
There's a new update on the test website. I hope the interested parties will go and look. You'll also get a sneak peak at my latest plugin: tags.
Tags allows users to add arbitrary tags to stories (and now events). The only important missing feature at the moment is search. Making a tag cloud was fun to code. The public beta should be tar'd up and ready to roll Friday or Saturday.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/31/07 06:25am
The tags sound nice! How do you choose them for stories? And if you choose, say, Geekloging, will it say "hey, there's already a tag called Geeklog, click here to stick to it instead of Geekloging"?
Maybe you should get Mark to use your plugin for Media Gallery's non clickable tags. Like maybe if Media Gallery sees your plugin is active, it will make its tags clickable by using your plugin.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/31/07 09:26am
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: LWCThe tags sound nice! How do you choose them for stories? And if you choose, say, Geekloging, will it say "hey, there's already a tag called Geeklog, click here to stick to it instead of Geekloging"?
It's just an entry field under the story. I will add an autocomplete feature once the core functionality works. But I figured I'd first get it out there so folks can use it.
Maybe you should get Mark to use your plugin for Media Gallery's non clickable tags. Like maybe if Media Gallery sees your plugin is active, it will make its tags clickable by using your plugin.
I'm sure Mark will see it and evaluate it himself. Adding new support types is easy as long as there is a call to PLG_templateSetVars in the right places.
Currently, there is no admin interface to the plugin. It just assumes anyone logged-in can enter tags to any supported object. Unfortunately, only stories call PLG_templateSetVars in unmodified Geeklog. I'll work on common patches for various other plugins as I get time (and requests). Yours is request 1 for a mediagallery patch.

Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/31/07 11:35am
It's just an entry field under the story
I didn't know plugins can go that deeply in the system (without hacking), nice. I assume it's really under the story and not in the FCKeditor menu?
I will add an autocomplete feature once the core functionality works
Autocomplete would be great. I hope it would be like in IMDb. That is, a list of similar tags. Then, if you're sure it's none of them, you can suggest a new tag. That way the admin can maintain a chosen list of tags instead of having endless tags, which is something I don't like about web 2.0. Even IMDb, that has a closed list instead of endless tags, has lots of variations of the same thing. So you can never be sure you get all of the relevant movies when you click a certain tag.
I'm sure Mark will see it and evaluate it himself.
It would be great if Mark cooperated with you. Then he could focus on the media stuff instead of on tags.
Are you sure you don't want to open up a little business so I could pay you and delcare it a business expence, which is what it is?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/31/07 12:48pm
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: LWCIt's just an entry field under the story
I didn't know plugins can go that deeply in the system (without hacking), nice.
PLG_templateSetVars. Unfortunately, it's only supported by stories (and when I'm done with it, events.) Of course, tag would probably look weird next to links and polls though. Staticpages could support it if the staticpage calls the function itself.
Autocomplete would be great. I hope it would be like in IMDb. That is, a list of similar tags. Then, if you're sure it's none of them, you can suggest a new tag. That way the admin can maintain a chosen list of tags instead of having endless tags, which is something I don't like about web 2.0. Even IMDb, that has a closed list instead of endless tags, has lots of variations of the same thing.
Sorry, I went with the model and open tags. I'm sure it could be enhanced to handle closed tags once the autocomplete part is done. But that's not my interest at the momemt.
I do plan to add an admin section where you could tell the system different tags are the "same". So if you have google and googling in your tag tables you could force the system to treat both as "google" for look up (and cloud size) purposes.
It would be great if Mark cooperated with you. Then he could focus on the media stuff instead of on tags.
All he (or anyone) needs to do is add the PLG_ call to his code before he parses his templates, add a {tags} entry to the relevant template files, and make sure there is a $template->set_var call containing the unique identifier of the object. Then it just takes a few Config entries in my plugin and its all hooked up.
Are you sure you don't want to open up a little business so I could pay you and delcare it a business expence, which is what it is?
What do you need from me to show I'm a "business"? I usually mark income like this on my taxes as "consulting".
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/31/07 02:12pm
I assume it's really under the story and not in the FCKeditor menu?
Iif you have google and googling in your tag tables you could force the system to treat both as "google"
It would be more efficient if instead of doing it each and every time, it would just change once every story that has "googling" to "google".
What do you need from me to show I'm a "business"? I usually mark income like this on my taxes as "consulting"
When you enter a store and want to prove you bought there (since it's for your business), what is the only thing you care about? Legitimate business invoices. Everything else is not my business (no pun intended). I need to prove I paid X by having an invoice from your business that declares X was paid to your business by my business.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/31/07 02:21pm
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: LWCI assume it's really under the story and not in the FCKeditor menu?
Tags are entered by the rabble, not the story writers/editors (although they can participate as rabble I suppose). Slashdot is controlled chaos. Problem with putting it into the editor is there is no sid until the story is saved so I have nowhere to store them such as between previews.
It would be more efficient if instead of doing it each and every time, it would just change once every story that has "googling" to "google".
Perhaps. It's a future feature so I'm sure there will be others who would want the aggregate 'google' and the subaggregates 'google' and 'googling' to show up in their tag clouds. Answering your question before I was still considering all sides.
When you enter a store and want to prove you bought there (since it's for your business), what is the only thing you care about? Legitimate business invoices. Everything else is not my business (no pun intended). I need to prove I paid X by having an invoice from your business that declares X was paid to your business by my business.[/p]
Office stores sell invoice blanks. And wouldn't a paypal email receipt be worth just as much printed out as one of those invoice blanks?
I will be talking to my accountant about it next week. The calendar gig is potentially a lot more income than my "consulting" fees of the past.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/31/07 06:26pm
Tags are entered by the rabble
What's a "rabble"?
there is no sid until the story is saved so I have nowhere to store them such as between previews.
That's also true for the story's title, introtext, bodytext, featured or not, and everything else a story has. They're just passed around as $_POST paramters.
And wouldn't a paypal email receipt be worth just as much
Of course office stores can't and have no legal right to check who they sell to. Therefore your signature is the difference maker. Only a business has the legal right to sign those blank invoices.
Can you fake a business signature? In general, you can fake anything. But at least where I live I can check your business in a governmental site (or just count on you to show me a printed governmental license). Internationally it's another story, because I don't know how to check you in your country. So internationally it's just a matter of trust. If you do fool me and my IRS one day tells me they're on to you, they will no longer accept my payments to you as business expences and I'll have to pay taxes for my payments to you (read: it won't screw you directly, but indirectly I'll no longer pay you in the future).
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 08/31/07 07:17pm
By: jmucchiello
Quote by: LWCWhat's a "rabble"?
The great unwashed? Your users. Have you seen slashdot?
That's also true for the story's title, introtext, bodytext, featured or not, and everything else a story has. They're just passed around as $_POST paramters.
Yeah, but there's a big difference between writing something that understands 2 parameters (id and type) versus something that understands all the ins and outs of story edit/save/preview/submission etc. That's why the story has to be saved before there can be tags.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 09/02/07 02:50pm
By: samstone
Now, I am back from the summer.
Just added $200 to Dirk's Paypal account.
Hope it went through.
Thanks for all your cooperation!
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 09/07/07 04:12pm
By: Dirk
We're up to $720 now.
bye, Dirk
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 09/27/07 04:00pm
By: ishmot
Has this happened yet? If this Calendar Mod/Update allows for email reminders & Recurring events I'll chip in $20.00!
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 09/27/07 04:51pm
By: pwarnagi
It's not ready now. It will be done by the end of the year. Right now its in the process of being developed. You can help by donating through PayPal at the information below.
For the account name, please use the email address that you can find in pretty much every Geeklog file: dirk AT haun-online DOT de
Please add "Calendar plugin" and your username as the subject / reason so I can track the payments.
I'll post updates here.
bye, Dirk
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 09/27/07 05:00pm
By: ishmot
Done! Thanks! Can't wait to see it finished.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 12/18/07 05:38pm
By: ronack
It's getting close to the end of the year and I was just wondering how it's going on this???
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 12/18/07 08:37pm
By: Laugh
See jmucchiello forum post here:
You could also pm him for information on the test site.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 12/19/07 12:20am
By: jmucchiello
Yeah, my wife broke her elbow and that put some serious limitations on my freetime for about a month and a half. She's nearly done with physical therapy, now. So things have returned to normal around here.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/07/08 02:00pm
By: Dirk
One person has asked for their money back. Down to $690 now.
bye, Dirk
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 07/07/08 05:19pm
By: jmucchiello
I understand.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 09/11/08 03:52pm
By: Dirk
Another person asked for their money back. Down to $490 now.
bye, Dirk
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 09/11/08 06:31pm
By: jmucchiello
Unfortunate. But not unexpected. I hope to put something out shortly after 1.5.1 is final. It won't have recurring events but all the other features are hopefully still working. Some of the required features have been working for over a year. It's my own fault for not going with a frequent release methodology.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 09/20/08 12:10pm
By: Dirk
Two more people have asked for their money back. One has already received it and I'm waiting to hear back from the other person.
Current sum: $390, probably going down to $215 soon.
bye, Dirk
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 09/20/08 12:43pm
By: jmucchiello
Dirk, send me a list of who's still in or post it here.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 09/25/08 11:26pm
By: jmucchiello
Can folks with access to the test website login there and read the update? (If you don't have access please don't ask for access yet. This is for a limited audience first.)
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 10/01/08 02:19pm
By: Dirk
Officially down $215 now.
bye, Dirk
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 10/21/08 09:37pm
By: jmucchiello
Okay, I'm opening up testing a little. Website is cal dot throwingdice dot com. It requires that you login and I'm screening submissions. I won't be validating every account I receive. If you download the tarball, please only install it on test systems until I do I general release. Recurring events is not in this tarball. I don't know when or if I'll ever do them but I want to get the rest of the working code out while it is currently stable and still less than a whole year late.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 01/09/09 03:56am
By: Anonymous (David)
Any results from this?
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 01/09/09 10:06am
By: jmucchiello
Actually, I'm posting a tarball to tonight after work. So it should be available sometime tomorrow. I'll be starting a new thread with some release notes when I get the chance tonight.
Re: Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Pledges
Posted on: 01/10/09 12:24am
By: jmucchiello